EBG Premade Flame

OP literally asked why.

The hubris of posting a long a$$ rant and not actually reading the thread.

We all understood OPs post as a rhetorical rant. He even alluded to that when he said he didn’t expect any of them to show up. I think my question is fair. Why is one of the worst premade offenders constantly showing up in threads detesting the toxicity of premades?


rated experience means so much in random bgs especially epics :roll_eyes:


Sure, but it’s also weird how people get this leadership egoism going like they’re Caesar.

Half the players probably don’t even have chat boxes open, some don’t even speak English.

Why should I listen to this person?

There’s so much weird overinflated ego in the epic premade communities. Especially considering how much of the success can be attributed simply to massively outnumbering a group of pugs with a premade sync queued in (and then justifying sync queues because… you can I guess?)

Really need a reality tv show bc the drama is off the damn charts.


I would say it does matter when you’re the person issuing commands to random players in a random BG. That’s a pure ego move with little skill to back it up. You must be new here but you’ll have to do a lot better than these weak arguments to hang with me.

Couldn’t have said it better.


Random players in random BGs have no clue what your arena rating is. If you were dumb and/or egotistical enough to tell a bunch of pugs that you should have lead because you’re arena rating is high or whatever they’re gonna tell you to go piss up a rope. Good luck with that.

Some folks can lead some can’t…rating has nothing to do with it.

Also, if you are gonna berate folks about rating don’t post while hiding behind and alt. It comes off a very disingenuous.


This isn’t my argument. My argument is why would a low ranked player take this upon themselves. The last person who should be issuing commands to random people in a BG is the person that’s peaked at Challenger for 8 consecutive seasons. Try to remain focused.

I can also promise you my rated rating is higher than whatever you can claim but I’m only now bringing that up because posting on an alt or a main character is wholly irrelevant when my argument is sound. You’re the one here that thinks posting on my “main” matters precisely because you want to dig into someone’s achievements before you validate their opinions, not me.

Remember what I said other day to the BG group. Playing Horde is like playing Halo on Legendary but instead of the NPC’s being the hard part, it’s your teammates.


As someone who joins the Army of Pugs quite often (solo or duo), it is incredibly frustrating providing strategies and call outs when the PuG/s do not listen, or have 0 game awareness. I like to side on the thought that they may possibly be overwhelmed with all the action that they struggle to pay attention to chat or surroundings; the benefit of the doubt is given, but the truth may be that the average pug does not even care.

I honestly cannot fault anyone who seeks a premade community to play with for organized play, cause at least if you lose it wasn’t because of lack of effort, 0 strategy, or anything such.

I can’t ignore that premade communities are ruining the EBG experience for so many people for both Alliance and Horde. I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to be a part of it and they end up unsubscribing.

It is an unfortunate conundrum to be in as a player and game developer.




This is EXACTLY your argument.

You feel that certain individuals should be disqualified from leading groups in epic BGs based on that arena/RBG ratings. You’ve made this statement over and over again in several different threads.

I tell you what. Start a community. Recruit players. Cultivate relationships with those players. Earn their trust. Earn their loyalty. Organize them. Coordinate their movements in game. Lead them. Win, lose or draw, maintain a postive and friendly atmosphere where all feel welcome and appreciated. Do this multiple times a night, almost everynight over the course of several years.

When you complete that task, please get back to me and let me know exactly where and when hitting Deulist or Glad helped with any of that. Enlighten us. Maybe there is a secret sause we are missing.

I claim nothing. I’m casual AF. My point is that you like to point out others rating while hiding behind an alt. Its a bad look. Just sayin’.


The best part about pugs vs pugs, there is no stacking.
Most of us know if premades did not stack they would get rolled, and they have at the rare times they joined in as a pug.


This is wrong because I’m consistent when a higher rated player does the same exact thing, I just know they at least have a leg to stand on, not someone who hides behind premades that’s peaked at Challenger and has a community culture of spying, dodging, and deflecting. Birds of a feather and all that. It’s no surprise some of the most toxic premaders around are also the lowest rated pvpers. Forgive me for noticing this trend.

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Massively true, and Legendary mode on Halo is no joke.

Rated bgs already exist but somehow having 3-4x as many people makes it more satisfying to play strategy? As if the game isn’t already designed around every head strategically having the micro of a 3 man squad in any other game.

Clearly I’m doing something right if people want to play with me. :wink:

Let’s talk about what you’re doing wrong and why you’re scared to play against certain people.

I wanted to fight the unmentionables. The rest of the community outvoted those who did want to fight.

Right so let’s summarize. A community culture of:

  • Spying
  • Dodging
  • Graveyard farming
  • Issuing orders

What am I missing?


We don’t spy. We refuse to be in the same bg as the unmentionables. We play objectives, the only gy not capped is the aid station in AV. Leaders issue orders, it’s what leading is. Anything else you want to misrepresent about me or my community?