Same; You also got reamed, like myself, if you BOUGHT the other ones so they’d show up for your alts (my Hunter went and looked, only seeing Coalescing flame/whatever that I had, but upon (this blood DK) purchasing the DPS ones (which I never play) the Hunter also saw those.)
So I spent that LARGE amount of Echoes, to ream myself and then be capped at 750 of them and unable to earn more (in fact, Mother was closed to me since there were no other essences I could buy from her.)
Very. In other threads, I’ve heard of people with level 120 alts who have as many as FIFTEEN THOUSAND echoes on their main, since it kept earning them (never buying out stuff for the other specs/alts.)
I’ll also submit to system/help/suggestion (or whatever) in game. My suggestion would be that if they are going to REAM me, that next time they explain this ahead of time so we don’t (in good faith), mess ourselves up by buying the other off spec (that we don’t even use) rank 3 essences so our alts can see them.
Have you not heard? Rank 3 of Twilight Devastation/whatever is 15 K echoes, to put on “whatever.” Those of us who got reamed, are as many as 15 K behind.
Agreed, HOWEVER there is a difference:
This is INCREDIBLY RECENT, from one thing to the other. It is within the space of a COUPLE OF WEEKS; so call me paranoid, but how could they NOT have known they were doing something like this and warned us? A simple:
"Oh, by the way, I’d not open up and get all the essences you can on your main, for your alts. Spending those echoes will then lock you out of Mother, since you have no more essences to get, AS WELL as PREVENTING YOU FROM EARNING MORE ECHOES; you won’t like that, with a possible change we may be implementing…
By the way, since the echoes went in and I bought them out for my alts (the essences, on Mother, unbeknownst to me locking her out and locking me at 750 echoes:)
Multiple WQ’s, in fact as many as six paragon caches worth.
AT LEAST keeping up with Horrific vision, for the weekly cloak resist
Doing assaults at least a couple times a week, for the stuff to do the Horrifics.
(If that would get me more of them, I forgot if it does.)
I would conservatively estimate I missed out on at least THOUSANDS of echoes, which I would have had to purchase corruptions with this change.
Actually NO, hence the IRONY:
My alts don’t have enough echoes, hardly having been played, to BUY any of them; this character just went ahead and unlocked them, for my alts, since Blizzard did not say ANYTHING about that stopping you from gaining echoes OR this coming change. So I actually reamed myself, FOR NOTHING!
If I had ignored Mother, not spending those echoes, THEN I could have been ready to buy corruptions AND eventually unlock those for my alts if they ever had enough echoes to bother.