Easiest Classes to do 7 Mage Tower Challenges

Most recs would be the shoulders, and then for outlaw the greenskin bracers, sub the symbols of death hands, and for assassination the vendetta boots+ Extra bleed/poison dmg bracers at execute.

Maybe throw in an insignia, knives/ss cloak or w/e. Rogues had the fewest legos back then.

Balance trivializes the twins with moonfire alone TBH.

Can’t say for the healer, but based on 7.2 -

1.Kruul- vengeance dh (glide nullifies getting punted by infernal
2.Twins - balance (I don’t think afflock can cheese this anymore, and no sacc leggo)
3. Fel totem worm- any. Windwalker, bm, pick any.
4. Sygrin- demonology; just don’t do it on arcane.
5. Xylem- havoc
6. Agatha- unholy, feral and elemental are all pretty easy, compared to fury, outlaw and fire.

Starfall made it super cheezy in Legion.

DH easily for both the tank and Xylem.

Druid would give you 3 other different challenges and bear is probably the 2nd best for Kruul (especially given their broken legendary).

I don’t know if there is a 3rd class that covers the dance boss and worm (worm used to be more or less free all the time…Agatha was even more free if the command center was also up since you got random help and Argus bandages were OP there too). I assume there is a class though making it those 3 classes.

You could use lightblood potions and sylvan elixir on agatha as well.

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does anyone know if you could do 4 on a druid 3 of another class?

You can’t. Gonna need 3 classes minimum, if you are wanting to swoop up the felbear like I assume you want.

Warlock, rogue, hunter can do 2 of the remaining 3. But you’ll need another class.

You’re right I just somehow obtained the Bear skins, Paladin flail and shield, the bone flail and shield for my warrior and the DH thickboi glaives all from DPS specs.

I’ve done every single one, from what I remember…

  • Easiest tank - Blood DK.
  • Easiest heal - Restoration Shaman.
  • Easiest DPS Worm - Discipline Priest (lmao.)
  • Easiest DPS Mage - Havoc Demon Hunter.
  • Easiest DPS Viking- Retribution Paladin.
  • Easiest DPS Imp - Unholy DK.
  • Easiest DPS Warlock - Balance Druid.
  1. Blood DK can have an extreme damage setup for Single Target and sustains well. If you can’t seem to avoid getting knocked back play Vengeance instead.
  2. There’s a lot of moments where you have to heal low health targets which Restoration Shaman’s mastery LOVES. You also have real lust. And the final stretch you have a cooldown response for EVERYTHING. Your damage is nice too.
  3. A sustain DPS challenge for a healer. lmao. Just don’t cast during the interrupting shriek. Make the worm crash properly into the stones to reduce their DR. You can run out of mana if you make too many mistakes don’t get cocky. If Diac isn’t your speed, Windwalker is also easy.
  4. Can Leap out of an instant kill mechanic. Easy chase to interrupt another instant kill. Good sustain. Excellent cleave. Metamorphosis is broken for must kill this boss.
  5. 3 Targets for what seems to be 50% of the boss’ HP. DIVINE STORM BABYYYY. Watch the interrupt. Save Divine Shield for when your CDs are gone and can’t shatter the boss’ shield. Sustains easy.
  6. You burst hard, either make the beginning easy or ending easy. You can heal easy off the imps. Just don’t get run over by boulders.
  7. This is tricky. If I recall there was a few things that you had to interrupt or stun? And your interrupts a minute. However what made Boomkin easy was I was able to burst the boss 100-0 when he first became attackable. The boss had phases, what people didn’t know is you could do so well he didn’t have to reach those phases. There’s also a kiting component, as a Druid? LMAO.

There was an exploit to make #7 a joke but I will not explain it.

Any additional info?