Oh no, the World Soul saga won’t make you read only ten things to understand it. Do not worry about that at all!! They would never make you read only ten books to make sense of the entire Azeroth-Void Lords/Xal’atath-Titans-Probably Other Stuff Too things that will be extremely important to understand.
But why should we be sus about Magni when he did nothing wrong?
You said someone cut off communication, which does end up being Mimiron but that somehow makes Magni the bad guy? Well I guess he is evil for disturbing the poor keeper while he was tinkering.
Oh no, I understood. You tried to frame that Magni being cut off means that we shouldn’t trust him because of something he had no control over.
And instead of trying to explain why you feel that way, you resorted to insults.
You basically said that Magni is sus because Mimiron did not answer the phone. I simply was pointing out why does that make Magni sus. You have yet to answer why.
All known lore sources describe Sylvanas’ power up as her partnership with Zovaal and her sending souls to the Maw, empowering them both. However how the Maw was able to empower her was never really explained. There was no ceremony or binding, we just had Sylvanas sending Mal’Ganis to inform Zovaal that she had agreed to work with him.
Why not cleave Azeroth and kill everyone? Chronicle establishes that he knows very well the risks of a worldsoul allied against him, and promptly sliced a planet in half, because if you can’t mold the worldsoul yourself, you have to deny anyone else the asset.
How is Azeroth different from that one nameless planet he salami sliced into oblivion? Because here’s the thing… Sargeras missed, evidently! Taking a stab probably just cost him the war for the universe.
Even back then I figured it was Sargeras’ desperate blow against the planet as he was being yanked away. He didn’t have the time or leverage to properly cleave the planet in half.
Maybe because he wasnt trying to kill Azeroth but poison her/corrupt her with his sword? If all the other elemental realms are trying to “change” Azeroth, why not the fel realm as well?
Option A: cleave the planet in half, preventing the end of the universe with 100% certainty but 0% of quick victory, at best hoping to escape from prison later.
Option B: do a stab, X% chance of winning, (1-X)% chance of ending the universe if he misses.
And then he absolutely whiffed it, so I wager X was not very large. He proved he’s willing to cleave a planet once, too, so saying “he’d rather the universe die than suffer a stalemate/draw” doesn’t work.
Given what we know, this is the only answer I find to be… somewhat acceptable. I can take that.
Because Azeroth is the last worldsoul in the universe. That’s kind of the crux of the entire plot of Warcraft and why Sargeras doesn’t just peace out to an easier world. He scoured the whole universe looking.