Easiest Classes to do 7 Mage Tower Challenges

For those who have done a mage tower challenge during Legion, can you give us some input with your experience with the class you did them with? I know that a lot of class changes happened from Legion to Shadowlands but just in case, I would like to know what were the easiest class before, so we could at least prepare the best alts for them. Thanks.

They were legit all easy.

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I did all 36. In my opinion, the following:

Demon hunter trivializes Xylem and Kruul.
Windwalker / BM hunter absolutely trivializes Tugar, and in 9.1.5 with the state of WW, it should be the same case.
Resto druid trivializes the healer challenge, and with convoke, balance might trivialize the Twins.
Ret paladin will trivialize Sigryn. Enhance + Chain Harvest might as well.
Funnily enough, Fury trivializes Agatha, and will likely do so.

That’s my take.


Once you outgeared them in full 7.3 gear sure.

Those first two weeks though if you saw a prot paladin with the skin, you knew he was baller.


can honestly not recall i remember disc priest being very very easy beyond that meh.

one class could trivialize sigryn to the point where it was impossible to fail due to perma stun or something like that

Bear druid was a joke at the start as well, if you got the right legendaries you could bypass the mechanic entirely and easily win.

An Impossible Foe - DK, the AoE felt better to deal with adds. Compared to the other classes at the time.

Closing the Eye. - I did it easy on my DK.

Thwarting the Twins. - hunter, mobility and AoE was best.

Feltotem’s Fall - Monk, stuns /interrupts/self heal/mobility = easymode.

The God-Queen’s Fury - Rogue, 1 attempt. Don’t recall this fight to much.

The Highlord’s Return -demon hunter, get booted over the side 100 times, just glide back (no cooldown timer on glider).

End of the Risen Threat. - Paladin. I did it in 4 trys. All the other classes took a lot more.

imgur. com/gallery/zKl9evn
(shows all my attempts, ilvls, legos, etc, etc for 37/36 challenges. (yea I did one of them twice)

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Only one that was difficult, IMO, was the Brewmaster one. But I did that pretty early on. It may have gotten easier with gear. I think I had a couple hundred attempts on this guy.

I know that toward the end all of the druid ones I did were super faceroll though. (Feral/Guardian)

I never gave any of the healer ones a shot, because I didn’t care for their appearances and I heard they were lengthy gauntlets.

It’s all moot until they release and have to deal with the modern classes, the covenants, and the legendaries.

You really can’t project what the Legion event was like to today with the SL characters and builds.

That is, whatever shows up on this list, don’t expect it necessarily to be the same this time.

Plus we have 2 difficulties this time, last time we didn’t.

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I’m sorry what did you mean by we have 2 difficulties?

And yes I am aware that things are different now, yet, some things remains the same like how DH can still glide. There might be different toolkits here and there but the way your class plays remains the same overall.

I’m sorry, did you mean to say two difficulties?

Without the legos and artifact powers it’ll be different in terms of what call is easier I’d imagine. I’d wait till after the 1st time Legion time walking is up to find out what people are doing.

“2 difficulties?”

Disc and Ret were pretty easy. My disc priest wasn’t geared beyond newly leveled alt and I didn’t struggle.

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You clearly are lying or never did the healer / tank challenges.

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You can just look at old artifact trait pictures and legendary equip effects. Then compare with what we have now. No sense reinventing the wheel when you can just copy paste what worked back then.

The real problem is having the patience to gear out characters and put up with korthia on all classes you want.

What’s the point of doing 7 of them?

Tank challenge Demon hunter in legion by far the easiest, depending on tuning venthyr prot pally may be able to cheese it.

Healing challenge: I found resto shaman to be surprisingly well suited to the challenge at the time, I say surprisingly because at the time shaman was my least played class by a significant margin. Having an interrupt was massive, but also just having damage stuns slows and speed for p1(the phase you spend the most time learning) was actually amazing.

Feltotem, it was easy on everything in particular though disc was free since the challenge was scaled for a healer so as long as you don’t let yourself die you win.

Imp: I don’t remember this one too much but I got the impression that it was one of the ones most effected by gear, it was a joke if you outgeared it, but it was a nightmare if you undergeared it since adds got out of hand quickly. For this reason I’d just go with one of the classes that you are comfortable with. Beyond that sustain helps alot for this one, so uh dk, fury warrior, or feral druid might be good contenders if you want an easier time.

God queen’s fury is a dance so once you know it its forever done, I’d recommend one of the classes available with an immunity ie arcane mage/ret pally. And only because that gives you one “get out of jail card” so you can practice the fight longer, also because once you hit a certain point on the fight its basically over and the bad overlaps just stop happening.

Closing the eye was an interesting one where different classes had different answers to the challenge, in this case I think havoc dh or arms warrior would be the easier ones to do this on if you are comfortable with doing mechanics quickly, alternatively frost dk if you are a bit slow to react and want to play p1 safe.

Twins is probably the one that is least relevant to look at due to class changes since every class eventually outscaled it and had a “cheese” strat where you just burned the boss before the fight got hard. If such a strat would work again I’d put my money on venthyr balance druid but if its scaled its gonna be iffy. Doing it correctly I’d guess mm hunter or shadow priest with surrender to madness will probably have the easiest time. Bonus points for aff since the corruption ring is massive for this challenge and unlike legion you can actually target it now.

I’ll update when it goes on the ptr with initial impressions.

You get the book mount if you do all 7. Unsure if it has to be just all 7 challenges or 7 challenges+classes.

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First challenge per class gets the armor.

Each of the 7 challenges (regardless of what you use) for the mount.

All 36 specs gets you the feat of strength.

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The disc priest healing challenge was super easy. I think I died one and when I finished I kept thinking “this was it”? Compared to the holy one, man thay sucked.

I wish they would add a title “the Towering”.