Look here…read…please
daily reminder that kyrians deserve love as well.
kyrian ability is bugged still… the kyrian soulbinds also are too strong please nerf so we can play the cooler covenants. ty blizzard
dude imagine if it was a mage ability…would get fixed so fast
coughs up blood
Blizz, please fix this ASAP. I’d really like to stay Kyrian going into the new raid/season!
yoooo-ho (in steward voice)
Bumping this
Godspeed my fellow rogues
they really are doing the archon dirty
Can confirm I’m having the same issues.
@blizzard is there a way you can like…tell us if you’re gonna fix it or not? new season starts Tuesday kinda don’t want to be gimped would be nice to know if I need to swap covenants…
this is not getting patched till 10.0(inside info my dad works at blizzard) BUFF OUTLAW ROGUE DELETE THE 2 OTHER SPECS.
daily reminder to blizzard that your big exciting system the whole expansion is based on is not working.
Please fix echoing reprimand not working also on assrogue
Large bump
Any word???
Is the extended maintenance to fix this bug?
still broken lmaoooo