Easy Warrior Fix for PVE and PVP

For PvP:

Drop the CD on Enraged Regeneration down to 1 minute or increase the healing to 50%. Also make the Rune passively buff Blood Craze to 10%

Make Wrecking Crew increase Mortal Strike to 125% weapon damage + 160 and give it the BRE effect

Combine Blood Frenzy and Taste for Blood into 1 rune.


Would be nice to have a something like spell reflect because casters are absurd now.

melee hunter is entirely off runes and talent tree changes, its easily possible

But the devs don’t actively hate hunters, lol

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warriors are literally the only class that has Mortal Strike healing debuff. there is not a single serious pvp group that doesnt bring a warrior to pvp. warrior/healer is by far miles and miles ahead of any other 2v2 3v3 comp right now in sod.

Any skilled warrior knows this.

Runes yes. But Hunter has no talent tree changes. they have the same talents from vanilla.

MS is great but warrior damage still could use a bump. Everyone has tanks builds, and more damage, pure physical damage without some kind of on demand ARP is not good.

We will also convinienty forget about wound poison.


you’re only making it more clear as to why some types of warrior players are struggling.

zug zug

facts have been spoken

Actually leveling a hunter now, lock and load is hysterical.

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One thing I might try out next phase is using 4pc Draconic with the T2.5 4pc Shoulder Enchant(assuming you don’t actually need the set to get the enchant) with 4pc R13(The Head, Shoulders, Chest, Legs have the most Stamina + ZG enchant slots). I’d have a flat 15% damage increase and Slam/Overpower/HS would hit 40% harder than they do now. I’d lose about 800 HP though so Flask of the Titans would be completely mandatory.

Especially since we can buy them for reals now .

  1. Make Mortal strike do damage. I.e. it does 150% extra weapon damage as a bleed tic (sort of like scourge strike) or a flat 250% wpn damage.

  2. Make rend do actual damage, and base it off weapon damage, and apply a tic on application like in Cata.

  3. Make Sweeping strike also apply X% of your weapon damage as a bleed on your primary target.

  4. Add heroic throw with a similar cooldown to SW:D that also applies 5x sunders.

  5. Make an interaction with overpower where if your target has mortal strike applied, overpower “gushes” the target for X bleed damage.

  6. Make the Taste for Blood rune also reduce the CD of overpower like in WotLK so you dont lose dodge overpowers and also allows for a more interesting rotation of timing your overpowers based on other procs and CDs like in Cata.

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You posted this earlier in the thread while these looks and sound ok it is probably the worst way to buff arms.

Arms had bad rage spenders. MS is low output compaired to warriors other tree. People will tell you because it has a healing debuff it shouldm’t kapow. But it needs to kapow in sod otherwise it is a bad ability a bleed wont fix that.

Cost to damage overpower is amazing. You are correct that you waste op when you get a natural dodge but its just like fighting a rogue evading you will waste those combo pointa.

Making sweeping strikes a cooldown is a neat idea but just adds a rage drain on single target.

Maybe make overpower do a stacking buff for ms 50% per stack stacking twice op crits granting 2 charges (its a more often than not scenario there) this would give ms the kapow it needs but not immediatly.

Foccusing on bleeds would make pve arms even more reliant on feral druids for mangle and make the damage practucally useless on non bleesing targets and 2 major 5 mans have lots on non bleeding targets.

I agree something has to happen i just dont think dots are the way and for pvp arp would be the goat. (And rage gen when hitting bubbles)

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which is why it needs to do more damage, the healing debuff doesnt matter, it’s the warrior’s niche. What cost do rogues pay for chain stunning you until dead? What do boomkins pay for having more than plate armor and 100% armor pen instant ranged dps at 36 yards that beats the entire arms rotation even if the warrior’s target has no armor? What is the cost for most classes? nothing. Warrior is the only one left doing no damage, and they don’t have the niches of other classes, so it’s fine. Even in 2019 classic, warrior’s were not good in battlegrounds. You’d bring 1 for a MS and stack stamina/survive on him. His damage was more in line with everyone’s back then and even then warrior didn’t stand out, and the team with more warriors would almost always lose.

Yeah, its like that in cata as well, and wotlk. The issue isn’t not using it before a dodge. The issue is there is 0 gameplay around it, because the CD is basically the same as the proc cd. In Cata, you can use and move your overpower around to play better. It makes the rotation more interesting. The fact you now also have no dps gain against someone dodging is just salt in the wound.

This can be left out but they specifically said it has no cooldown to do more dps when most classes do, or specs do. It can be a small amount, but rage is not a problem, especially in raid. Getting a little bit more damage during optimal windows just adds to gameplay and provides some more opportunities to cover the 100% dps gain the spec needs to catch up to the bottom of the dps charts.

warrior is one of the most backlogged classes in the game for damage, with a lot coming from deep wounds and needing to gain rage. Every other class just opens the gate with maximum pressure. If anything, we need to AVOID backlogging more damage, and it should not be stacking or stackable. it has to be upfront.

they have largely removed the magic resistance and bleed resistance from targets in raids. The ones they havent is because they put in minimal effort and make mistakes and dont care enough to fix it. So 1) fix that and 2) if its a problem needing feral, add that effect to Arms. Similar to later expacs where arms has the bleed debuff.

Bleeds is what you need to keep up with every other class having huge portions of magic damage.

rage should always happen on bubble hits, ArP is fine, 5x quick sunder like rogue and priest have is essential, and bleeds/dots are fine when theyre fast. MS as a scourge strike with a bleed component is a single tic. An overpower gush does its tic in one tic. Other bleeds can be fast, 3 or at most 6 seconds of time to complete. Short dots or single tic damage.

Remember, arms needs almost a 100% flat dps boost to all damage just to catch last place on the damage meter. This doesn’t have to be timid. A ret paladin can open a fight with more dps than 4 arms warriors. A starfire in 1.0 sec cast does the damage of 8 mortal strikes. Even on 0 armor targets with infinite rage in raid you do half of everyone’s damage. Add in armor and less rage, what fraction do you think they do now?

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Grresh nailed it, this would be awesome.

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Scarok I always enjoy your replies because they are well thought out, ty… I don’t want to be dependent on a feral beyond wf to be honest. The physical damage conundrum is a PITA. Like you said, some arp or instant and easy sunder would be be a fix for Pvp, but not as much for pve. I think the set bonuses were just a lazy fix, the devs need to do better.

And this is just on single target. Don’t get me started on multi target, cleave is awful, since arms is now bastardized in raids we need a book that gives fury sweeping strikes with a higher target cap.

I wish the devs would chime in.

Isn’t it wild that they made that raid specifically to nerf warrior damage? And when that wasn’t enough, they nerfed the rolling deep wounds.

so many crazy things, they nerved the armor pen trinket in AQ that would be perfect for arms pvp… its now a crappy whirlwind with a two minute cd.