ED Character Profiles 2019

Name: Nahkona Bloodtotem
Title: Stormcaller (or farseer)
Occupation: Farseer
Affiliation: Bloodtotem tribe, Redwood tribe, Highmountain tribe
Alignment: usually neutral but has teetered back and forth in his days. Now he mostly looks out for himself.

BRIEF Description: one of the few Bloodtotem who didn’t drink the felblood and managed to take refuge in Thunder Totem. He’s very aggressive for a Tauren because the tribe raised brutal, aggressive warriors and weakness was frowned upon. He has a fascination for electricity because of the power it holds. Also not very fond of goblins, he believes their greed has damaged the earth mother in many ways. The only thing he is close to is his pet owl he rescued on his travels.




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Relgulnar Doombringer
Grunt of Soulshatter Clan
Thrall’s Horde, Soulshatter Clan
Chaotic Good

Relgulnar is the polar opposite of his brother, he fights and believes in honor. He believes he can redeem his Clan for their terrible deeds and preserve what honor remains. Though he may have a code of honor, he is never one to back down from a fight, in fact he embraces it. The battlefield is his true home, and if his death was to benefit the horde or clan for the better then he would gladly die for them.


Shamzakel the Manslayer
title: Blademaster
occupation: Mentor
Affliliation: Blademasters of Durotar
Alignment: Neutral

After the destruction of the legion, Shamzakel felt he had no place in the world of azeroth for he is a weapon to be used. After meeting with Lantresor of the Blade and seeing his differences made him an outcast with his people yet still became strong enough to become a leader of orges. That day Shamzakel wanted to become a blademaster. Learned to honor ones blades, honor ones ancestors, and honoring one’s opponent.


Name: Låylyn LaFae
Title(s): High Priestess
Occupation: Horde Hospital and Medical Insurance Network Associate; Guild Diplomat
Specialization: Discipline Priest
Professions: Alchemist; Cook; Herbalist
Affiliation: HAUNT INC
Alignment: Lawful Good when in Holy Specialization / Lawful Neutral when in Discipline Specialization / Lawful Evil when in Shadow Specialization
Theme Song:

Brief Description:
Lordaeron fell. The corrupted Arthas Menethil was at our gate. The supposedly invulnerable magical defenses collapsed.

The Scourge wiped out most of my people. The Scourge scarred most of my homeland. The Scourge destroyed the Sunwell.

In one horrific moment, my people lost the Light of the Sunwell. We lost the warmth and protection we depended on.

As a priest, the loss was even more personal. For me, ever since I was a child, the Sunwell felt like a direct manifestation of the Light itself. For me, it was no less Holy in nature than the Elune touched sacred Moonwells of my Night Elf cousins.

Yet despite our faith, in that moment, the Sunwell was corrupted. Darkness fell us all, both physically and mentally.

I was not alone in this point of view. I know that Lady Liadrin went through a similar crisis of connection and faith. There were many others as well.

Hope was lost. My people almost went extinct.

In the end, there was a choice to survive or die. The Blood Elves chose to fight back.

We joined the Horde. We followed to Outland and helped win the Burning Crusade. We reignited the Sunwell, as both as a source of the Arcane and the Light.

With the new Sunwell ignited, we avenged the original. We traveled to Northend and helped defeat the Lich King.

The adventures did not end there. We stopped the Cataclysm. We discovered new lands.

We saved an alternate timeline Draenor. Finally, we helped defeat the Legion, and saved countless worlds. You would have thought all this Titanic effort would have brought peace, but it never really did.

If I am honest, you never forget being a child of the Sunwell and watching it fall. You learn that as good as the light is, like any magic, it will not always save you. Ninety percent of my people had died to the Scourge from that kind of misguided faith.

If I am honest, there is a paradox in fearing the darkness and thinking it is only bad. For there are times that these dark powers have actually been used to save our world. My people only managed to survive by embracing some of that darkness.

