Make a book, “Toms Revenge”, it changes slam. Your slam ability now removes armor equal to 5 applications of sunder armor… In addition, each point of AP increases the amount of armor removed by X.
The x variable allows for tuning when they sim damage. You can make it personal or raid wide depending on how much love you want to show. You can even tune that variable to be different against npcs.
This is an easy fix.
This would be great in pvp. Pally’s are hitting for 3-6 k judgements on me due to spells and set bonuses new to sod, Hunters are blasting me with chimera shot, show warriors some love bliz…
Remove a ton of armor sure, but he’s both implying that some bosses don’t have armor like he believes that, and also implies lowering armor of bosses won’t affect PvE for that same reason
To be clear more armor reduction would absolutely massively buff certain classes unlike what he believes lol
It would not have to be a raid wide buff if they are worried about that. Warriors are bottom tier right now, this would help bring them in line. Would be a huge help in PVP.
Make Mortal strike do damage. I.e. it does 150% extra weapon damage as a bleed tic (sort of like scourge strike) or a flat 250% wpn damage.
Make rend do actual damage, and base it off weapon damage, and apply a tic on application like in Cata.
Make Sweeping strike also apply X% of your weapon damage as a bleed on your primary target.
Add heroic throw with a similar cooldown to SW:D that also applies 5x sunders.
Make an interaction with overpower where if your target has mortal strike applied, overpower “gushes” the target for X bleed damage.
Make the Taste for Blood rune also reduce the CD of overpower like in WotLK so you dont lose dodge overpowers and also allows for a more interesting rotation of timing your overpowers based on other procs and CDs like in Cata.
And tune it do about the DPS of a ret paladin, which gives you around a 100% damage increase to shoot for. Still would be at the bottom of the PVE dps charts as it currently does around half the dps of the next worst dps.
We need either bleed or arp. I think my solution would be an easier to implement and tune solution. I am not bashing on your idea, I just think mine might be easier to implement and tune.
A boss that has improves expose armour, curse of reck and improved faerie fire is at basically zero armour. If we want to be correct a warrior monster type boss has 35 armour left after the reductions. They have 3731 base armour. If its a paladin or mage variant they have zero as the base armour value is more than 35 less than the warrior variant.
So it’s not what I beleive it is how the games mechanics work. You would think some one having an opinion on what i said would know what they are talking about.
It would massively buff pvp is we had armour pen but do significantly less for pve.
would you like bleeds or more damage to bring up the pve numbers. I think raw physical damage would be better from a opinion pov (let the kitty be the bleeders)
You would not happen to know of a good weak aura or add-on for showing if these are missing would you, pls say yes, lol…
I think it boils down to warrior runes right now. The runes and set bonuses don’t allign themselves to how you need to interact with them and how a warrior plays. We have set bonuses based around stance dancing and that is not what warrior was known for. We got 2 new attacks and they are both not great. Quick strike is 25%-35% atp costs lots of rage and is a general lowest priority filler for 2 handed. Raging blow is now 110% (i think could be 115%) weapon damage still the lowest filler on the dual weilding side and removes rend from atp scaling and being cast in any stance.
These spells need to compete with mutilate and envenom for rogues. balefire bolt and say frost fire bolt for mage. There are numerous other classes that were given better offencive options than warrior and it shows with how warrior sits in the dps ranking.
Warriors were just not supported like every other class and it feels like its because the devs have hate for the warrior class and did not want to see them succeed and when they did in spite of what was given they got nerfed. Look at the history of rune changes for warrior.
In pve we need a better source of windfury especially on alliance as feral druids are rare. We need better damage mechanics, feels like im playing a vanilla warrior with slam actually being useful.
Easiest way to bring our damage up would be to add bladestorm and titans grip. Even with the current runes.
I would argue it would be easier to just put some of these on the t3 gear instead of baseline buffing. Since the classic client only allows for runes or gear changes. They have stated before if the baseline buff a classes ability in sod it messes with the other versions also on the same client. I would rather them fix fury ATM rather than try and make arms better.
theyve created entire roles from runes and will change talent trees, so simply making arms playable with something new in SoD is EZPZ, and would mostly just be changes to current runes. The problem is they dont want warrior to be fun or good, or for Arms to be a good spec for certain activities. Part of their early SoD memo that they’ve been consistent in following was for warriors to be the overall worst class to pick in SoD because of them being a little better than rogue in raid dps (but worse than rogue at literally everything else) in vanilla wow. The fact that rogue/lock/mage went on to be OP for 20 years afterwards is lost to them in their mental gymnastics.
Like a 2h hunter has mongoose bite, raptor strike, and wyvern strike all dealing triple the damage of a mortal strike. Wyvern strike comes from a rune changing a talent. Its not hard, they’ve already done it for hunter.