Easy Mounts?

All Mists of Pandaria world bosses

There’s easy in terms of time sink and easy in terms of actual work.
For instance, Ashes of A’lar is easy in that with a character with good movement speed (DH, Hunter, Monk, Druid, etc), the raid is extremely quick and easy to clear (only need to fight Kael’Thas). However with a 1% drop you’re looking at anywhere between 1-200+ runs.

Achievement mounts (Glory of … Hero/Raider) are guaranteed and can usually be done in a day, with the exception of achievs that can’t be done in one lockout (Dragon Soul has one like this). However, some of the tasks are ridiculous like kiting a boss around the entire map, and Heroic Lich King’s mech for one of the achievs wasn’t scaled properly/at all when I did it and needed double healer to heal through the stacks.

So its a matter of “Do you want something that’ll take less than 20 minutes a week with no guaranteed end or something that requires some effort (dailies, achievements, grinds, etc.) for an hour+ but won’t put you at the mercy of rng?”

I recommend the sanctum bosses in Northrend (guaranteed), Smoldering Emberwyrm (bring along 4 other people and atleast someone is guaranteed to get it, and the challenge is easy at 60), Sinrunner Blanchy (just need a few items and wait, the wait isn’t long and theres usually LFG groups that’ll phase you over when shes up.) Along with other’s recommendations.

what are your fav mounts