Philosophers and Priests can tell you that the universe we touch is a made up of a light side and a dark side. Though they might disagree on the how, they all agree these forces help bind the universe together. As a Discipline Priest, most of my life these days is trying to balance these two sides of the same coin.

This striving for balance has had good things. This striving for balance has also unlocked untold nightmares.

While attempting to destroy the Legion, I unknowingly held the old god Xal’atath within my hand, as the underestimated intelligence behind the Blade of the Black Empire. Being drawn into the vast undertow of her manipulative whispers, I have been cursed to know many of the horrors in the great dark cosmic void.

I have struggled. I continue to do so. I pray I have kept my sanity.

However, I have touched that great darkness. Because of this, I know the other great cosmic horror that lies beneath the waves, struggling to free itself.

One cannot unsee what I have seen. One cannot know the dangers to our world and not strive to face them.

One day soon, hope will be lost. One day soon, the people of this world will be in danger of extinction.

In the end, there will be a choice for the people of this world to survive or die. Once again, my people will chose to fight back…


By the power of RP I bump this thread!


That is a great introduction to your character. I loved it.


Name: Franzis Benedikt
Title: Prime Governor
Occupation: Apothecary & Cleric
Affiliations: The Royal Apothecary Society, The Argent Crusade, The Horde, Redwood Tribe & The Desolate Conclave
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Franzis Benedikt is a male undead human somewhere in his 30s known for his skills as a healer.

Benedikt learned Orcish in life while reluctantly working as a healer in Durnholde Keep following the Second War. He never quite mastered the tongue and even in undeath still speaks it with a notable Alteraci accent.

The history of Benedikt’s unlife is checkered and mysterious. No formal documentation of early involvement with the Forsaken exists, however an Apothecary and Void Priest of a similar description working with the Defilers was marked as MIA in Arathai. Some months later though Benedikt appeared in the Plaguelands working as a Cleric with the Argent Dawn.

Benedikt’s service with the Argent Dawn continued throughout the Crusade against the Lich King. Benedikt served in both Zul’Drak and Icecrown during the war where he eventually achieved the rank of Crusader and participated in the final assault on Icecrown Citadel.

With the Crusade successfully concluded Benedikt returned to the Plaguelands for a time until the Forsaken invaded Gilneas. Benedikt then repatriated himself with the Forsaken and served as a war cleric and field apothecary during the conflict. Afterwards he returned to Tirisfal in a civilian capacity, working in Deathknell as a councilor and spiritual advisor to newly risen Forsaken.

Benedikt would remain in Deathknell until the most recent Legion invasion, where he stepped out of retirement to aid Horde forces once again. After the disastrous initial assault on The Broken Shore Benedikt joined up with the Conclave in Netherlight Temple, banding together with holy men and women of many other stripes to defeat the Legion.

After the Legion’s final defeat at Argus Benedikt returned briefly to Tirisfal before abruptly relocating to Mulgore. In Mulgore Benedikt worked as a pro bono healer, ingratiating himself with the locals and eventually becoming an advisor to the Chieftain of the Redwood Tribe.

Most recently Benedikt again relocated his residence to Orgrimmar during the current war between the Horde and Alliance. Here Benedikt founded The Desolate Conclave - an organization determined to see to the welfare of Forsaken displaced by the Battle of Lordaeron.

Update, since I saw some other people posting them here’s some theme song options for Benedikt

General Theme w/out lyrics

General Theme w/ lyrics

Theme for all Apothecary shenanigans


Huh another vaguely German character with a penchant for science with Franz in the name. Couple more and we could start a boy band.

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High Lord (GM) of the guild Elves of the north. for more see


Name: Kessil Dawnfury
Title: ((currently doesn’t have one))
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliation: Illidari
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Kessil was sent to train with Illidan by Kael’thas Sunstrider to become a demon hunter. He is power hungry and greedy, often only looking out for himself. He is an Illidari loyalist and when not hunting demons he is fulfilling mercenary contract picked up in the cities.

