EBG Premade Flame

let them eat cake

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Don’t know if they included this quote in the movie since I haven’t seen it yet but he who can destroy a thing can control a thing.

Tbh all these statements are good for is showing how long they’ve been aware of the issue and done nothing about it


I would’nt be surprised if a couple of the Dev’s also participate in Epic BG Queue Syncing.

Its all speculation on my end but It would not surprise me one bit if it came to light that Devs were in the epic bg communities and thats a leading reason there has been no action taken.


I can see where you’re coming from but I think they don’t say anything (edit: just) because they don’t have plans to fix it anytime soon.

Social Media, not blizzard forums, go blast them on every social media platform available, if enough people do it, premades will be a thing of the past.