Echoing Void Nerf

  • Tanks are not allowed to have powerful damage
  • Tanks are not allowed to have powerful threat
  • Tanks are not allowed to have powerful self-sustain
  • Tanks must take the punishment of every failed mechanic when someone else is the cause of that failure
  • Tanks must manage increasingly more complex pulls with a myriad of deadly effects in which THEY suffer when something goes wrong

“Hey guys WTF all the tanks !?!?!?”


Tanks already get majorly screwed by mechanics that take a fixed % of your health away or reduce your health by a fixed %. That is a mechanic that really makes zero sense.


You don’t fix a problem like this, if it a problem then you fix the builds. What happens with SLs roles around and corruption effects go the way of the dinosaurs? Now all those tanks are suddenly without their OP effect that made them want to tank.

Look I agree they need to look into tanking but this isn’t a long term solution, it is a poor excuse for a bandaid.


So we are acting like its the end of the world that tanks will only be doing a bonus 20% damage instead of a bonus 40%?


Never played a DK or DH? They can solo no problem right now…it’s just so boring cause dps sucks so it takes too long.

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End of the world? no. I’m asking “why?”

Why nerf it? Who does it help?

“Why” = Game balance.

I don’t care that you enjoy fulfilling the role of DPS and Tank at the same time.


Not my feral druid, that’s for sure.

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So reduce the number of tanks in the game. This will happen. Reducing the fun in tanking reduces the desire to tank. And we are in month 1 of this patch. There’s only going to be a reduction in tanks as the months roll on and people level up alts. Not as many people alt tanks as who main them.


I disagree that giving tanks only a 20% passive damage buff they get for merely “existing”, that isn’t based on their rotation or anything…instead of a 40% will change the tanking numbers in anything but the most nominal fashion.

It won’t be noticeable in any aspect of the game.

Tank fun will still be higher than what it was before 8.3. So therefor, using your logic. The number of tanks will still be higher than what it was in 8.2.


Echoing void makes solo questing much more bearable as a tank spec. Now, tanks will quest out of tank spec. And since many people don’t want to reforge over and over each day, they just will refrain from tanking for days at a time.

This does not help anyone.


Without the nerf, we’ld be seeing a M+ meta of 4 tanks and 1 healer. Why bring dps when they’re very squishy in comparison to the tank?


And I am saying you are greatly exaggerating how many people will be giving up tanking because echoing void will only be giving them a 20% damage increase, instead of 40%.

A single item giving that much of a damage increase is bad for the game. Its bad for tanks.

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I don’t do group content often but I get asked a lot when I do if I can switch to tank. Yes I can. No I will not. Make it fun and worth my while and maybe I will. Echoing Void was FUN. Now it’s gone and so are my tanks. Back to my solo play it is.


Game balance? There is no such thing as balance in WoW.


I get it, people want to run around feeling like a god of some sort. When healers are overpowered its the same way,… they tell jokes while 3 dps pound on them, same for tanks…but its like 10 people on them, while they laugh…its the god complex


My turn for a hypothetical that will make just as much sense (little).

JoeSchmoe has bad luck in RNG. He can’t get the 40% damage increase from Echoing Void.

Now groups require their tanks to have it, JoeSchmoe doesn’t get invited. Or when he does, he gets kicked.

All because he can’t get that 1 piece of gear!

So he gives up tanking. We have less tanking because JoeSchmoe can’t have fun.


Having tanks do more damage in dungeons and raids benefits everyone. Having more tanks in the game benefits everyone. This doesn’t give them god mode. Their ST damage is hardly affected, so PvP balance isn’t the issue.

That’s your opinion. It’s a design choice by devs that tanks and healers should exist only to enable dps to tunnel bosses and ignore adds.

I remember when a good tank was able to help a weak group. A group with bad players like you.

Maybe havoc is broken. Vengeance certainly isn’t. Boy, do you sound ignorant. Are you sure you’ve played the game in the last 10 years?


Yeah, i already mentioned this. Again, echoing void isn’t the issue here, RNG is. I proposed 2 easy solutions already, too. Allow corruption to be rerolled as well as cleansed or allow specs to get spec specific corruptions.