ED Character Profiles 2019

Name: Oldheart
Title: “Captain”
Occupation: None
Affiliation: None
Alignment: ?

Brief description: He’s been roaming the lands for so long, some say he’s forgotten who he is. He’s like the abominable snowman, a legend in the wilderness, a mad tracker, a dwarf lost in the wild. The few who have seen the white bearded dwarf screaming and charging into Horde in Alterac Valley have given him the name ‘Captain Oldheart’, a nod to his cocksure courage and foolhardy recklessness.

He’s the captain of nothing, and his only companion on most adventures is his trusty bear Bjorn.

Is he the last dwarf of a once-proud clan? An orphaned loner who takes no family? Nobody knows. All they know is this - when there’s trouble afoot in the lands and horde blood waiting to be spilt, Captain Oldheart will be there.


Name: Zalaaji
Title: Al Jakar’Bwon
Occupation: Chieftain, Troll Berserker, Follower of Bwonsamdi
Affiliation: Horde, Jakaro Loa, Ol’ Bwonsamdi
Alignment: Lawful Neutral-Chaotic Neutral

BRIEF Description: Zalaaji isn’t one to care much for gold or trinkets, having primarily the desire to simply serve his Loa. He considers all Troll tribes to be equal, for what are all save spirits when they enter Bwonsamdi’s realm? His personality can be considered aggressive when it involves the Alliance or those that turn against the will of the Loa. Unlike some, he does not consider himself with the words of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ - rather Zalaaji is one to do what he must, no matter what outside perception might be.

Name: Krozul
Title: Night-Whisperer
Occupation: Death-Stalker, Scout, Follower of Shadra
Affiliation: Horde, Jakaro Loa, De Venom Queen
Alignment: Lawful Evil-Chaotic Neutral

BRIEF Description: Krozul, being born Witherbark, has a distinct dislike of Elves and Dwarves alike. Although he doesn’t care for, and even dislikes, the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei - he is willing to put aside his preference, so long as they continue to work with the interests of the Jakaro. And the Horde. Krozul is unusually small and slender in frame and build for a Forest Troll, but this is something he uses for his advantage when in battle, focusing primarily on speed and agility instead of brute strength. Krozul is deathly loyal to the will of his Loa, and is always more than happy to sacrifice any enemies of the Jakaro to Shadra.

Name: Ta’zash
Title: Alarion’Jakaro
Occupation: Strategist, Warrior, Follower of Pa’ku
Affiliation: Horde, Jakaro Loa, Pa’ku
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

BRIEF Description: Born a Zandalari from Dol’watha, Ta’zash grew up in the jungles of Zuldazar. When he was of age, he joined the Zandalari navy, devoting himself to the Loa Pa’ku. Like Zalaaji, he tends to view all tribes as equal, rather than viewing his kind as superior in any way. Likewise, he shares the pragmatic stance of morality aside, he will do what he must. Unlike his chieftain, however, Taz does view some of the old ways as outdated, however, he will respect those who still choose to follow such a path; so long as they continue in favour of the Loa.


Introduce yourself!

Name: Rebette Benett

Occupation: Shipyard Painter (Formerly) Transportation security (current)
Affiliation: Kul Tiras. The Alliance. Coldridge Company
Age: 28
Hair: Red/Brwn
Height: 6’3’’
Weight: Plenty to Love
Birthplace: Mariner’s Row
Residence: Brennadam


Name: Aeythyr Skyborne
Title: Ranger-General, Elves of the North
Occupation: Military Commander
Affiliation: Elves of the North, Silvermoon
Alignment: Neutral Good

BRIEF Description:
Born to a family of warriors; grandfather fought in the Troll Wars, parents were part of the first rangers that would become the Farstriders.

Stationed in Lordaeron during the Second War, where he supported the Alliance as part of a token force from Quel’thalas. Fought in the Third War, his company was one of the last military units defending the evacuation of Silvermoon City.

After the defilement of the Sunwell, pledged loyalty to Prince Kael’thas, and followed him to Outland, but deserted Kael after learning of his pact with the Burning Legion. Returned to Quel’thalas and led a regiment of blood knights at the onslaught at Magister’s Terrace.

In the wake of Kael’s civil war, has dedicated himself to preparation of both military and diplomatic contingencies, in case the day ever comes again when Silvermoon needs to protect itself from powerful enemies.


