Easiest Classes to do 7 Mage Tower Challenges

I’m honestly fine they didn’t add a title. Cause then we would have to put up with the 36/36s whining why they couldn’t benefit from ex post facto. Also given the reward bloat in recent years it would just be another jumble of letters for people to ignore or not understand how it was earned.

… it took me forever to get the Resto challenge. I still have nightmares and flashbacks to that hell. :flushed:

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I was a naughty boy and abused a bug that trivialized the marksmanship challenge (twins). Completely forgot how to replicate it but basically if done right, Raest would be stuck in his idle phase and you could just DPS Karam to death since all he does is chase you :innocent:

Bursting shot.

You could do the same on afflock (mortal coil) and spriest (psychic scream).

Use on karam before purgatory phase.

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I would say feral druid does this better than fury. The extra range you get from balance affinity will make killing the shielding imps that tend to spawn on the boulder spawn points easier to deal with. I know from personal experience Agatha was a bit annoying for fury.

Marksman hunter trivializes the twins. Concussive shot for the win.

Unholy DK, one shot Agatha with not much preparation, didn’t even have leggos

I did it on both. Feral kinda trivializes it too, yeah. I dunno, Fury seemed easier. Although I think it might have also been because I had never played feral at max before. So maybe it was a comfort thing for me.

It will be hard to say ahead of time since it depends on tuning. E.G. Prot paladin at the time trivialized basically every part of the tank challenge outside of the infernal knockback, but they had a very hard time of the challenge because the bosses were given extra health against paladins (so they had more infernals spawn than other tanks, and had to deal with them for longer). Basically, it will depend on if blizz re-balances the challenges per spec again.

A few mechanical standouts were resto druid and survival hunter (healer challenge+xylem). Rdruids with guardian affinity could just sit in bear and use FR against fixates in the first stage, making that stage much easier on mana, and had good CC tools to stop the archer casts. Survival, on the other hand, had basically 0 DPS check in the 2nd phase of Xylem, since their pet could tank it in one place indefinitely (preventing pools from covering more of the platform). Xylem as survival was one of the 2 challenges I completed week 1, and that “DPS” challenge lasted 45 minutes of just casually killing it with crows and pet damage.

Won’t matter, it’ll likely be different when it comes out. Don’t worry about it right now a guide will be released once it’s out and you can just follow that.

Havent seen anyone mention it but I seem to recall the imp mother being easiest on my ele shaman. Being able to ignore most of the positional parts of the fight and all that.

WW was easy because you just had to time the kicks right. I did it in quest gear.

And I was new to the game…

yeah WW was just timing your abilities.

Feral was easy af too. Just avoid getting hit by rolling things.

The tank ones were the only ones that took me multiple attempts. Like around 30 or so.

We are not 100% sure yet whether it will be necessary to gear up (in terms of iLvl) or not.

If it works like Timewalking, our level and iLvL will be scaled down, and you might choose gear based on extra effects or secondary stats rather than iLvl.

We are not 100% sure yet whether covenant abilities will be active or not. Devs may disable covenant powers so that toons still at max Legion level may not be at a huge disadvantage.

I doubt that Legion legendaries will have an effect this time. They were disabled (even at lower levels and during Timewalking) due to bugs and poor interaction with our current toolkits.

Very unfortunately, the Shadowlands iteration of the Sacrolash ring was reworked, and it now causes Corruption to extend curse effects rather than automatically slow movement speed. It probably won’t be feasible to use Curse of Lethargy on so many mobs, so Affliction Warlocks might have a harder time than they did in Legion.

They disabled them because that is how blizzard treats all gear that is legacy. During bfa, legion content still technically wasn’t legacy because it was the highest version of the game for people who did not buy bfa. Hence why the tier sets remained active. Addtionally when we ticked over to bfa, all wod tier sets became inactive. Which then again happened for legion tier sets when 9.0 arrived.

Broken interactions of legion legendaries were replaced with new equip effects when the legion toolkits were changed going into bfa pre-patch. I had every legion legendary for all classes by at least 8.1 (finishing up from the large amount I had in legion). Like the afflock helm. Used to buff your artifact ability, after 8.0 it just gave you a flat 3% damage buff.

Blizzard is usually on top of things to stamp out excessive power from items alone. It’s only when the class itself has many bugs plus other synergies (ww) do they seem to take their sweet time. And if a spec is broken with a prior borrowed power (aka disc with vision of perfection essence minor in 9.0, or vdh with memory of lucid dreams). Both of those specs and those essences I noticed the essence not doing anything because the former doesn’t reduce the CD on mindbender/shadowfiend, and vdh no longer uses pain so the resource refund from lucid never works to give fury back (9.0 change).

Also another reason why they got rid of them has to go all the way back to around December 2018. Blizzard put out a blue post then showing their frustration with players not engaging with bfa and locking their characters at 110/111. Obviously for twinking with legendaries.

  • They nerfed raddon’s lego (eyebeam cd reduction) for havoc
  • made painfully obvious attempts at nerfing speed increasing items like bear tartare
  • rivendare’s (nerfed once, reverted, then nerfed recently again)
  • made longstrider trait scarce plus gimped
  • made the barbarian leaper honor talent but restricted it to only being able to jump a bit after jumping instead of just increased stacks (and also put the other leaper lego in but hardly anyone uses that)
  • obvious exclusion of anything like aggramar’s nikes even though it was very loved
  • in bfa in 8.1 added the restriction of ilvl 200 (which ignored the ilvl on scaling anniversary gear even if over 200) for bfa gems because they gave greater speed value than others along with there being a speed gem

It’s really clear they didn’t remove these to prevent broken interactions otherwise they would be more thorough with their logic testing in other areas. They removed them because they wanted people to get out of that content/stop using things for fun, and accept the fact if they want to have legendaries they need to use the dark horse, underpowered variants they offered in SL. We are all on a spreadsheet and people were finishing things too quickly using older gear.

Feral could still probably make quick work of this too.

This was such a bad nerf! Bear Tartare was actually fun!

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Same challenge but for outlaw, I sort of miss the legion iteration of blade flurry. You could keep it up but it reduces energy regen. With 6 blade dancer traits you could have a 0% energy loss with it up, along with acrobatic strikes talent turning you into a cleaving machine.

I have to admit I am feeling a bit foggy when I did the rogue but wasn’t there a legendary that gave heal regen or is that crazy?

I think feint paints.

Yeah: https://www.wowhead.com/item=137069/will-of-valeera

I need to go back through my screenshots and see what I was wearing back then. Then look over artifact traits to see what spells we still have (even if gimped), then try to remember what was really needed to make things smoother (besides obvious cheese) and see if modern equivalents exist.

Thanks for the info. I am going to log in my rogue to see what legendaries it has. I probably used whatever Wowhead recommended back then since I didn’t main a rogue.