Easiest class/spec in the game?

Ya but I wouldn’t ever make that a justification for ww being like a huge iq spec. The difference is near trivial and now with the intro to ES being ToD 2.0 the electric boogaloo ret rotation might be a lot more meaningful

i mean ya i never said ww was hard because of its damage rotation i just said its rotation is harder than ret

i dont think ww is a hard spec it just has a higher skill cap than ret due to its kit. you can do a lot more on a ww than u can on ret to influence the game, which is ridiculous to me considering ret is basically the utility spec throughout wow. it’s kinda dumb how a class that has the mobility of a dh and an ms also gets extremely overloaded utility on top of all that

prolly bm hunter, just send your pets in and watch netflix or something.

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“What class is easiest? Whatever class beats me”

The arena forums, probably

With GCD changes I’m pretty sure u can macro like 80% of ur spell book to 1 button as BM hunter again

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anybody remember bc 1 button macro bm hunter

If pvp is going to stay so bursty, I won’t play. Simple as that, I hate PvP the way it is now.

I’d recommend staying away from frost mages. Especially vulnerable setup comps like RMP require a pretty advanced level of informational processing and decision-making. It’s not that “200 IQ” stuff some people say but I definitely think at least a solid upper quartile collegiate level intellect is required to play it well.

A lot of angry forum posters do tend to get upset when RMP players outmaneuver them on a mental level but the amount of ways that comp can lose and the sheer volume of plays you can make to help your team win is staggering. Easily a legitimate 30-35x as much as something like TSG, WLX, WW/DK, etc.


and a Scorpid running Rank 4 Poisson.

Ret and Hunter are the two easiest classes you can play. 2-3 button rotations, immunities, self-heals, etc.


BM Hunter

surprised no one said fury warr. gcd changes you can swifty macro them

very true bloom

Not saying it’s hard, but a lot of warriors are bad at fury.

dh fdk RET bm mm

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Pretty sure, you’re playing it lol! FDK is like a two button spec. Unholy DK, you just need to let your pets solo your target while you apply necro strike. :sunglasses: :clap:

Drives me crazy that its not Holy damage…

Ret is easy rotation wise, but outplayed easily without anything you can do which is frustrating and make ret being hard to play

I’d say it’s close between DH and Frost DK, but to be honest I think Frost is easier.

Havoc Demon Hunter.