Name: Layllyn LaFae
Title: Guild Leader
Occupation: Horde Hospital and Medical Insurance Network Partnership Management; Guild CEO
Specialization: Mistweaver Monk
Professions: Leatherworker; Skinner
Affiliation: HAUNT INC
Theme Song:

Brief Description: As a human, I was born, lived, and died in a small village called Darrowshire. It was once a tiny, beautiful place in Eastweald of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

These days that general area is called the Eastern Plaguelands. Even so, you have likely never heard of it.

I intimately knew and loved those that still haunt that tragic soil. Many of those poor souls are now just disembodied spirits. It was a fate far crueler fate than my own curse.

In my own undeath, I first rose as a feral thrall of the Scourge. I killed many innocents that I knew and loved, while a weak puppet under the oppressive, drowning power of the Lich King’s supernatural will.

In control or not, I remember every moment and every atrocity I witnessed or committed in those days. It was more horrible than I would ever be able to express.

After all, I am no talented poet or great speaker. I have not the words.

It was only through the Dark Lady’s gift that I was finally given free will again. At first, to my shame, I wasted that blessing selfishly wallowing in my own self-loathing for a time.

As a civilian, I cowered in the safety of the Undercity, as braver souls fought and died. In time, I saw the Banshee Queen’s wisdom and fully committed myself to this Forsaken existence.

By then, many years had passed. Pandaria had been discovered. To bind the Horde’s ties with our new allies, I volunteered to train as one of the first few Foresaken Monks. As cliché as it sounds, I found “inner peace” in this way.

I have strove to cleanse my endless darkness through helping and saving others. For every life I have ended, I have saved a thousand more. I did so fighting on Draenor, the Broken Shore, Argus, several Legion oppressed worlds, and now where ever else my Warchief sends me.

I have been fighting and healing ever since. Paradoxically, I am now more self-actualized and empowered than I ever was in my simple, meek life.

Through me, I have come to believe the best of the spirit and love of Darrowshire still lives. For those of my village that no longer have hands, I will give helping hand to those truly in need. For those of my village whose lives I have taken, I will be that which saves those endangered innocents on their behalf.

Thus, the humble spirit of the good people of my birth has not yet been taken from this world. In this, I will strive to remember and honor them.

However, that is enough of me vainly focusing on myself. Please do me the honor of telling me about you…


Dragrosh Doombringer
Leader of the Soulshatter Clan
Legion, Fel Horde, Soulshatter Clan
Chaotic Evil and some times Neutral
Theme song: https://youtu.be/kwgAOBV99l8

The clan Dragrosh was in during that time became fanatical about fel and the widespread use of it, shamans turned to locks warriors became fel enraged. Eventually when the time came they joined Gul’dans Fel Horde to slaughter what remained of the Draenei. During the first war is when Dragrosh experienced Azeroth for the first time. His experience with fel was minor at the time, and due to the physical harmfulness of fel he was very weak at this time. It wasn’t until the third war when he got the true taste of fel magic, however he became addicted to mass amounts of it. This lead to his disappearance until the legion returned, in which he did as well. He had submitted himself to the legion in return for more and more fel energy. Once the legion was defeated Dragrosh found his way back to the horde to use his abilities to siphon the fel out of the living and dead, regardless of faction.

His time with the legion formed his attitude towards life and setting everything to the flame. He still regards Gul’dan’s version of the Horde, the best version of it. He has no sympathy toward anyone not in his clan or of his kin.


Name: Layllynn LaFae
Title: None Currently
Occupation: Draenei Spaceship Pilot (currently fired again)
Specialization: Fury
Professions: Blacksmith, Engineer
Affiliation: None Currently
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Theme Song:

Brief Description:

Looks at you with exasperation “Accidents happen! This better not be another dig and cliché insult about ‘Draenei Drivers, No Survivors’.”

“I’ll have you know that it is quiet traditional to have a little shot before piloting. How was I to know that whole planet would come out of nowhere?”

“I was perfectly sober. It was a flawless emergency landing!” scans your face and determines this wasn’t your inquiry

Adjusts posture, taking a more serious and regal tone “Never mind.”

Waves hand dismissively “Details…”

smiles “What was your question and where is the nearest bar?”

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I’d put KTM’s theme song, but I don’t want to get banned from the forums.

