Easy fix for skeletons

On second thought, the rotational algorithm could be bypassed by making the text/signs even larger, so the skeletal alignment didn’t matter.

So, I actually think the OP’s idea is the best so far. Just like language filters, add skeleton filters. Done.

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Oh I agree with you. My concern is that Activision/Blizzard does not.

The web addresses may be gone, but the sacrifices will continue.

If you are offended by a skeleton in a video game, I would suggest you seek out a psychiatrist.


Im assuming they want to cut back the amount of accounts made to pull off this corpse message stunt.
Im sure it takes many.

The skeletons are an object in the world, I imagine having an opt-in/out option would require them to be completely rewritten. That would be a massive waste of time for something so unimportant.

Oh come on. Do you really like having an exploit (and that’s what it was, really) being put back IN the game because reasons?

I mean, i never enjoyed having a pile of burning corpses for days at a time sometimes in the Goldshire Inn.

Not that I’m personally worried about it, but you’re completely misrepresenting the issue. No one is offended by the skeletons, they’re offended by the garbage people write using the skeletons. So are you suggesting that people should just never be offended by anything?

It’s not like removing racism and other offensive messages from mass-consumed media is some new phenomenon. There’s been limits on what can and cannot be said in online games for as long as there have been online games. People are always going to find ways around the rules and Devs are always going to work out ways to stop them. If you want to participate in a game that is by definition massively multiplayer, then you act accordingly. It is a game after all, meant for fun and leisure. It’s not anyone’s soapbox.

Blizzard wants to be our helicopter parents. These corporations in silicon valley will not think of us as adults.


If you are offended by text, I would suggest you seek out a psychiatrist.


The only people I see harassing people are the people defending this skeleton change. We just want our skeletons back.


Work on your critical thinking skills.

There can be an option to enable or disable it like the chat filter. Then everyone is happy.
It would not be hard to implement because they are using the new client.

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How do you figure?

So… using skeletons to write in-game messages is inherently offensive?

Everyone has their own personal sensibilities. It is impossible to avoid offending everyone.

You can be offended by whatever you want. However, no piece of art or media should be altered to suit a minority of consumers.

It’s quite new. At least, in the way it’s handled.

Take fundamentalist Christians as an example. They’re offended by all kinds of things. Yet, no one at Blizzard cares in the slightest. They aren’t bending over backwards to remove gay characters from Overwatch or pentagrams from Diablo.

If Blizzard really cared about being inoffensive… Why don’t they make changes to avoid offending Christians?

Another problem is that the definition of “racism” in 2019 is so vast as to encompass almost anything. It was not like this in the past.

Take “North & South” on NES as an example. In 1990, there was no moral outrage over the south being represented by the confederate flag.

In 2019, you’ll be labeled a white supremacist for putting historically accurate flags in a game about the American Civil War.

That’s not true. You clearly weren’t online in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. As then were typically no rules, or were difficult to enforce.

This is why we have a report feature.

Skeletons currently exist in retail. People can make offensive messages with skeletons now. Blizzard doesn’t think it’s a problem in retail.

Blizzard tells us they want to provide the most authentic vanilla server experience possible. Yet they’ll remove skeletons out of paranoia that someone might make a swastika on the ground, and that it might offend someone.

That also means dealing with behavior you may find offensive.

…and yet you’ll use this forum as a soapbox to spread your message of intolerance.