Kessil’s inner demon is an imp, which shows in his personality, he is often labeled as a trickster or making wisecracks. Due to being bound to the imps soul he has an affinity for fire and destruction. The imp soul is also very selfish and looks out for itself, which is where Kessil gets the greed and selfishness from.

(( as of right now this is all I have, if you see me in game feel free to interact. Kessil also accepts mercenary contracts if you need jobs done whether it be protection or to procure items))


Name: Mokalyn Wildmane
Title: Honorguard
Occupation: Hunter/Gather for Redwood Tribe
Affiliation: Redwood Tribe
Alignment: Loyal to High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof, and to Chieftain Abrahof Ragetotem. My loyalty to the Horde is strong until directed not to follow.
Tribe first, horde second.

BRIEF Description:
Mokalyn follows her chieftains without question. Her loyalty is aligned with her family and tribe. She resides in a tent in Mulgore with her mate, Lohkawas Wildmane. How Mokalyn met the Skyhorn tribesmen brings a big ol’ smile to her.

Lohkawas with his large antlers got them stuck in a wall of a cave where a bear was sleeping. After taking her shield and slamming Lohkawas’s chest to knocking him free the noise woke up the bear. Mokalyn was forced to take the bear’s life which did provide a nice hide for clothing, and meat for Lohkawas’s tribe. Earth Mother provides in some of the strangest ways.

Shortly after that Lohkawas met up with some Pandarens to train as a monk. I was not sure if being up high on a platform was a wise thing for Lohkawas. While he was learning the art of monks, he rolled off the platform in the river I was fishing in. I had been following Lohkawas to keep an eye on him. I thought he was rather beatific. I am sure An’she was guiding me that day because Lohkawas fell right in front of me.

To this day, I still laugh at the fact that Lohkawas could not swim, and flapped like a drowning dodo bird in the sand. I reach down and grabbed the Skyhorn tribesmen by the shirt and pulled him up to a standing position. The water was about chest high.

Twice I had saved that Skyhorn tribesmen, and twice he made me smile and laugh. I decided he would be my mate. I invited him to Mulgore where he took on my surname so others would know him to be mine. I taught him how to read and write our language. Lohkawas could not get enough and sought other teachers in the Horde community.

No matter how far he wanders, I am usually not far behind keeping an ever watchful eye on him or have others watch his back. Lohkawas believes that everyone deserves a chance. I, on the other hand, will hit first and ask later. I do not trust the alliance nor their allies. An’she guides me and shows me the way. I am a sunwalker and I follow the light.


Name: Stanton Creed
Title: High Executor
Occupation: Gunslinger & Wrangler
Affiliation: The Defias Brotherhood, The Creed Gang, The Deathguard & The Desolate Conclave
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

The first born son of a Westfall family of six, Stanton’s childhood was brief. His father earned what pittance he could as hired labor on farms owned by Stormwind nobles. When his father failed to earn enough to feed four children, he turned to stealing livestock from the farms he worked on - eventually being caught and sentenced to time in the Stormwind stockades.

So, at age 12, Stanton was forced to become the man of the house - working his father’s job and providing for his family. His duties extended to taking care of both his siblings and his mother when she fell ill. His mother would never recover and died before his 14th birthday. At 15 his father’s release offered no reprieve. Hard labor and miserable conditions in the stockades had rendered the once strong farmhand into a shell of his former self and news of his beloved’s death extinguished whatever dim light the man still had. Stanton’s father drank himself to death inside two years.

By this time Stanton himself had resorted to rustling livestock but was never caught. Still given his father’s history the overseers grew suspicious and sent guards to investigate the Creed homestead where they attempted to take his younger siblings into crown custody as orphans. Stanton resisted and in the ensuing scuffle a Stormwind guard was fatally shot by his younger brother Ned. Panicked, Stanton fled with his brother into the wilderness of Westfall.

