Easy Warrior Fix for PVE and PVP

Do yourself a favor, as a warrior main, and quit playing Season of Discovery. OG Classic is the only place for warrior characters. I don’t think the devs quite understand how warrior is played at high level in classic and the design of SoD shows that. I mean, just a small example, rend ticks for like 75 damage when other hybrid classes do 600+ damage a tic and they dont even have to be in melee range to cast. They literally don’t want warrior players in SoD. All they have ever done for us is throw us a stamina set, but they pretty much gave that to everyone so warrior will always be behind. They could have given warriors windfury buff over Valor of Azeroth instead of feral druids but feral dps has been so low for so long you might get 1 in a raid if you are lucky.


I just wish there was some communication from the dev team… It seams like they want us to play 2h fury from the last round of buffs. I just wish they would say something.


I dont mind that they want all warriors to play fury, dw or 2h. I’d like to see the targeted nerfs to keep them suppressed stop. They know how much the community hates rage normalization so theyre doing everything they can except that. Would also like them to fix the bloodthirst scaling bug for starters. Damage for arms pvp would be nice, but warriors need survivability more than anything in pvp. Second wind is a must and i dont understand why it’s not in. Blood craze being affected by the healing debuff in bgs is crazy too. It ticks for like 75 after a moonkin crits u for 5k on a 1.5 sec cast.

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Whats this “high level warrior play in classic” you speak of? Using Bloodthirst/Whirlwind on CD while spamming Heroic Strike/Hamstring?

Not sure what you’re confused about. Are you saying everyone that plays a warrior performs the same?

Kiting while allowing your bleeds to tick away their health pool. Staggering your stuns, a good warrior can effectively stunlock an opponent. But now warrior is the only class with a deadzone and it gets exploited often. Bleeds do so little damage against a 10k health pool on a hunter. Sure you can stack 15k hp Grresh, and thats a fix for the current situation, but thats not how everyone likes to play warrior. I have always pvp’d similar to a rogue, using hit and run tactics which you can’t do in SoD unless you can LoS somehow. I have always played and geared my warriors as heavy hitters stacking strength, crit % and AP. But the damage doesn’t scale well for warriors in SoD PvP at all. Warrior dps gear gives you a 4k health pool, lol. Less than Valor gear.

Can you please explain what they did to deep wounds and when? I don’t know about this and would like to understand what you’re referring to. Thanks.

The other day I was in AB and there was this Orc Warrior(I can’t remember his name) but he had Dark Edge of Insanity and was rocking 4pc Conquerors and 4pc Draconic and every time he got on a target I was on he just deleted them. You’re gonna be able to rock that build with 4/6 R13 gear next phase with the Shoulder Enchants. I have the T2 Gloves, Belt, Boots, and Bracers and have 7950 HP with no Flask with the Blood Moon cape, neck, and both rings on while being able to main 4% hit which is good enough for me. That’s still double the HP of raid gear and I’ll be hitting significantly harder than I do now. And you’re Xencer the Undead Warrior right? You can play Taste for Blood/Battle Stance like me and take full advantage of it without having to worry about fears as much.

Warrior is not terrible in SOD, it just has the highest skill cap of any class in both PvP and PvE and is also the most gear dependent.

And so what if Warriors aren’t the runaway kings of raid DPS anymore in SOD, everybody has a spec that’s close enough on the logs that it shouldn’t be a problem unless there is some kind of ego thing going on. I’ll take that over the most recent Classic Fresh logs where Warriors are doing almost double the DPS of every other class except Rogues. That’s just so dumb, lol.

They put out gnomer with extreme armor values to keep warriors from dominating. they also had bleed reductions on there. Warriors still god good parses. Deep wounds could roll infinitely like ignite and that was the original idea. Now it resets around the 30 second mark.
Mind you, they haven’t been open at all about any of these changes. All they said, and this was well before sod launched was that warrior wont be top dog (paraphrased ofc) and thats probably their motto on a banner in their shared sod cubicle.

Hmm I knew deep wounds worked like ignite now but didn’t realize it reset after 30 seconds. They did that after gnomer?

a huge problem with this is they never gave warrior ranged instant 100% armor pen abilities, healing, dispels, bubbles, stealth, ranged roots, perma-stuns, etc to compensate for the other classes all doing more damage than them

the team can’t grasp that a class is its entirety - in classic shadowpriest was low raid dps but it was one of the best pvpers, open-world, dungeon, questing classes in the game. In classic, all the classes did much closer damage outside of raid. The original game was never balanced around world buffs.

