Easiest classes for a PvP noob? (2v2s,3v3s)

What do you guys think are the easiest classes for 2v2s and 3v3s to climb the ladder? I know this’ll sound lazy or noobish or however you want it to sound, but which classes have the minimal effort needed in learning their rotations/how to counter other classes? I’m struggling right now as a DPS player to get proper interrupts and peel for my 2s partners. Stuck at around 1600. Just not really grasping when to use which spells for certain situations or who to focus. Are there any classes/specs/roles that are just simply cut and dry - “Just DPS down the X” or “Just run and heal me”? The involvment with interrupts/switching targets/knowing who to focus and when is a little overwhelming for a noob like me. I would love to learn harder classes later when I understand PvP much more, but for now I kinda want a cut and dry spec. Any suggestions?

Demon Hunter.


Dh. Not even close


If you struggle with basics like strategy then you’re not going to succeed as anything really. I don’t see you surpassing 1700 on a DH even if you’re not going to be bothered with learning basic concepts.


I am playing DH. Struggling with switching targets/interrupting who and when and also my Mana Rift combos.

You need to work on getting better then. Theres no class you can play to a high level if you dont learn the basics


What heals do you normally run with? Do they usually need you to help peel?

I run with whoever to be honest. DPS or heals. Also should i prioritize healers or DPS mostly? I have been trying to focus heals.

People say warlock is a good class to climb ranking


As a DH in 2s you can focus most heals except rshaman. Most rshamans run ghost wolf trait and pillar hug to kite. You could stay on DPS and go healer only for Mana burn so it reduces pressure on your healer. I haven’t pushed past 1k on my alt dh so you may want to wait for a DH to give advice on this though.

DH, DK, Warrior. All easy to play.

Havoc Demon Hunter, not even up to question.

This too, mostly melee.

I’d watch a couple videos on macros.
If your struggling with interupts you may need to grab a couple target macros, get gladius and learn how to use focus targets.

I think its xaryu or absol, that makes some pretty good videos.

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As others have said DH is the easiest class in the game not even by a small amount by an incredibly large amount. You just need to play more and actively try to pick out things you might be missing. Maybe watch other people play that are good etc. Playing any other class or spec will be far harder in pvp if your struggling on DH the class was quite literally designed for people completely new to the game.


Find a guardian druid and play dh/guardian. I don’t play mana rift, tunnel 1 target and miss 9 out of 10 kicks and still win the game, only 1900mmr which isn’t high but hey solves all your problems right there.


Blizzard really does have the best PvP.

Dh dk war ww mage assa destro rdruid hpal or tank specs.

Enjoy the achievments.

There are some great PvP resources available that could help. Icy Veins has pvp resources for every spec and class. Arena Mates is another. If you can afford a $4/month sub, Skill Capped is the best.

You will need to learn the addons Omnibar, and Gladius. There others that are also good. Learn how to maximize your movement potential, bind your keys effectively, focus targets, and use macros.

For youtube videos on keybinds, movement in arena, and addons, check out videos by Stoopzz_TV, Cdew, and Skill Capped. Skill Capped should also have at least one pvp video per spec available for free on youtube. Hope that helps.

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Realistically in your position there is so many things you undoubtedly need to work on that pin pointing a single thing, or even just a handful is going to be a fruitless endeavor.

You need to work on your basics. Learning the basics has nothing to do with a class. I would classify basics as knowing which buttons to hit, when to hit them, and having the muscle memory to react accordingly. Other basics would be learning how certain comps operate. Like RMPala if you’re playing with an Rdruid is going to go for DB Rings on your druid, so it is important that when that happens you aren’t stacked on the druid and can stop the ring, or if you’re a DH you could reverse it. Lastly I would work on effective communication. I dislike the idea of queueing without voice, especially if you’re new. You’re much more likely to stay as a group if you use voice, and as a new player you will be able to learn what is an isn’t effective communication quickly.

Realistically this just boils down to putting in the time. Even if you don’t make big plays and be the star player, minimizing mistakes is going to be the main reason you win.


or you could just download gladiator lossa like this guy.

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