EDIT: I guess that bolvar picture was legit


This was just brought to my attention, and the blue eyes just do not look right at all. In my bones it feels like it has to be a fake, but I do not know where the HD assets would of come from to produce it. Anyone have any ideas?

…SO it turns out it was a legit leak.


It looks like Arthas’s head from a cinematic on Bolvar’s body - Bolvar’s supposed to have red eyes.


But that wouldn’t explain the hammer or the body, which is pretty detailed. The rest could definitely have been pulled from Arthas, and the background could just be stolen art, but those elements stand out.


The hammer reminds me of something from Diablo moreso than from WoW, though I couldn’t tell you if it is actually from that.

I’ll say this, I do enjoy potential leaks with actual images, regardless if they are fake or not. Like that one with the ghosts in SW harbour. There’s more to look at than just a laundry list of things.

https:// i.imgur. com/8Piyglk.jpg (two spaces to delete, why did Blizz take away my image posting right?)

Well it does look a little different from the Wrath cinematic look

That said, I’m not convinced. Apparently it comes from Discord. I’m not saying Discord isn’t reliable source… no actually I am saying that.


I’d certainly have to say if it is fake the work they put into it is incredible, getting the reflections and light angle all to match. If the eyes had been the right color I would have no issues thinking it might be legit.


Does he have Reinhardt’s hammer?


It’s def photoshopped.

I just don’t understand why someone would put so much obvious effort into a fake and then leave the helm color blue.


Blue color could be reference of control. Like, Ner’zhul or Arthas is taking slow command over Bolvar’s body. I think that’s what the art is implying, at least.


Maybe I’m just crazy, but the left shoulderpad looks kinda like artwork to me. It’s a bit hidden cause of shading, but it looks more painted than the rest of the image.

Arthas’ soul is being tormented in the shadowlands like Sylvanas’ aught to be. The soul of Ner’zhul got smashed into little more than a cry of despair… So I dunno.

I guess they might glow blue if he acts to mobilize the scourge instead of repress it, but even that seems dubious.

Yeah, I think it’s fake, but it would be easy to change the color of the eyes if they already went to this amount of work. Probably didn’t know what color they were.


Because that kind of mistake or hamfisted reference to Arthas would be in character for Blizzard.

There are signs of copy and pasting and the diagonal lines go through the image, so it’s definitely fake regardless.


It seems like people excrete :poop: and label it a leak these days. Perhaps because it gets discussed and mentioned.

Im not much into leaks either way. They are either wrong or right. True or false.

If they are false - merely hyped guesses - what ever.

If they are true - that kind of sucks that someone leaks info.

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The blue eyes kind of give it away


Does anyone else think of Sauron when seeing Bolvar here?

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In other words it’s Blizzlike. They usually like to screw up in such ways.


Someone’s claiming that it’s fake as artifacts from image compression aren’t uniform across the picture, indicating the image has been manipulated.


I think it is a pretty good picture. It doesn’t look quite right for a real leak. Personally, I think the person who did it should have just called it fan art. It would be pretty good for that.


Hate to bump this, but there’s now confirmation of Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV, via ESPN(??) and a former Blizzard artist. Does anyone remember if Shadowlands was mentioned in the September or October leak batch that brought those up?


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