Eh the tuning on delves is okay for 2player. maybe overtuned for 3player

I think you missed the point of my post then. Like did you even read past what you initially quoted from me?

Because it’s seasonal. You’re slowed down in M+.

The problems we’re seeing here aren’t from people like me. They’re from people like YOU who are raging is either under or over tuned at max levels.

The rest of us are fine.

Not so sure about the tuning being fine, just tried to to run a t8 with another person and everything was hitting way harder than it was a few days ago. we don’t have low ilvl either :confused:

They should tune it for solo play. It was meant as content for solo players. Matter of fact they should just eliminate grouping for delves and tune it all for solo.

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I didn’t miss the point; you want people to slow down and stretch it out over the season. That is pretty clear. You want to slow down the gearing so that it takes everyone longer to get through the content instead of some folks completing the content in the first week. If you have some other point than that, you’re the only one who knows what it is. My argument is that your SKILL should be what determines your pacing. Not locking gear behind lower drops, or low levels, or limited runs per week, etc. What does it matter to you if me and someone else completes it this week and then never does it again? It shouldn’t have any impact on you at all because we have never (and most likely will never) come into contact with one another in the game. It’s not like your seasonal journey ends the moment I complete mine.

I am not, though? The only thing that “slows” me in M+ is my own skill/capability of doing the content (well, arguably and the other people that make up the group since I’m not the only player present), but all of the content is there and can be done at any frequency/rate of completion that I am capable of completing. If I achieve KSH by week two of release, I’m done. It didn’t take me all season. Hell, I hit KSM within the first 8 days of every season of DF, except S1 because I had a new baby and was working a different job and didn’t get to play much.

So, no, M+ doesn’t slow me down “because it’s seasonal” or anything. I can go at my own pace and get gear at my own pace, which is exactly what Delves should be like. There shouldn’t be any locks to it. Already the key system is dumb. They should just get rid of the rotational crap and the keys in Delves and just make it a chance to drop loot like M+ does. Right now, it’s obnoxiously slow. My Bran is capp’d and who knows when he’ll get uncapped. Far as I can tell the seasonal bar only moves when doing bountiful delves, which is obnoxious, because I’m limited to 4 per day (well, thankfully, I have multiple toons, but still).

I never said they were undertuned nor will I claim any likeliness to the folks who have been and the only time I’ve complained about overtuned was the crazy borked tuning they did yesterday that effectively shut me out from being able to help my friends through theirs, because all the sudden everything had waaay more HP and hit for waaay more.

I thought they were just fine as it was (albeit boring to do solo). So don’t lump me in with all the other forum people picking up their pitchforks and running amuck.

My only complaint is being told “You can only do X amount this week.” That is obnoxious and the other games I play that have seasons don’t force you to move that some pace they determine. Hell, even Diablo 4 just throws it at you and says “Have at it.”

This is literally verbatim, word for word, what Blizzard stated: “Delves are quick adventures for one to five players as a solo experience, with friends, or even as a dungeon group.” Check out their announcement of Delves in the blue post they did, you’ll see that exact sentence. It was meant for everyone. It was also meant to allow solo players to have an end-game level of content they can approach; it was not meant to be done exclusively solo or else they would have announced it as solo only content.


Did you honestly start with +20 keys? You didn’t work your way up through gear to get there? Not at all? Just walked into +20 and roflstomped it?


This isn’t about you. Maybe comprehend that.

I never said I did, lol. I said I’ve completed one (now a +10) in the first week of a season before. I did keys along the way, at my own pace, lol. Just like I went through Delves at my own pace. I don’t understand why you have a hard time comprehending that. Clearly this conversation isn’t going anywhere, so I’m done bothering after this post.

You literally just said:

I was merely stating I am not part of that lump of people you are putting me in. But you advocating for slow paced content that drags out over months does affect me if Blizzard winds up listening to you.

Whatever, though, Sendryn. You do you, babycakes.

This isn’t about you. Maybe comprehend that.

like the pot calling the kettle black

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Even when solo you have to use CC and pull packs slowly, why should it be any different in a group? Don’t play like an ape and you’ll be ok :wink:


I think you completely missed the fact that 90% of the playerbase doesn’t touch Mythic+ or Raid beyond LFR.

Yet they can literally get Heroic track gear in their cmvaukt every week by doing Delves… the average schmoe who never went beyond LFR gear can now easily get Heroic gear.

I think your post was very poorly thought out.

what does that have with delves though?

i’m gonna need sources for that one :wink:

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Im going to need your sources where you think everyone plays Mythic+ and will ignore Delves for only having mere Heroic raid gear in their vault…

And lets see who is closer to the truth… :thinking:

Thus why I’m saying there needs to be a better pace.

It’s not about me either.

m+ has vault gear.

You can complain that it takes too long because you need to wait for vault.

Players are horrible at the game, and want to instantly do everything.

What m+ doesn’t have is a sign post saying “please be 620.”