Person who made fake would probably know about bolvars eyes color
Hosted on Saddle up.
As someone else said: [REDACTED]
Uh, I mean, this is nuts.
Now I want to know why his eyes are blue.
Is it Blizzcon yet?
Oh and, I hope this goes without saying but… WATCH YOUR TITLES WHEN POSTING ABOUT THIS UNTIL BLIZZCON
Wrath of the Bolvar confirmed?
Maybe blue eyes signifies the Ner’zhul portion outweighs the Bolvar now?
Could be. Arthas wasn’t exactly subtle in Legion when he told the DKs they were being used, so maybe Ner’zhul “surviving” the Frost artifact thing was actually supposed to mean something.
I like the idea of anti villain Bolvar.
I hope it’s just Bolvar drawing in more of the Lich King’s power and not him being subsumed by it.
Time to join my lady and at her side we’ll destroy the foul leader of the scourge!
Is she going to power slide into the Lich King again?
I hope she take his throne of bones and ice and use her dark Magic to dominate all undead including the traitors forsaken!
If the art is true now, I wonder if the rest that was said is true, about him fighting sylvanas in the cinematic
Well this is… bothersome.
Ok an alternate theory here is his eyes glow blue when he is mobilizing the scourge and embracing the full power of the helm instead of struggling at repressing it.
The most recent statement, according to WoWpedia, is from Sean Copeland in 2014 confirming the destruction of Ner’zhul’s spirit.
Q. Okay, my friend and I are at each other’s throats over this. Is Ner’zhul’s spirit destroyed canonically or not?
A. So it seems per the Arthas novel (p. 307).
It’s possible they retcon this, as there has not been consistency on his status, but it’s the most recent statement.
My speculation is that the echos inside the Blades of the Fallen Prince were not truly them. They were just remnants left behind after being consumed by the void. We know at least Arthas was in a tortuous void that Sylvanas found herself in from Edge of Night. Could be that Ner’zhul was sent there as well.
EDIT: WoWpedia not WoWhead.
Bolvar is not a lady…
Did you just assume his gender? Sorry I’ll be good.
Chronicle Vol. 3 says that Ner’zhul was reduced to a wailing wreck inside Arthas’s mind after his second clash with Arthas(first attempt presumably being the scene at the end of the Arthas Novel).
Ner’zhul has had ample time to recover I dare say. Lich King Arthas talks to us as well during Legion and seems separate from Arthas’s Human Soul which is a child according to Edge of Night.
Lich King Arthas no longer has Arthas’s Soul to hold him back and neither does Ner’zhul.
Well, it seems like, for the first time a leak is legit.
usually i would feel so much hype… but for now is like… “meh”…
lets see what is this about in blizzcon.
It’s interesting how Bolvar is wearing Ner’zhul’s armor. No one has been paying attention to Ner’zhul’s armor as Arthas was wearing his own Death Knight armor as Lich King.
The Lich King is going to be so much more powerful as a result of wearing the entire Lich King regalia.