Easiest healers to play / level?

I kind of want to play a healing class, but I absolutely HATE how my paladin class got ruined with the healin and now you gotta do DPS and heal. I find it quite sad. My role as a pure holy paladin is to HEAL not DPS. So, I quit that and trying to find a better solution for the classes

For me, Holy Priest or Resto Shaman

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I would say holy priest. Probably the easiest to play, but its rarely super competitive

Priest is the worst to level if you do any of it questing.

Shaman is easy to level and typically pretty easy to get good healing numbers out of it.

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Leveling a Holy Priest is like watching paint dry.

I’d recommend Disc, even though you seem to dislike DPS, if you want to be a healer you need to be able to play Disc.


Well personally I find holy pally easy, but resto shaman is pretty easy (and very fun).

You could play Resto Shaman and literally do nothing but spam Chain Heal, lol.

Sure you might go oom and it’s not optimal at all, but it works well enough for normal dungeons, etc.

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Resto Shaman, no doubt about it.

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I’ve really enjoy Holy for the ‘pure heal experience’. Resto works well too and even stuff like healing rain can be made into an offensive talent without necessarily having to attack things.

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I’m for like low keys for low mythic+ dungeons, I do not expect myself to go any higher tbh.

Same here :angel:

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Resto Shaman plays itself. Nothing else comes even close. Holy priest is sort of a simple spec I guess but it’s way harder to do well with it at least in dungeons because it’s pretty lacking.

I’ll echo resto sham

If you just want to focus on healing, resto shaman is an excellent choice. In dungeons, where healers might be expected to contribute to damage (only at higher end content) resto shaman deliver a decent amount of passive damage due to their big circle heal dealing damage to any enemies inside it. You also have great tools for different situations and a very intuitive (and forgiving) playstyle.

Holy priest was my go to pure healy healer but I don’t think it is as much fun in it’s current state. Discipline relies on dealing damage to heal. I haven’t played monk this season but it’s similar to paladin in that it’s a melee healer which can be played as a caster healer but less effectively? Prevoker can be a bit complicated to learn but has great healing output.

Resto druid is worth considering if the others don’t appeal to you. You don’t have to turn into a cat and dps, it can be set up as a pure caster healer, especially going into next season. You also get lots of nice utility no other healer gets like stealth and the benefits from other forms.

Personally my rankings are as follows.

  1. Holy Paladin - in all honesty the push towards DPS healing actually made it easier to heal as a Holy paladin.
  2. Restoration Shaman - totems, rain, and chain healing all day… so simple and effective…
  3. Discipline Priest - the original DPS healer… a little harder to play than they were originally, but still not bad (soon they will be terrible though if Blizzard doesn’t reverse gears on their current plan to gut them)
  4. Restoration Druid - HoTs for days… used to be easily #2, but lately they feel insanely weak as a healer…
  5. Mistweaver Monk - the push for them to follow Fistweaving playstyle has really hurt their ease of play and healing output quite a lot…
  6. Holy Priest - I’m probably biased here, but holy Priest is just insanely hard for me for some reason…

Unranked: Evoker - I haven’t leveled an Evoker up enough to have a feel for their healing yet…

Personally I prefer Resto Druid. Stack Dem HOTs

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Rsham/Holy Priest/Disc Priest/Mistweaver (castweaver, not fistweaver) are probably the easiest (Mistweaver being the easiest, IMO).

Hpal is straight forward but when you’re doing content people can actually die in, having to be in melee range while watching health bars turns into accidents sometimes.

Rdruid had always felt overly difficult because you’re mostly relying on HoTs, so you’ve really got to get a feel for how much your spells will cover, and know content well enough to preemptively load people up.

Never played Fistweaver or Preservation, so will have to plead ignorance.

Aesthetically and better mobility-wise for play & level — I’d say druid or shaman take the cake, personally :person_shrugging:

I love my priest, but levelling priests doesn’t feel like what it use to these days as it did back when I did this toon. That’s not to say it isn’t good … But it could be better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Anyway yeah, druid or sham :slight_smile:

Holy Priest and Resto Shaman are probably easiest as others have mentioned. Shaman has alot of things to bind if you fully want to use all the utility but it’s not needed for lower mythic+ and normal raid/dungeons.

Another fun healer is Mistweaver Monk. You more or less can melee dps to heal and it has alot of fun abilities.

Sad, but true. I felt the same way when paladin changed. I had been one since TBC. Now I’ve returned to my OG healer who is a holy priest. The healing is similar to holy pally, and the gear is cooler.

I’d suggest holy. But only roll holy full time if you are levelling through dungeons or something. Easy enough to roll shadow though for questing if you prefer that. Defos wudnt advise holy priest for questing etc.