Easter Eggs regarding Sargeras' sword transmog


So apperently Sargeras deliberately chose Silithus as his target and it was not random chance.


Depending on the cosmic weapons you have mogged from the Novembers trade post, he has different things to say


Yeah, it was too close to The Chamber of the Heart for it to not be a calculated strike, but what’s interesting is was that the reason Tyr and Achadeas died to keep the location of the Chamber of the Heart secret. Was there a Titan Keeper who betrayed the Titans and gave this secret info to Sargeras? Was it Dreadlords? :thinking:

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Tyr died because of the whole thing with Loken and the Old Gods. We killed Achadeas for loot and what not. Furthermore while Aechadeas created it, I’ve never seen anything that states Tyr knew about it. After all Ra-den didnt know about it.

If Achadeas told Tyr about it, he may have tokd other titans. For example if he told Hodir, he may have told Sargeras about it when he was corrupted by the Legion in the warrior campaign.

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What a neat easter egg! This gives me a lot of hope for TWW. I love the references to Xal’atath, she is quickly becoming one of my favorite WoW characters along with Azshara!


I like the line that mentions how despite employing different methods, Sargeras and the titans still had the same overall goal.

Also, while just a game thing, the dialogue where he mentions your sword having the same energy as sargeras’ make me think that people extracting pieces of the Silithus sword and making copies or blades with its material could be actually a thing, and a very dangerous thing.


There were books, in the the screnario at the start of DF where we return to Uldaman. It says that Tyr comissioned Archaedas to build the Chamber of the Heart but to keep it secret from the other Titan Keepers. Tyr hid one of his Sparks of Tyr (Memory disks) there and we had to recover it as part of the DF Tyr questchain.

Are you trying to suggest that didn’t happen?

Yes he was evading Loken but there was also a breakdown of trust between him and Odyn because Odyn didn’t trust that the Dragon Aspects would be enough to save Azeroth. He also disagreed with Highkeeper Odyn on the merits of mortals. And Tyr was once allied with Helya before and briefly after her fall to fight the armies of Loken.

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The Chamber of the Heart was never mentioned in any of the books. I just checked to refresh myself and ensure I didn’t forgot anything.

All we know is that Titan Keeper wise in regards to the Chamber of the Heart is Archaedas knew because he made it, MOTHER had access, and other Titan Keepers like Ra-den had no idea it existed.

Exactly why Archaedas built the Chamber of the Heart is currently unknown. He could have done it on his own or been ordered or requested to do so by Odyn, another Keeper and/or even the Titans themselves.

Magni raid boss is inevitable


Tyr tried to hide the Chamber of the Heart from the Void and Magni led the Void right to it by opening a path for M.O.T.H.E.R to teleport from G’huun infected Uldir.

“The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn.”

The narrative said that someone blocked transportation from Uldir to other facilities and Magni was like, let’s reverse that. He was not using his noggin.

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And let’s not forget that someone from Ulduar cut all communications with the Chamber as Mangi tried to contact them.

Something’s defintely fishy going on with Mr.Diamond Dwarf


I accept that he was aiming, because Blizzard is going for it, but… why? Sargeras knew with certainty that his butt was about to get imprisoned. So there were two options: test his aim with an uncertain strike (with a chance of failing), or just slice the planet in two and deny his enemies the win.

Why risk the first option, when he thinks the fate of reality is at stake?


So Magni tried to contact someone but at the same time sabotaged his attempts to do so? That sounds counter productive. And how was he at two different places at once. How can he be in Ulduar to cut off communications with himself while he was also at the chamber of the heart?

Just looked up the Quest and all I saw was:

MOTHER says: Accessing facility. Designation: Ulduar.
MOTHER says: Forge of Wills currently operational. Communication protocol terminated by Keeper Mimiron.
Magni Bronzebeard says: I suppose he’s annoyed we interrupted his work…

Mimiron was the one who cut off communication with the Chamber of the Heart.

What does Mimiron know?


I really don’t like this retcon they’re doing. I don’t want to keep hearing from Blizzard about “Ooh Sargeras was aiming for something but what is it?! Wait and see players!” I don’t imagine it’s anything other than the Chamber Of Heart which doesn’t seem interesting in finding out Sargeras was aiming for it. If it’s not that, Silithus is filled with enough important places, adding things with the Chamber Of Heart and Ahn’Qiraj makes that place crowded.