Just google ALESTORM ANCHOR (nsfw)

PG alternative:


Googled. Was not disappointed. :rofl:


Bumping for the sake of rp


Name: Lâylyn LaFae
Title: Guild Bodyguard
Occupation: Horde Hospital and Medical Insurance Network Associate; Guild Bodyguard
Specialization: Holy Paladin
Professions: Engineer; Miner
Affiliation: HAUNT INC
Alignment: Lawful Good
Theme Song:

The Scourge wiped out most of my people. The Scourge scarred and defiled much of my homeland. The Scourge are why the village of my birth no longer exists.

Since then, my people are a scattered fragment of what they once were. We have survived many attempted apocalypses. We have ruthlessly clawed to overcome every challenge.

In my youth, I could never have imagined the chain of events that would lead us into the Horde. Before that invasion, my people were like protected sheep that never even realized that the wolves at the gate existed. The innocence, paradise, and tranquility that once was, shall never be again.

Under our new red war banner, my people now proudly stand with the Orcs that once invaded our world through the Dark Portal. My people have reconnected with the direct offspring of our ancient Troll ancestors. My people stand with our loyal scourge cursed human allies in their transformed free willed undead forms. My people stand with the Tauren that our shortsighted Night Elf cousins foolishly left to die. My people stand with these survivors and many others.

In my youth, I could not have imagined what the united races of the Horde would accomplish together. We have won the Burning Crusade in Outland. We have invaded Northend and slayed the Lich King. We have saved the world from the Cataclysm. We have saved countless entire worlds from the entire Burning Legion.

As for my people, we have come a long way from that dark day the Scourge: downed our defenses, massacred the majority of my people, and destroyed our sacred Sunwell. I am proud to say that my people have survived, evolved, and even saved others that were just as helpless as we once were. We will never be helpless sheep for the slaughter again…


Name: Llanmarrah Jefferies
Title: none
Occupation: Civilian marksman looking for work
Affiliation: none at the moment, just arrived in Kul Tiras
Alignment: lawful good

BRIEF Description: Her father was a Kul Tiran Sailor, her mother a Stormwind Priest. Wanting to know more about her Kul Tiran heritage on her father’s side, she has gone to Boralus in search for answers.

There are only two things she is passionate about. Her heritage and killing as many of the Horde as possible.


Bumped for rp

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If there’s one thing my time enlisted in the Kul Tiran Marines have taught me, is that you Kul Tirans sure do love killing Horde! Some of you folk even consider it a bonding exercise.


Name: Robert Fitzsimmons
Title: Lieutenant
Occupation: Infiltration Spymaster, “Surveyor”
Affiliation: Boralus Intelligence, Kul Tiras Marines, Kezan Trade Mercantile
Alignment: Lawful Evil

BRIEF Description:

Fitzsimmons was born in Boralus and from as early as he could remember, all he wanted to do was join the Kul Tiras Navy and help hunt down pirates while seeing the furthest reaches of the world. His dream would come true as he was accepted into the Proudmoore Naval Academy as soon as he came of age.

He was an intelligent young man - with a sharp mind and equally well honed skill with a blade to match. He quickly rose up in the ranks and was honored to be assigned to be first mate aboard the Wave Mistress, one of the lead vessels in the prestigious Third Fleet of Kul Tiras - the same fleet that was under the command of the Lord Admiral’s much beloved oldest son Derek Proudmoore.

When the Orcs invaded, it was Derek’s Third Fleet that would often be at the vanguard of the assaults - and so it was during the Battle of Crestfall at the peak of the Second War that the entire Kul Tiran Navy - including the Third Fleet, sailed full speed into the battle and utterly decimated and out-matched their greenskinned foes.

The Third Fleet, however, would not see the end of the battle. It was taken by surprise and destroyed by the dragon riders of the Dragonmaw Orcs who descended from the clouds. Derek Prooudmoore would die in the battle, along with everyone else in the Third Fleet… with one exception: First Mate Fitzsimmons.

Overcome with grief and survivor guilt, thinking perhaps there was more he could have done to save his ship mates. The loss of his best friends, many of whom he considered family, broke a once strong, proud man. He lived out his last years drinking himself to death as he mourned their deaths. To make matters worse, most of his crew-mates were now cursed with undeath by the Eye of Paleth, a dark artifact which was being transported aboard one of the ships.