With disdain for Stormwind deeply planted in the Creed brothers hearts it wasn’t long until they heard of and joined Edwin Van Cleef’s rebellion. Stanton who was no stranger to crime and a crack shot after many years of hunting proved a natural bushwhacker, quickly rising through the ranks of the Defias Brotherhood. For a time the Creed brothers knew success and riches beyond their wildest dreams.

The assassination of Edwin Van Cleef created a power vacuum. Having no stomach for politics Stanton formed his own gang and moved up to Redridge, raiding and pillaging as he saw fit until an armed militia forced them to retreat into the harsh Blackrock Mountains. There they were captured and enslaved by Blackrock Orcs for a time - until Stanton devised an escape and fled into the Searing Gorge.

From there the Creed Gang worked it’s way up the Eastern Kingdoms - serving as mercenaries when they could, playing bandit when they couldn’t. In Arathai Ned fell for a local girl and promised to settle down. Stanton was happy for his brother and wished him well, taking his gang up to Hillsbrad.

Ned’s departure was well timed as in Southshore the Creed Gang’s luck ran out. They were all captured and hung by an upstart captain and there is where the story of Stanton Creed might have ended in a just world. But like many a corpse in Lordaeron, Stanton’s eyes flickered open in an unfamiliar town called Deathknell.

Stanton took to undeath well - after learning there were still ways to consume alcohol at least - and was overjoyed at the opportunity to kill Stormwindians from beyond the grave. Stanton joined the Deathguard with great enthusiasm, eagerly volunteering for daring missions against any Alliance army group baring the Lion Crest.

Stanton’s glee with undeath doubled when he learned his brother Ned had also become Forsaken. Ned however had no interest in reforming the Creed gang, and was in a perpetual state of depression seeing as his wife did not share the same fate. Ned would eventually head to Arathai to attend a gathering between the Forsaken and their living relations, never to be seen or heard from again.

Stanton’s suspicion and contempt toward authority had not been dulled by undeath and the sorrow at his brother’s disappearance turned into rage upon receiving non-answers and deflections from magistrates. Still, Stanton was a clever man - he’d bide his time and dig around. He fought in the Dark Lady’s wars, killing whatever these Kaldorei were in Darkshore until he fell under the command of an Apothecary named Franzis Benedikt.

After successfully routing the Kaldorei, Stanton was approached by the Apothecary. Benedikt had been poking through Stanton’s mind, and offered him answers and vengeance if he would join this Conclave of his. After negotiating pay and ensuring this career would involve shooting things, Stanton agreed and has since been the head of many a less than legal operation on the Apothecary’s behalf.

Theme w/out lyrics

Theme w/lyrics

Theme for black ops shenanigans


Name: Holmstein The Gorger
Title: Executor
Occupation: Berserker, Shield-Brother & Amateur Bard
Affiliation: Dragonflayer Clan, The Scourge, Deathguard & The Desolate Conclave
Alignment: True Neutral

Holmstein the Gorger, so named for his insatiable appetite for meat and mead which was not tapered by undeath, is a vargul presently employed by the Desolate Conclave.

Holmstein’s upbringing in the Dragonflayer Clan was typical. He drank, he fought, he made his ancestors proud. Unfortunately like many others in his clan Holmstein was deceived into believing the Lich King was a mighty war god and pledged loyalty to Him. Tragically for Holmstein he was killed by the Forsaken during their invasion of the Howling Fjord and risen as a vargul.

Like many other vargul Holmstein was unhappy in undeath. Regarded as lesser undead despite remaining sapient his was a miserable existence of hard labor for the Scourge. Harboring no true loyalty for his Cultist overseers and disillusioned with this death God, Holmstein escaped at the earliest opportunity after the Ashen Verdict defeated the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel.

Remembering the icon of torment from the other undead that bested him in life, Holmstein tracked down the Forsaken and swore his sword arm to their Banshee Queen. Holmstein excelled in the Deathguard but felt only hollow victories against the little blues and their dogs. Depressed Holmstein journeyed to Deathknell on the suggestion of his comrades to meet with a Forsaken Cleric who counseled on these matters.

