Easter Eggs regarding Sargeras' sword transmog

Arguably even that’s not the whole case. Technically, Azeroth’s the last known World Soul because she was the last one the titans found, and she’s only the most powerful known World Soul because she’s the most powerful they ever found.

Yet even Chronicle indicated that the titans only ever managed to explore a tiny fraction of the totality of the Great Dark, so in theory, there could be any number of dormant, undiscovered World Souls “out there” that just haven’t yet matured to the point of attracting the scrutiny of the Pantheon or the Burning Legion, since both were arguably being drawn to planets by what were effectively the possible symptoms of possessing growing World Souls (and by an astronomical margin, even with those symptoms, most of the time they still didn’t.)

Heck, even the Legion’s search would have always been somewhat stymied by the fact that in order to invade a given planet, they have to have some way of actually knowing it’s there, be it contacting the native life in order to arrange to be summoned or at the very least, noticing some event upon it from within their own domain. Otherwise beyond Sargeras presumably knowing the locations of Reordered planets the titans had already visited, there’s basically no solid point of reference for them to know where a given world is from within the Twisting Nether if there’s nothing on its surface yet that’s developed enough to “announce” its presence (like, say, night elves’ use of the Well of Eternity painting a target on Azeroth or the Genedar’s crash-landing on Draenor sending out a huge wave of Light energies.)

So in theory, there could be any number of worlds in the Great Dark that just haven’t yet developed sufficiently to draw the gaze of these cosmic agencies, and from among those, some tiny number could perhaps turn out to contain World Souls of their own. Perhaps even one or more that would eventually grow to eclipse Azeroth.

And since he could never be sure that wasn’t the case, Sargeras’ Crusade could never end. Because while Azeroth being so powerful is relevant, what’s arguably even more relevant to him is that the Void Lords don’t even need the most powerful World Soul to accomplish their goal. They only need any World Soul to create an unstoppable Void Titan, so he had to burn everything because with countless Old Gods cast across the cosmos, always potentially crashing down onto even more worlds at any given moment, even with his infinite army of demons time was always against him and he couldn’t take any chances. As long as anything still existed at all, he’d have to continue scouring creation for eternity, forever looking for any worlds that might escape his notice and might harbor even the slightest statistical possibility of housing a World Soul.

Sargeras set out to destroy all life, despite it arguably being impossible for him to ever reach a point at which he could know he had succeeded.


Actually, according to the Illidan novel he is already fairly close to suceeding. I would have to find the exact wording but it seems only a few worlds are actually left.

So that means even the Great Dark Beyond may have its limits. That maybe the entire warcraft universe itself is relatively tiny compared to say the real universe.

Hell Sargeras only found out about Argus because the Eredar drew his attention. None of the other Titans knew about Argus (the world soul) until they were rounded up by the Legion.

Would be interesting if there was an AU scenario where Sargeras never found Argus. None of the Eredar (like Archimonde) were messing around with demons.

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The thing is, everything Illidan is shown about the situation is through the lens of either the Burning Legion or the elder naaru sending him visions.

Both of whom have reasons to impart urgency by convincing him the Legion’s about to win. The demons because it shows that there’s no use in defying them, and the naaru because it shows that he needs to act now (naturally in the manner they want him to) or else.

Everything in the Illidan novel is filtered through either his own very skewed worldview or that of the agencies trying to sway him to their side.

It’s even worth noting that during Legion, it’s stated that if Sargeras isn’t stopped on Azeroth, he’ll use his victory there as the impetus to ramp up the Legion’s advance across the stars and start a new Crusade. Well, it wouldn’t be much of a new Crusade if it’s just having his demons keep doing what they were already doing to a last handful of planets they hadn’t gotten around to yet.


Based on the angle by which he was pulled away, this makes sense as well. A cleave would require two hands and a slashing strike, which would be harder to get right, and if gone wrong, you might miss the cleave entirely and only scratch the surface of the world.

A stab only requires one hand and one can easily adjust position and force depending on how one is pulled away to ensure that it not only occurs, but makes a… ahem… nice, deep penetration.

The thing is, during the whole raid Sargeras was dry humping Azeroth, if cleaving the planet was his goal, he had time to spare.