I don’t mind the idea of Sargeras aiming for something when he did the stabbination because like…

Yeah, obviously. Thanks for not treating me like an idiot when I made that very blatant connection between the Stab and the Chamber being right there.

What I mind if the aura they’re trying to put around this.

Did nobody tell Anduin and Thrall that the Chamber of the Heart was right there? We knew that right as the war was starting up, we further knew this when we used it as a control room to aim the Death Star laser at the player so they could love bomb N’zoth to death or something, and all of this sounds like things these two important leaders should have figured out already.

Unless the whole teleport to the heart room wasn’t bringing us to Underdark Silithus and brought us somewhere else, and but actually-actually it’s Azeroth’s super real heart that Saggy was aiming for, and that’s like totally different from the thing in the Chamber. Which is just… Objectively bad?

So then the third option is Sargeras wasn’t actually aiming for the Heart Gunk and was aiming for… The Womb of Azeroth? The Kidney of Azeroth? Azeroth’s Brain? The Hand and Eye of Azeroth? Was he aiming for Peter the mole person because he really has it out for Peter and just wanted to make him dead? How much important stuff is buried in this one zone and why here when we killed Cthun forever ago and none of this was brought up at all? Or was he actually trying to stab all the way on the opposite side of Azeroth to poke someone on the continent named the Butt of Azeroth, and will that also be an island like everything else? Is the Butt of Azeroth a tiny, dainty butt?

I’m less bothered by the whole bit where Thrall and Anduin don’t know whose voice is in their head. In WoW, I’d assume when you start hearing voices in your head, you don’t automatically assume “this must be a good thing from a good entity and I should do what it says because old gods and dreadlords and evil daggers never whisper into your brain at all, and if they did they would absolutely not try and trick me into thinking they are the planet in need, because they would never be so tricky”. So okay, cool and fine, it makes sense.

But like… That’s great that they might not know who Azeroth is and might not jump to that conclusion. But I saw the azerite sphere. I heard it talk to Anduin. I played enough BfA to know that azerite is Azeroth. I heard Thrall when he said the voice is coming from the world’s heart. I know it’s Azeroth.

So why is it being played as a mystery for me to be intrigued by in the cinematic?

Because this all really feels like the worst kind of mystery trope, where you are shown a thing, shown it is true, have the narrative tell you it is true and real, then in the final three chapters of the third book in a trilogy it’s all suddenly not real, everything you knew was all a lie, there were never any hints it might be a lie, the first two books were all just the delusions of some dude named Ralph, now this whole other new thing is true and is mostly similar but with totally different characters, and this won’t be suddenly a lie in a later sequel because we’d never do that to you roflmao.

And I’m slightly afraid they might go a route like that.

Azerite was never Azeroth’s blood, you sillies!! It was Nogg-C’thotharon’s pee, the mysterious fifth old god, the son of Xal’atath and Medan who got lost in time!! And the Heart Room was never the Heart Room, it was all a trick of the titans, and really the Heart Room is fifty meters south, and the tip of Sargeras’s sword penetrated it, just the tip penetrated, and now the second super secret Heart is actually-actually at risk of the void eating it!!

Or like… Something.

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Who said he was at Ulduar? I said someone IN ULDUAR cut off communication with the Chamber.

And the comment about Magni being fishy was a suggestion on why we shouldn’t trust him.

Did you even read what I wrote before responding? Because it looks like you didn’t understand a single thing


I doubt this will come up because I dont remember any of BfA it was a fever dream of old gods and south seas to the soundtrack of sylvanas laughing

and if I dont remember it I doubt other players do. The narrative of WW will probably just pick up after Legion in my guess

Nah, we have Elfgirl Xal’atath, which only became a thing in BfA. We have Post-Traumatic Shadowlands Disorder Old Manduin, complete with flashbacks of doing Shadowlands.

We don’t get to hide… From past expansions.

We needed time. Those expansions stayed away. But time by itself heals nothing.

Warcraft is its scars.


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lets not do another cata where you have to read like 10 things to understand it