Easy fix for Bruttosaur mount

I’m dumb and misremembered the original price.

mostly I meant: the mount should never have been removed.

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You fail to realize that most of those mounts weren’t bought with gold token. People bought gold for much cheaper the illegal way.

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Is that a documented fact, or an opinion formed on various social media platforms (such as, these forums)? I only personally know one player that bought the mount, and he made his gold through participating in raid carries and playing the auction house.

most people who bought that mount bought it with gold they earned. I bought it day 2 of the expansion with gold I had earned over several expansions.

If you notice it is still being used mostly for auction house activities - things that people who ‘bought’ gold don’t normally bother with.

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I spent 3 months grinding gold for it

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The only “andies” I see complaining are the people who couldn’t muster up 5 mil in 2 years to buy it in the first place.

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you said “fix”

what problem does your “fix” solve?

Believe what you want. People buy gold illegally every day on the mass. Your friend could of said he got tokens from wow but instead bought the much cheaper gold from the gold farmers. Trust me billions of gold are sold a day in wow. You ever see those farms with like 5 players in them farming mobs 24/7 ? It takes probably a good week or more to get those guys banned and in that span of time they have profited. They do this over and over and people buy the gold.

the only way you would know this is if you were selling gold yourself or knew someone who was.

I can’t believe you’re this naive


Any data backing that “most” people bought it with gold they earned?

I do research and don’t live in a fairytale rainbow state of mind. I’m sorry if what I’m saying is offending you but it is true.

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Right!?! Gold has been sold on websites since Vanilla.

Also, I’d buy the bruto off the store in a heartbeat. Not cause I use it, just cause I could.


That’s probably the best way to put it back in the game ngl. If blizzard wants to make money put it in the store. Guaranteed many will buy.

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That’s not inflation. Those are set prices for two different things. Now if those prices kept going up every couple months due to an assumed raise in gold earned then that would be an example inflation.


i would pay 20 for it kek


I agree OP, it would make a good store mount. I think it would be closer to $60 or so and many would still buy it. Of course people that already have it would complain as now they think they have something unique or whatever.

You’re right, that is a bad example. How about when a mount itself was 20g and the brontomount is 5m gold?

Might be more apt.

Easier fix: Don’t do any of this.

Inflation, $5 million in BFA was far harder to get (tokens aside), than it is now, and will continue to be easier to get.

There are many mounts and other objects in game that are no longer obtainable, and this is one, which is part of what makes them special.

You know all of this already, but you asked the question, so there you go. It’s all pretty simple, nothing sinister or cosmic conspiracy.