Shortly after he had drank himself to death, his body was to be transported back home to Kul Tiras for a proper burial, but the ship that was carrying his remains was attacked by a large Forsaken fleet which had assembled off the coast of Gilneas, and they raised him into Undeath - a fate he had hoped to escape. He feigned gratitude to the Forsaken for “bringing him back”, and once he had convinced them that he would join them, he snuck off to free the crew of the captured Kul Tiran merchant vessel who had been taken prisoner.

Together with the prisoners, they scuttled the Forsaken ship by detonating the powder magazine with some time delayed thorium charges. Him and the prisoners escaped into the fog on row boats, but only a handful of them would make it to shore alive. One of them was a Marine and would help get Fitzsimmons home to Kul Tiras to see if there was any way that he could be helped.

It would be a difficult journey, but the Marine was able to convince one of his commanders that Fitzsimmons could be trusted, and related the story of their harrowing escape from the Forsaken. Fitzsimmons re-affirmed his vows to the Kul Tiras Navy, and swore that he would continue to serve and fight to keep more from suffering the same fate as he - or the same fate as his brothers in the defunct Third Fleet. With a great deal of reluctance, the commanders would allow him to continue serving Kul Tiras, but he could not simply return to Boralus and re-join their ranks. He had to serve in a more discrete capacity - as a spy within Forsaken society, whom the commanders believed were a danger to the world - a powder keg waiting for a spark before they would set the world aflame.

He swore to forever fight the Forsaken so that they do not continue cursing the living and the dead with the same miserable existence he now has to share… the same fate forced upon his old crew mates by the Eye of Paleth and also that of many other unwilling “subjects” of the Banshee Queen. There is no price too high in lives or suffering of Kul Tiras’ enemies to see these atrocities be put to an end.

He sometimes tries to sleep, but always has the same recurring waking nightmare - when he begged adventurers outside the Deepwater Tavern in Menethil Harbor to help him free his crew-mates from their curse of Undeath. The nightmare always seem absolutely real, and always ends the same way - failure. He doesn’t get any real sleep, but his resolve to destroy the Forsaken and end the Curse of Undeath is renewed.


Just arriving in Boralus, I have not had the pleasure of encountering any Marines. Perhaps in the future we will meet on the battlefield fighting the Horde.

((just transferred from WRA to Emerald Dream two days ago)).


Check out the alliance rp discord, links around the forums somewhere. KTM is a solid guild, and a fun group definitely to run with.


Welcome to Emerald Dream! Keep War Mode On. You may see us around tonight as we’ve got some fresh meat we’ll be doing orientation for (sharding permitting).

Gratuitous/Shameless plug of our info:


Bumping since rp is top priority, seriously someone else start bumping this show some care ffs.

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Name: Laylyn “Gold” LaFae
Title: Guild Tinker
Occupation: Horde Hospital and Medical Insurance Network Associate; Guild Fixer
Specialization: Restoration Shaman
Professions: Engineer; Miner
Affiliation: HAUNT INC
Theme Song:

Brief Description:
My history is of no consequence. It is pretty universal for the Goblin’s that survived my island’s apocalypse during the cataclysm.

Yesterday matters not. Today is where I move to where I wish to be. Tomorrow is where my hard work gets me to my dreams.

Do you know what the greatest primal force of the universe is? It is capitalism. It is pure unfettered capitalism.

Just few years ago, my people lost their homeland and most everything they had. Today, we may very well once again be the richest people on in the world.

It is opportunity that drives us. We chase that golden carrot. We dream that impossible dream. We work our goblin butts off.

Some succeed. Some fail. Some get blown up. Some get rocketed into the sky screaming. Some get de-atomized.

In the end though, we goblins all have skin in the game. As a matter of our nature, we all push faster, harder, and longer than any other group.

You don’t worry about failure. The most successful will fail several times, try again, and push past it. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

You don’t worry about fear. The most successful know fear, adjust the odds as best possible, and push past it. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

Anything is possible when you can accept reasonable risk and face your fears. My people alone are proof of that. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

A decent chance of success is all we ever ask for. The universe after all, gives no one any true guarantees. Anyone telling you otherwise is really just a con artist.

By the way, I have a lead. Medical assistance for battlegrounds and city defense are a real premium these days. I am making a killing as a healer off of the insurance.

I would monopolize, but there is no way I could keep up with the workload. Seriously, as long as peace doesn’t break out, it is a sure thing…