There he met one Franzis Benedikt who was intrigued at the prospect of working with an undead vyrkul. Benedikt convinced Holmstein to look into new hobbies, eventually directing him to the arts. Though skeptical at first Holmstein eventually did find a spark of passion in poetry and song writing. All of his work is awful but few have the urge to be a critic when the author is a vargul.

Recently after founding the Desolate Conclave Benedikt saught out Holmstein reasoning correctly that his size might prove useful. Holmstein enjoys employment as general muscle but has found surprising success in the BDS for diplomatic functions with the Mag’har.

General Theme W/Out Lyrics


Giving this a bump since I found a better song for Benedikt AND people should post more here


Name: Tinicor
Title: The Blackheart
Occupation: General
Affiliation: The Horde(And the Soulshatter Clan)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

BRIEF Description: Tinicor the Blackheart is a Paladin who uses the Holy Light for whatever purposes he wants, nefarious or otherwise. He knows that without the Darkness, or evil, there can be no Light, or good and he has taken it upon himself to ensure there is always both. When called to action Tinicor will most likely be found leading from the front atop his trusty friend, Mordecai, the Moose of War.

Edit: ffs forums, why do you not let me switch toons to post >.>


Name: Baroness Kathryn Elizabeth Perenolde Silverlaine Von Faustadt
Title: Chief Executor
Occupation: Desecrated Templar
Affiliation: The Alliance of Lordaeron, Knights of the Silver Hand, The Scarlet Crusade, The Scourge, Knights of the Ebon Blade & The Desolate Conclave
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Born to a family of landed Lordaeronian nobility Lady Kathyrn Faustadt’s formative years were prim and proper. She was taught the etiquettes of fine dining, regal dress and respectable conversation. Her hobbies skewed less ladylike when she learned to read. Kathyrn became enamored with military history and the fighting styles of noble warriors. When her parents forbade her from sparring with her brothers she’d sneak out into town and pick fights with provincial boys.

When she came of age she’d learn how her family had maintained their status despite a relatively irrelevant holding - strategic marriages. Not wishing to be a bargaining chip she fled into the arms of the Church of the Holy Light. There her studious nature and marital prowess led her to the Order of the Silverhand. She graduated too late to be of much use in the Second War and spent most of her early career crushing Orcish insurgencies.

When the plague came to Lordaeron she like many fought a noble but futile war against the Scourge. After being disbanded at Stratholme she returned to her family’s estate. To her horror she discovered it’d been captured by the Cult of the Damned. Her family and childhood home had been twisted into a tool of the Legion. She razed it all with holy fire, leaving nothing but burnt rubble and charred bone. Nearly mad with grief and fury she learned of and joined the Scarlet Crusade. There she brought down divine wrath upon the undead and anyone else who lacked the will to exterminate this infestation by any means necessary.

When Naxxaramas’s shadow fell over the Plaguelands her company was overrun. She was captured and dragged to Scholomance where dark magicians and depraved alchemists took great glee in turning her men into monstrosities. A particularly vile mad doctor took interest in her, trying new strains of undeath until at last one took root and transformed her into what she most disgusted. The acrimony burning in what was left of her mind at this last and greatest insult made her an ideal weapon for the Lich King. Gifted with necromantic might she was unleashed upon her former comrades who she slaughtered without thought or mercy.

After Fordring broke the Lich King’s spell at the Battle of Light’s Hope she ventured to Northrend with the Knights of the Ebon Blade. To her dismay when the Ashen Verdict defeated Arthas she felt no vindication. She wandered to the edge of Icecrown and lept to her death - only to find herself safely floating down due to the intervention of an Argent Crusader. To her surprise the Crusader was also Undead. Bewildered she demanded the Cleric teach her how to wield the Light in undeath. The Cleric attempted to but it was no use. It was difficult for a normal undead to wield the Light but impossible for one fused with pure death magic. Her anguish became loathing when she discovered this Cleric had not only been Forsaken but was the son of one of her father’s servants. If the Light would answer a demented Alteraci peasant but not her then she need not bother with it.

