Name: Layllyn LaFae
Title: Guild Leader
Occupation: Horde Hospital and Medical Insurance Network Partnership Management; Guild CEO
Specialization: Mistweaver Monk
Professions: Leatherworker; Skinner
Affiliation: HAUNT INC
Theme Song:
Brief Description: As a human, I was born, lived, and died in a small village called Darrowshire. It was once a tiny, beautiful place in Eastweald of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
These days that general area is called the Eastern Plaguelands. Even so, you have likely never heard of it.
I intimately knew and loved those that still haunt that tragic soil. Many of those poor souls are now just disembodied spirits. It was a fate far crueler fate than my own curse.
In my own undeath, I first rose as a feral thrall of the Scourge. I killed many innocents that I knew and loved, while a weak puppet under the oppressive, drowning power of the Lich King’s supernatural will.
In control or not, I remember every moment and every atrocity I witnessed or committed in those days. It was more horrible than I would ever be able to express.
After all, I am no talented poet or great speaker. I have not the words.
It was only through the Dark Lady’s gift that I was finally given free will again. At first, to my shame, I wasted that blessing selfishly wallowing in my own self-loathing for a time.
As a civilian, I cowered in the safety of the Undercity, as braver souls fought and died. In time, I saw the Banshee Queen’s wisdom and fully committed myself to this Forsaken existence.
By then, many years had passed. Pandaria had been discovered. To bind the Horde’s ties with our new allies, I volunteered to train as one of the first few Foresaken Monks. As cliché as it sounds, I found “inner peace” in this way.
I have strove to cleanse my endless darkness through helping and saving others. For every life I have ended, I have saved a thousand more. I did so fighting on Draenor, the Broken Shore, Argus, several Legion oppressed worlds, and now where ever else my Warchief sends me.
I have been fighting and healing ever since. Paradoxically, I am now more self-actualized and empowered than I ever was in my simple, meek life.
Through me, I have come to believe the best of the spirit and love of Darrowshire still lives. For those of my village that no longer have hands, I will give helping hand to those truly in need. For those of my village whose lives I have taken, I will be that which saves those endangered innocents on their behalf.
Thus, the humble spirit of the good people of my birth has not yet been taken from this world. In this, I will strive to remember and honor them.
However, that is enough of me vainly focusing on myself. Please do me the honor of telling me about you…