Ectoplasmic distiller going to stay how it is?

There was a time earlier in vanilla wow’s timeline where it was discovered that the warlock felhunter’s paranoia ability caused threat.
This buff affected all party members and was not on the global cooldown. A clever warlock decided he would make a macro with 10 lines of “/cast paranoia” and keybound it to a spammable button for unbelievable amounts of snap threat.

Paranoia tanking dungeons/raids lasted a few weeks before it got too prevalent and was nerfed into uselessness.

It seems very likely that blizz would have done the same to this quest item had it started to become widely exploited as well.

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He’s a CM. He can only relay information. He probably hasn’t been told anything yet.

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This is exactly why blizzard doesn’t talk to the forums about things

You people are just locusts swarming waiting to jump down blizzards throats about literally anything they do.

They do nothing, you complain

They fix things, you complain

You ask for no changes, but then when they are very selective about only changing the most egregious of exploitive things you demand they “be consistent” with changes accros the board and change other things that AREN’T issues basically trying to bait them into that “slippery slope” boogie man you are so averse to in the first place

Just shut up and quit already if you can’t play the game without exploiting it to the maximum degree


This is all why #nochanges was always a bad idea.

What did people think was going to happen?

This was always a chance to do vanilla right, there is no reason at all to just repeat broken crap.


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yikes so true

I know it’s hard for you to think and do brain things, but buffs which enhance a player in their role are no equivalent to a consumable which replaces what a player does in their role. Please learn to think.

As far as quest reward choices are concerned, Blizzard has had far far less concern about “oop I picked the wrong thing” complaints. How many people chunked their Mark of the Chosen, Thrash Blades, etc?

This is very consistent with Blizzard behavior, and just wait for when the quest turn-in for AQ20 and 40, respectively, results in people crying about “I picked the wrong thing and now I can’t get BiS!” Blizzard has essentially always said some variation of “LOL sucks to be you” and has said as much for 15yrs.

Welcome to Vanilla itemization, hence MCP and Warden Staff being the top tier Feral items.

Where are all the #nochanges guys now? I guess you are all nochanges until a change you want pops up

They made a huge and entirely predictable mistake… But either way I’m sure you understand that’s not the same thing at all

I’m not a #nochanges guy.

Thanks for this change. This was a change that absolutely needed to happen, regardless if it was authentic to how it was in vanilla or not. The problem is, people weren’t as savvy about game mechanics as they are now and no one would’ve thought to use this item against raid bosses to find out if it was working as intended or not. They would’ve been too gullible to even try to, assuming it’s meant for the specific t0.5 quest and that’s it. It just wasn’t something most people would even consider, so it was never brought to Blizzard’s attention that it was horrifically broken. Or that casting buffs on raid members causes so much threat in the first place.

Pre-nerf, this item had infinite potential for abuse. It rendered the mechanic of threat generation and gearing for additional threat generation obsolete. All a tank would need to do is bring enough goblin rocket fuel to pop a few of these down on each fight and then effectively AFK for the remainder. That’s how abusive it was.

It has nothing to do with being #nochanges or #changes. It has everything to do with a game-breaking bug that fundamentally renders the role of tanking obsolete. We’re not talking about adding some QoL change from a later version of the game into classic or something. For the life of me I can’t figure out how people can’t distinguish the difference. But that’s no surprise, considering there was just as much crying on the forums in 2005 as there is now. This single item breaks the holy trinity of RPGs, and you can’t figure out why Blizzard would want to address it immediately? Seriously?

Every warrior who even kind of understood their class picked Flask, without having to know healing scaled. :man_shrugging:

Almost every trinket in the game has its buff removed when you take it off, moreover if u take your +healing off it should go down to, its clearly a bug not being addressed by blizzard, but ofc the #nochanges guys wont be happy if they nerf it

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Many, but not all.

Snapshotting exists across a multitude of classes and is entirely a different matter.

Hardly a bug.

The buff from flask is removed if you take it off… Snapshotting is pretty consistent across classic as is procs scaling with +spellpower. :man_shrugging:

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Lol you try so hard to justify an exploit just because it benefits you

Ofc blizzard will never fix it because a lot of ppl would complain but it should be nerfd cause the game was not meant for it to be that way its an exploit…

I usually don’t even bother swapping tbh. It’s usually barely noticeable, especially since its mostly overheating.

And its still entirely different from the distiller

That is one of the dumbest comparisons I have seen lately, bravo.


Listening to your customers no matter how irrational they may be is part of business. They aren’t special.

So tired of the poor, poor Blizzard nonsense.