Eh the tuning on delves is okay for 2player. maybe overtuned for 3player

Ok nvm tuning on delves with 2ppl seems fine.

Reran the one that was annoying this morning and realized the death we had this morning was avoidable.

Getting hit for 5mil dmg hits or 1.2 mil per second from bosses with 3 players is a bit much but next week we will have higher ilv gear. At 590 ilv i was able to heal thru the 1.2mil aoe but had to cycle cooldowns or healthpot and i would fully expect a more casual player to die every time against the swarm boss with 3 players.

Mobs like tala seemed overtuned with 2 ppl.

I would make them bigger with more mobs and more power choices like torghast. i liked torghast.

idk how this is supposed to fit in the game long term tho. Can earn gear equivalent to mplus later on? or is 616 the highest delves will ever give?


I dont know if their intention is to draw out delves and slow everyone down, Im not sure they are going to make meaningufl fixes.

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It’s seasonal content. Tiers 1-3 are story mode. Tier 4 is where it introduces a bit of a challenge. Tiers 5-8 are the challenge tiers.

This was meant to take at a slower pace, chill in the lower tiers, level Brann and slowly work our way up through the entire season, since 8 is our gear cap.

But… people want to devour content in a day and Blizz did not do a good job with finding a way to keep people from doing that. I don’t know what a good way is, either. Because people raged that Brann was capped and raged that tiers were locked. So time gating ticks people off. But what other way is there to do it?

I think they assumed it’d be like M+, but it’s not working out that way. Maybe keys need to work like M+. Maybe Brann needs to be certain levels to unlock certain tiers, as well. I don’t know.


Yea I don’t think I should have 8s on farm on the day of release lol. I literally ran one delve from a 3 up to an 8 then started my bountifuls.

It didnt take too much effort, even being 580.


Might as well delete LFR.

Delete delves besides 11.

Like, no one does easy content anyway.

Delete all m+ difficulties except the new m+22.

Oh, and only one raid boss, mythic Ansurek.

it is pretty bad but i dont think delves will last for anyone anyways.

right now they feel good for the bountiful 600-610 gear but soon that will be outpaced by any mythic+ enjoyer.
soon left to rot with nobody enjoying it.

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Was looking forward to Delves. I don’t have much confidence in the tuning mentioned for today. Already cancelled my account and stated it was due to Delves.

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Blizzard needs to lean into making leveling and world content more challenging and fun instead of trying to make M+ lite.

As long as the game is geared towards fomo M+ rushers and world first raiders that just view leveling and world content as a chore they have to do, the game is going to suck.

Delves isn’t gonna fix the problem of casuals unsubbing after they finish LFR

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Leveling and world content CAN’T be challenging because the same people will endlessly complain how everything is too hard.

And how their ilvl 20 level 70 earthen dies to everything.

It’s meant for open world and casual players who don’t really run M+.

So basically… me, since they deleted my key bracket last season.


mythic 0s this time around aren’t hard though?

seriously im rofling all over my floor.
first, no touchy my delve.
second, broken hard is my favorite style of delve.
third, any mil hit is good for me, as long as i’m not taking damage, oops you are?
fourth, ah, yeah, thats what we’re asking for

I’d bet anything that delves will be much more difficult after their “top priority fix” and will never be as easy as they were pre hotfix again, at least until the end of the expansion when everyone out gears them by a lot.

I expected that to take me all season to be honest. Haven’t even been able to get past a Tier 5 yet. After whatever they did Wednesday and Yesterday, I can’t even do a Tier 5 without being killed by trash.

it’s why they’re not rolling back the hotfix, the scaling change to increase HP was put there to increase combat time, they called it out specifically in the original hotfix.
so they’re keeping some aspect of that because these must take longer for the metrics and fixing around that component.

We’ll be able to do it by the time we hit near end of season— which is how it’s supposed to be, imo.

They just need to find a better way to spread this out for a full season. I think they need to start with keys that are M+ style.

They need to make delves SOLO ONLY so we don’t have to see any more threads of group players crying about how they can’t steamroll content half afk anymore.

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Then that completely goes against what they said Delves were in the first place: quick bite-sized pieces of content we aren’t spending as much time in.


You can do +2s to +4s. If you spent less time on these forums, you might be able to improve

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