Arms doing half the damage of the next worst dps and being below all the tanks is just them spiting a class for no reason. Oh, in 2019 you could spam heroic strike to remove -19% hit penalty and glancing blows to make it so rogue wasn’t #1 at literally every game activity, but instead #1 at almost activity and #2 in raid? Warriors gotta be bad in SoD… nevermind the fact that from TBC to TWW (20ish years) that rogue/lock/mage have been OP the entire time. Somehow that doesnt mean those classes gotta be bad in SoD, but warrior was good in raid once 20 years ago so now it has to be bad in SoD? What kind of helmet wearing, chromosome lacking logic is that?


That’s been my point all along. They still don’t know how to scale other classes. Warrior was their best class design and instead of modeling it, they nerfed it over the years and homogenized everything.

I just saw you in an AB. You were at the bottom of kills and you left early, not sure why you come on here to defend doing half the damage of anyone else lol.

Lmao 20 years later and there’s still people that think KBs are indicative of anything in PUG BGs? Since I’ve been max rank for 2 months now these days I only Q up for AB to seek out 1v1s if Silithus/BRM are slow because thats what I enjoy the most and if I’m not getting that without getting zerged I leave. Also, I gotta do a lot of mining to do before I drop it for engineering :slight_smile:

And even if they did matter, this wouldn’t sting coming from someone that’s been making long effortposts for a year now advocating for warriors to have the burst damage of raid buffed/geared Boomies with 250% weapon damage on Mortal Strike and instant 2.5k ARP which actually says something about someone’s game play. Is this why you don’t do any of this on your SoD character? Seriously what a lame post bro.

Well I havent done BGs in a bit because theyre pointless on warrior and nothing much has changed. Boomkins underground obliterating the whole map, hunters still spamming execute and killing you in melee range with it even after the PVP nerfs to the tier, chimera shot slapping for 2-3k and doing it back to back, shadow priests dumping almost 6k dmg in a 1.5sec combo. Just pure clown fiesta. Meanwhile a warrior with dark edge and 4pc4pc bloodthirsts for like 350 damage haha. Best case scenario you find some freshie in cloth with no mitigation, tier, or gear and you 2k heroic strike him with the set bonus adding 25% while youre enraged with deathwish active. (so auto damage +rampage + rank 9 HS * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.2 lol)

Again, regarding arms specifically we can all see where Arms falls on the DPS meters. Below all the tanks and needing about 100% dps increase to catch the next worst dps spec in the entire game. Its just pathetic they leave a spec like this, and ONLY one spec like this.

Need to get some of these pve arms warriors in here sharing thier pain

wild to be entering naxx here soon and Arms still doing half the dmg is second-to-last place dps and less dps than all the tanks lol

I play bloodmoon often with some of the best pvpers in SOD. In the 30 minutes, details dmg tracker on average concludes that compared to arms warrior Ret pally does about 70% more dmg, hunters do about 50% more dmg, spriests do about 20% more dmg, boomkins are about 30% more dmg, mages are around 30% more dmg too.

I’ll start taking screenshots of the dmg meters.

Yes warriors do less dmg than these other classes but it’s not all about dmg. Mortal strike and hamstring are very strong. Meat hook is incredibly strong. It’s a game changer. Also, our ret pallys do much much less dmg when they don’t have a warrior enabling them with hamstrings piercing howls, meathook etc.

When they run with a 2nd spriest or hunter or ret instead of warrior the team isn’t as strong.

If you gave warriors the same dmg as ret pallys we would be the strongest class in the game by far.

We have also run 3 warriors, Hunter, resto druid and have been the best team on the field, and we have done this comp a few times.

PvP wise, in my opinion, warriors should get about a 20% dmg buff max, and it should be in the form of armour penetration that gets applied automatically from slam.

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my man! this would be super nice

Youre wrong. And ive got tonnes of clips to back up the fact dps warriors are trash. Pzg69 on twitch. Look at the clips.

Dps specs of warrs need a buff they are trash in pvp. Literally unplayable poo.

Inb4 backseat pvp(e) andies start saying clips are me trashing pve andies.
Watch the seal team sh!t clip. Theyre not pve andies ( real bad notorious pvp rep eu )and that guy stood no chance

Ps. Gladslam is a meme tier attempt at making warriors rogues with shields and plate and no stealth.

This is NOT the way. We want to ZUG Gonna repeat myself here. Why on earth play dps spec when all your gear is poopookaka the moment you step out of a raid as warr cause you hit for less than druid dot ticks??? ( WHY RAID? WHY
CHASE GEAR AS A WARRIOR THE INCENTIVE IS DEAD, FOR WHAT FOR IT TO ROT IN THE BANK???) Doesnt matter if youre rank14 geared or pve bis it all doesnt matter cause the dmg and surv isnt there! Meanwhile you need to stack prot gear and hope for offspec bits to do pvp, this is stupid