Easy sylvanas prediction

Sylvanas will be to the Jailer
as Azshara was to N’zoth


Well we know that they won’t kill her off and that she will most likely be redeemed, so I expect her to either return to the Horde as a leader to the forsaken or have her become some sort of death goddess.

Bad writing will never change.


Eh… the thought’s crossed my mind, but quite honestly I doubt it.

Please stop, they might think this post is in support of that idea.


It’s not, but the recent writing has been heavily hinting towards an outcome like this.
Just to insult Night Elf fans and honor horde fans a bit further.

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I know, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Not like they haven’t pulled that one before though.


Arthas is gonna come out after we kill her and say “No queen rules forever”
Athras looks to tyande “There must always be a edgy waifu, without one the edgy fan boys will become restless and destroy azeorth”
Tyrande walks over to sylvanas’s fallen boob armor “The weight of such a burden must be mine.”
voice in the distance “TYRANDE!!!”
*camera snaps to the distance revealing the half naked form of Lothermar "You hold a grim destiny in your has sister, but its not your own. "
Tyrande walks towards him “LOTHERMAR??!”
Camera plans up his body already covered by the bruises of the horde villian bat. “Joining the horde already sealed my fate, the world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the boob cups upon my chest, forever more I’ll be the jailer of the fanboys.”
tyrande turns around “No old friend I cannot!”
camera flips back to Lothermar whos fanboys are already starting to justify future war crimes “DO IT! Tyrande, you and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fullfill, this last act of service is mine.”
Tyrande turns around “You will not be forgotten brother.”
Lothermar “I must forgetten Tyrande, if the world is to live free of the tyranny of lust they must never know what was done here today.”
*Tyrande gives him a nod and slowly starts to place those armored boobplate on his chest, which overtakes lothermar making the earth shake and starts to cover him in 15 year long plotarmor
“Tell them only that Sylvanas windrunner is dead, and that Lothermar died with her.”


They will pull an Illidan on her.


I’ve always thought that this or a fully revived Sylvanas would be an awesome way to continue her story.

I havn’t really been keeping up with the new stuff, but I hope its a great story for Sylvanas’ long time true fans.


yea it will be an awesome outcome, especially for the night elves

The Night Elves have been a meme race since “Hush Tyrande” and “Yes my King, anything you say my king, you’re right my king” or was it since “Human potential”

When was the last time the NE has had their time to shine?

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That must be Warcraft 3

In WoW they are almost completely out of the setting now, maybe that was the plan when they said that Night Elves were a mistake.

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…I 'otta slap you with a fish for saying that. When has the night elf organizations not been part of an expansion?

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The point was more that they have been slowly losing things steadily over the course of multiple expansions, and BfA was the final nail in the coffin with not only most of them dead and in the maw to suffer, but also their zones destroyed or occupied.
The Kaldorei as a nation have been destroyed and their revenge / compensation for that was 1 single questline that ended in a warfront. So they won’t even receive justice for that whole thing.
Truly shows where they’re going with the race.


There’s just nothing we can do now with Sylvanas out of the horde. Even then, the attack on Darkshore was hidden from the Tauren so Baine can be cleared.

Probably the best reason to shrug off the horde.

Well, it could’ve been Sylvanas or Nathanos instead to die to the Night Elves but instead the writers want to keep the whole cake and redeem both of them and keep them alive - just so that not a single person will answer for Teldrassil.


Gul’dan wasn’t killed by any extension of Anduin so it’s very possible they won’t be attacked by Tyrande.

The problem is that both the Horde and Sylvanas’ crimes have been whitewashed by dismissing everyone that wanted justice for Teldrassil with “Tyrande got her revenge”. That statement obviously isn’t true, but it works for them because there aren’t enough people who actually care about that.
Nobody will be brought to justice for Teldrassil, the Horde blamed everything on Sylvanas and Sylvanas is just untouchable until she gets redeemed later in Shadowlands


I hate that I love this.

They are attempting to lump the Jailer as the biggest bad guy but Sylvanas is taking the same path as Zendarin. I think only the other Windrunner sisters will determine her fate–

…so it might be safe to assume Sylvanas will die.