She returned to Archerus, venturing out to aid civilians in times of crisis and after a time felt content. She’d been stripped of her humanity and cursed with a bottomless hunger for flesh and suffering but this world had no shortage of wicked things to inflict it upon. When the armies of Legionfall mustered she again encountered the Cleric whereupon he asked if she’d done anything worthwhile in the meantime. She admitted that despite their malign nature, she’d managed some good with her powers and for the first time thanked him for stopping her.

With the Legion defeated she moved to the Plaguelands, occasionally aiding the Argent Crusade and Cenarion Circle while surviving off Scourge remnants. She’d come across the Cleric here, this time leading a group of Forsaken civilians to the safety of Tranquillen. She aided him in the journey and inquired what might become of these people she once saught to eradicate. He admitted he was unsure but would work to create a place for them. He then inquired if she’d help. Though initially reluctant she conceded she’d grown bored in retirement and agreed to help his Desolate Conclave.


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Name: Dullahan Palesmith
Title: Plaguebringer, CEO of Coldridge Company
Occupation: CEO, Gladiator
Affiliation: Coldridge Company, Alliance
Alignment: Neutral Evil, some lawful evil tendencies (values his organization)

Raised into undeath as a Death Knight of Acherus, Dullahan remembers little of his previous life.

Standing nearly six and a half feet tall, he is an imposing presence. A preternatural chill follows him wherever he goes.

Skilled in pestilence and necromancy, he bears the title plaguebringer.

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Name: Terrorsane Al’Shad
Title: Twilight Vanquisher
Affiliation: Chaotic Good
Occupation: Drifter

Background: Born Eol Al’shad to a family of sea hunters and ship builders before the war of the ancients. Eol’s father vanished in a fishing accident after his ship capsized after running aground.

During the height of the war, Eol’s Uncle evacuated his surviving village out to sea to escape the marauding Fel Hounds under the command of a Fel Guard of unusual cunning and determination: Ar’Ghatan.

Ar’Ghatan’s mission was to round up the Night Elves with dormant magical competence and sever their souls for arcane uses. Ar’Ghatan accomplished this by having illusions or spells of transformation cast upon his Fel Hounds, and Demonic Bats, disguising them as coastal game: Crabs as Fel Hounds, Seagulls as Demonic Bats and Bloodfiends as mice; to encourage unweary elves to stumble upon or go after them.

Of course, there was no way Eol’s uncle Sarumoss could have detected the demographic presence seeping into his ship as cruel, and inexplicable transactions were becoming transparent in their village. Sarumoss, a druid initiate and fisherman, began rounding up as many relatives and friends he could secure from the marauding and devouring Demons.

To avoid tainted food in the town, Sarumoss hibernated the local crabs and mice in mass to use as food onboard his fishing boat. Eol was tasked with caging and collecting these hibernated beings. After setting to sea under the echoes, screams and shadows of the demonically consumed village, Sarumoss set sail to the north east by east to escape the horrors of their self destructing society. As the hours turned to days Eol and the survivors began to turn towards the hibernated game as their hastely collected grains and water were running out; unaware that some of the caged animals and crustaceans were infact temporarily transformed demons, many began to clean them and feed.

One by one, consumed for hunger, some for fun, the demonic mice and crabs made their way into the belies of their unsuspecting company. As the days past and the wind fell slack, drifting in the northern sea, the crew of the fishing boat began to turn. Twisted writhing cannibalizing Elves, relatives and friends were beyond recognition, beyond reason, judgement and fear.

One of Eol’s relatives, a cousin he dread to remember their name, eyes boiling and aflame, devoured the flailing hands and skull of a neighbor as they were awaking from sleep.

Screams, shattering ans deafening fel Howls from below, the same howls and life rending, ending sounds for which they had fled their town, their world began to abound around.

