Not getting 7cp finisher on outlaw kyrian under any circumstances. Please fix
Same. My special 2 combo Crits for like 1700 damage while a regular 5combo crits for 4k.
Just as well, a special 3combo [Between the Eyes] lasts for 9 seconds instead of 21.
I have the same issue, dosent change based on zone either.
Can also confirm this issue is present at all times.
i also have this issue, rupture duration is the same regardless of anima charge
Not working for me either with any damaging finisher. It consumes the buff but does not increase the combo points used on my finisher respectively.
can we get a blue post for this issue plz, as this issue COMPLETELY nullifies the kyrian covenant legendary.
Blizz: What can we do to nerf kyrian rogues even more
Fix this asap sigh…
Anima-charged combo point is not counting at 7 combo points. Fix ASAP.
I changed to kyrian this week and then this happened
Still not working please fix blizz
Can we please get blue confirmation on when this will be fixed? This is brutal for kyrian rogues and many many many of us just did the 40 renown grind this week to switch
bumping plz help
saw a patch from bliz today, no fix yet.
EDIT#1 tried torghast got both anima powers neither fixed the problem, 20 combo point dispatch hit for 4.8k crit. Thats disapointing. Used to hit for over 40k crits.
EDIT#2 7/4/21 still no fix or response from bliz.
EDIT#3 - 7/5/21 Still no fix or response, my suggestion, fill out an ingame bug report each day till its fixed or at least a response is made.
BUMP bump bumpb
Still not fixed. Please fix.
Please fix echoing reprimand.
pls help our kyrian brothers and sisters