EBG Premade Flame

So… Just wondering from the people that que random EBG’s in premades.
What’s your logic? Why? What’s the point? To get a hard on about stomping a non-premade? Like I don’t get it… There’s no conquest in it, and at the ilvl most the teams at they sure as hell don’t need the honor? So what?

Please help me understand, why you mindlessly ruin the experience, and fun of EBG’s with your three fingers in your boot.

Bliz… please make R-EBG’s or something for these mindless worms.
I’m sure many people would agree, but they’re not going to make an appearance on the forums, cause they don’t have the bawls to do so.
—I know this is going to get flagged by the big - q group, so I might as well speak my mind. All my other shiz gets banned constantly by the pc community of bliz, and players.


The logic: It helps me win.

Why? Because the Alliance had so many premades that I was on the verge of quitting until I joined the fight.

What’s the point? If I can’t beat them, join them.

Yea its total insanity… “cOmE jOiN tHe fIgHT!!!” and let’s stomp people into the ground 24/7/365 in coms and ruin the game as people unsub in droves.


“mindless worms” as I was in a game earlier where a bunch of backfills kept afking instead of listening to a lead’s calls to try to turn a game around. I get it losses are frustrating, but when the next action of a player is to type /afk or berate a lead, I don’t blame people wanting to play with others that want to do objectives and win.

A good amount of people that run with communities do it because they are tired of this pug mindset of leave if the game isn’t going your way. Happens in both PVE and PVP, there’s a reason why people complain about keys being bricked due to leavers. Until the player base changes this will be a problem that not even cross faction qing is going to fix.

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Against syncers, listening is key. So, if someone’s trying to lead, listen. Stick with them, and you might just win.

Don’t be that person who ignores the leader’s calls and then wonders why you’re on the losing side.


why 3 fingers?

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Why? Because the grown ups are quite tired of the “you’re not my real dad” kiddies. We want players who will back cap when asked to, who will hold objectives when asked to. We also enjoy hanging out together. That’s why.


I understand communities. I just don’t get why so many people in them want to just roll over pugs all the time. And then a lot (not all) act as if they’re amazing for beating pugs. js


I am going to be very honest, the majority of my Ashrans are with pugs except I duo, We have fought many premades, and for the majority of time, the pugs think they know better, they want to feed, we tell them to avoid stacking, tell them to get better positioning, tell them to pull back, anything you could possibly imagine, plain out they cause the majority of the losses.

The other day we had a long battle, and a few people kept questioning us, I even predicted what would happen to them in middle, and how many deaths, I mentioned 30 deaths, and that is exactly around the deaths that happened.
The people trying to win fought more with the horde pugs in telling them what to avoid than the alliance.

Because of the fact they do not want to work as a team, the alliance pugs and premades should steamroll the horde pugs every chance they get, so one day they will decide to work as a team.

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Isn’t this the common excuse Pugs used nowaday for not able to win? This is one of the main reason Pugs give up and leave before the gate open when they spot familiar names on the other side, or someone yelled ‘its a Premade!’. Anyway, don’t think this will encourage Pugs to work as a team.

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Quitters will always quit, and then more people will fill, and then we will have a battle.
It has happened far too many times in Ashran, and we have actually won, because the people filling in actually wanted to win.


That’s the problem… In such a situation (backfill into a losing start), fillers often instantly quit and the ones willing to stay and fight are the minority. Before Pugs finally gathered a team of capable and willing fighters, it was often too late for the match. All these will only reinforce the idea that Pugs have no chance against Premade. And why would people bother trying when this becomes the common theme?

Promoting premade is fine, but claiming it will benefit Pugs would be misleading.

I think we need other ways to encourage Pugs to work better as a team.


i honestly cant wait for cross faction


This is how a problem gets worse.

Premade raids have been training pugs to leave losing games. Pugs have learned they’re unlikely to turn things around and the other team is probably stacked in an unfair way. Pugs aren’t going to stick around to try to determine if they’re actually facing a premade raid or not.

When pugs are getting steamrolled all the time by premades, they stop queuing up. Or they start AFKing out of losing games.

Pugs in random bgs aren’t expected to play like a rated bg team. It’s supposed to be casual fun and there’s some uncoordinated chaos.

It’s like going to a pickup game of basketball. People are there to get some exercise and have some fun. They’re not expected to play super seriously as if they’re competing in an actual league.


It’s annoying how they send in spies to avoid other premades and then complain that the pugs leave and use that to justify exploiting. They need the pugs, the pugs don’t need them.


This pretty much , i hate when my team is down 10 ppl because they didnt take the q .


They can explain it as they don’t want to get farmed and I will sympathize but when they start blaming the pugs I figure they’re trying to justify worse behaviors.


Why do you always show up to these threads?? You’re one of the worst offenders and you obviously disagree with OP’s sentiment so why are you here?? You can disagree all you want but why show up just to detract from OP’s argument?

The thread could be “I hate hamburgers, here’s why…”

and you just show up with no counter argument other than “nuhhh uhhh, hamburgers are the best”

It makes no sense. Do what you always do and run along or deflect but I can’t for the life of me understand why you even bother joining these discussions when you have no intention of adding anything. He obviously wants to discuss the negatives of premading. And as always, OP doesn’t even know you but he’s spot on about your lack of skill and the reasons you hide behind premades in PVP environments.

Genuine question, why are you here?

The hubris of a lifetime Challenger that thinks it’s their duty to send out directions in a casual game mode.


You need to reverse that psychology. It is more like “it helps me not to lose.”

The difference in mentality might seem subtle, but it is actually quite profound. :wink:


You know what woujld fix all these EBG premades? cross faction BGS.