So destroying Azeroth was not his goal, I think, he was aiming at something more specific, and maybe Azeroth only got so hurt to the point of spewing Azerite all over the planet because he was being pulled away when doing his strike.

Or maybe what spilled Azerite all over the world, spoke with magni, and we helped save, wasn’t the world soul at all.

Cleaving was not his goal at first, he wanted to claim the worldsoul and convert it. But that has nothing to do with anything being ask, because the question is: why didn’t he cleave the planet once he had realized that his conversion was getting interrupted?

He could stab and try to poke the worldsoul with some less than 100% chance, maybe causing a stalemate by preventing anyone else from having it. Or, he could cleave the planet… and cause a stalemate, preventing anyone else from having it. Read that again. Both options have the same outcome! Why do the one that might fail?

There’s only two possibilities for why Sargeras didn’t cleave Azeroth when his conversion plans didn’t work.

A) Sargeras chose not to cleave her.
B) Sargeras knew he could not cleave her.

I know everyone likes A here, but B could be a possibility too. Maybe whatever super-magic-special-girl Azeroth turns out to be, she could deflect such a broad strike with her special magiciness. Maybe a cleave would have just left a giant gash along her side. Sargeras is pretty dang close to the planet, and being pulled backward too, so he’s not gonna get a lot of power on that swing. Hesk, he didn’t even get a lot of power on his thrust, because half the sword’s still sticking out of Silithus. I mean, there’s a lot of reasons why he might not have…

Nah, who’m I kidding?

He was trying to stab a specific thing, and it’s probably not the Heart Chamber.

Something to perhaps consider is that we teleported to the Chamber of Heart from a platform in Silithus, so the actual Chamber might not even be there. It’s technically possible that the teleportation pad was sent to Silithus by an automated mechanism within the Chamber of Heart so that any titanic agents (or as it turned out, Magni and the players) drawn to assess the physical source of the World Soul’s distress could gain access to the Chamber.

Even the damage to the Chamber itself doesn’t really look like it was caused by the sword; rather, between the impaled Watcher and the fragments absorbed by players to initially charge the HoA, it comes across more like the Chamber was breached by a bunch of Azerite eruptions compromising its walls. While ultimately instigated by the sword, that sort of thing was happening all over Azeroth and not just in close proximity to the actual wound, so it wasn’t necessarily indicative of the Chamber itself being physically close to Silithus.


I would imagine that the chamber of the heart is fairly close to Azeroths world soul. Much like how Aggramar’s sanctum within the heart of Antrous was right besides Argus’ world soul.

And if a world soul is the core of their world… It wouldn’t matter where Sargeras stabbed the sword. Blizzard probably chose Silithus not because of any story reason, but because the zone was practically non-existent following vanilla. Hell Cata even removed a quest chain from the zone during its revamp.

And if the comics about he who must not be named are still considered ‘canon’ (I imagine they are, due to Cho’galls mutations) C’thun is dead dead with Ahn’qiarji being a pile of ruins.

Blizzard has already stated in statements concerning The War Within that the Old Gods are dead and Xal’atath is taking over doing their job for them whatever it may be even to the chagrin of the 5th Old God(whose Blood she is probably taking in Azj-kahet).

If the Old Gods are Old Gods clinging to the body parts(Heart, Eye, Death Magic and Blood) of Mu’sha or the Earthmother then Xal’atath is Mu’sha(she has the Moon Symbol on her face, calls Elune a great enemy and an upstart “goddess” using quotation marks to denotate sarcasm and used to be an Eye) herself trying to finish the job of putting herself back together to ensure her masters return as well.

Considering the Barrowknoll Cemetery Whispers the Old God of Life will be quite happy to take our Blood donations to replace the Blood of Mu’sha.

The only surviving Old God will be the one we side with against Mu’sha and the Void Lords.

maybe medan will help
the finale of the trilogy is in northrend because he sits on the empty throne
he pulls the giant sword out like king arthur as the chosen king of azeroth

I hope there’s a way to bring people up to speed on Xal’atath’s lore in-game for those who didn’t play Legion or didn’t play a priest in Legion.

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