I want to start getting new mounts. What are some the easiest mounts to start with?
Simple Armory is your friend. Racial and vendor mounts will be easiest. Then you decide what tickles your fancy. I would genuinely recommend the hunter class mount from legion. Free, & yet very pretty & unique.
Hehehe easy mounts
does cool factor mean anything to you friend?
if you just need basic walmart quality mounts, you can always start with faction rep mounts (Stormwind, Darnassus, etc.) Lots of these reps allowed you to use their appropriate tabards to generate rep when killing mobs and stuff really ez
Everything on the store.
Heyyyy mon, try doin da Culling of Stratholme on heroic. Ya just run to da left before da end boss after all da fire and it will rain drakes into yo bags!
Obsidian sanctum in wrath, within the dragonblight will drop a drake too mon.
Just any mount? Dragons? Horses? What we talking about here?
store mounts
Wrath drakes probably, you can get 3 mounts in about 10 minutes.
there’s one with a 100% drop rate in ruby sanctum iirc. it looks pretty cool.
The mount you get for free when you unlock the mount forge in ZM.
Swift Frostwolf. Ground mount. All you do is kill mobs over and over in Magnarok, Frostfire Ridge stuff until you get to exalted with the Frostwolf Orcs. They respawn fast. Dont get tempted to do the other two farming spots, they just make it take a lot longer.
Wintersaber mount in Winterspring is easy. Just takes 2 weeks of dailies.
Horde version is the Venomhide in Ungoro Crater.
Look at you stable tab and see what the requirements are for the ones you want.
said she is interested
store mount. swipe and all the cool mounts will be yours!
took me 3 years to finish venomhide
what is a vernomhide
sartharian’s lair 10/25
whnat do uj mean easy mounts