Eol’s uncle, paralyzed with trauma, grief and fear since the voyage began, slowly regained his sense like as a drunkin man regains with a concussion. Huddling in horror on the Bow with those strong enough to flee the cabin Eol armed himself with a fishing spear while his Uncle Sarumoss was busy trying to assuming the form of a dark shaggy saber cat. Upon that moment the fore deck was ripped apart from the port side and toppled the fore mast. Sarumoss was incapacitated, surrounded by fel fel Hounds, burning his druidic energies away as if their lives depended on it.

Meanwhile, Eol’s cousin Mandevu was frantically pummeling demented relatives and demons with a split carpenter’s mallet. All the while Mandevu’s father Aguthorn was chipping down demons and villagers alike with a long serrated glaive: staving off the inevitable for his pregnant Wife Stareyes to survive.

At that chaotic moment, a night elf looking demon maliciously ripped Eols spear out of his hands, and bit through his eyes, nose and face like an apple. Sucking out his energies then casting him aside like soiled parchment; he was blind, but he still could see. Energies, great and small, malicious and kind, he could see them all! Fighting or dying; above and below. But Eol could not move, as something, was grabbing him, not from about, but from within.

As the battle on deck trampled upon him Eol did not die. Infact, a flame, cruel, hungering manacing raging force of the demon consumed in mouse form for every bite he took of the demon’d defenseless bones and flesh.

As fallen bodies were burying the young night elf alive, and bathing him in demonic and elven entrails, Eol broke into a gurgling laughter upon the hypocrisy and revulsion upon what had been wrought, by his unwitting and dubious uncle and his menacing demon victim from the skew now battling his soul for control of his autonomy with vengeance unknown.

But Eol could not give in, he could not give in to a bloodfiend that had allowed itself to be turned into a mouse to merely capture and consume him. Then hibernated by a desperate and probably deserting druid. Then skinned unconscious, disemboweled, impaled and spit roasted by elves. Eol dared not dream the scope of the bloodfiend’s revenge. At that moment, as the bloodfiend’s force began to tear through his flesh, its soul was struck crippled by a demented glaive.

The battle was over, Eol had been spared the demented fates of the villagers, but his uncle’s blade was replacing Eols suffering.
“I cannot break this demon for you Eol! Nobody can!” “You have to break him Eol! Break him or tame him or we’ll be your end…”

“STOP! YOU ALREADY BROKEN THE DEMON AGUTHORN! Haven’t we killed enough kinsmen today???”

With his glaive still in Eol’s flesh Aguthorn turned upon his furry brother: “Broken isn’t defeated, it isn’t destroyed! Are you going to be the one who kills him when he starts ripping and eating elves alive in the name of the legion?”

Stareyes: “Aguthorn! If you don’t help Eol I’ll throw myself and this baby over the side! Your already more demon than elf! You should have warned us!”

Sarumoss: “that be not necessarily Stareyes. There’s a wall of wind, water and earth coming…”

Stareyes: "Illuvitar! Save us!!!

Aguthorn: “I’m sorry everyone. I thought eating the demons would be fun.”

Sarumoss: Get your cursed blade out of Eol so we can save him!

As Sarumoss began to a healthy mixture of rejuvenation and tranquility, the ocean began to boil in a rage of its own. Followed by winds that tore the away the masts and sails like twigs and leaves from trees. Soon the five survivors were blssted into what is now the Veiled Sea.

Washed ashore in Kalimdore, and fuelled by dormant bloodfiend rage and energy, a partially healed elf Wondered the land, fearful, but harnessing his wounded inner demon so that he may be prepared for the day that demon’s soul becomes hole. Eol’s fate was terrable, but sane. He repeated this goal, his bane. Eol has forgotten his name, but has remembered his claim: "Sane! Terrible but SANE! I AM SANE!!!

10,045 years later…

Astranaar Sentinel: who goes there!!!

Eol Al’Shad: Terrorsane…


hi im firemagic
This is how m rp story begins
/cast gpyro