Earthfury Please Strip all Scarab Lords

They paid off between factions in a unfair method. They prevented anyone else from attempting by reporting locations. They got PVP raids of opposite factions that run circles around the area. They completely circumvented the system to cheat it intentionally. They entirely micro managed the entire game to use the bounds of the system to prevent any method to oppose their method. If the game was intended to be played in this way in Classic, then allow the creation of Horde and Alliance accounts on the same realm by all players.


I would laugh if they were all stripped of the rewards. But that’s not gonna happen ever.


Did they not strip the lvl 70 World First for doing FAR LESS


yeah well that was back before Blizzard became part of Activision and they still had some integrity


Can we get a blue post on this Kaivax or does Blizzard only care to make changes when it effects the integrity of the money?

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Oh, really?

oh im sure theyll post a response that they will thoroughly investigate the matter AFTER the event is over at which point the scarab titles and mounts will no longer be possible then make an announcement that nothing can or will be done and the whole matter will quickly be forgotten

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Blue post on what? Nothing you said they were doing is against the rules…

On rattlegore some guy is paying people to farm scarabs for him. 100 per hour.

Doesn’t feel like classic, but technically not wrong.

Should just make scarab lord achievement not time gated, can be achieved whenever, considering people buying it now.


Neither was Mob Tagging when BC launched, but they definitely identified a action that violates the integrity of the game.

This isn’t private servers that were made by sweaties in a basement.


Be the change you want to see in the world mocko


dont forget the massive amount of people using autoclickers to tag mobs


well every other raid has an attunement Blizzard couldve easily made the gong be a once per toon quest chain like all the other raids it would gave everyone incentive to enjoy the quest without giving people the power to basically ransom it off by extorting their fellow players

thats all this event is doing large groups are working cross faction to ensure you either pay them or you will be harrassed griefed and camped by gank squads to make sure you cant get a single thing done in the zone and to make it worse Blizzard is doing NOTHING but staying back and allowing it


Mob tagging still isnt against the rules, and nothing ever happened to the first 70 how would they even have taken it away from him there were no achievements then.

Cross faction collusion was removed from the code of conduct.

Earthfury gong rings next Tuesday - over 5 people have the requirements, and the NPC is heading to Silithus around this time next week he will arrive.
Horde clearly has a large advantage due to numbers, they agreed to a handshake where x amount of horde get Scarab Lord, and X amount of Alliance get Scarab lord.
Using Server population to take advantage with underhanded back hand pay offs to use the system to track other players and report locations between factions while sitting in discord.
They sold neutral auction house mats cheap between the horde to the alliance to engage the 100% requirement to the Alliance.

It is allowed on the same BNet Account, under different WoW Accounts.

So… supplies are traveling and wont arrive till Thursday but the gong is going to be rung on Tuesday despite the fact that the gong cannot be rung till the supplies arrive…

Earthfury Gates will officially be open August 5th, guaranteed.

Whether that’s the case or not, it’s clearly something the Blue’s regard with concern.

I’m not sure I’d be so sanguine about player conduct that may not explicitly break ToS, but that undermines the integrity of what’s clearly intended to be a (2) faction game, with the factions competing against one another.

Cross faction collusion isn’t something that’s necessarily an issue in the minds of the developers. Cross faction collusion where one faction uses the opposite as a cudgel to antagonize and grief their own faction clearly is something the developers are concerned about as Kaivax explicitly says ‘don’t like to see’.

It’s easy to see why given the extremely toxic game play it creates internally for a faction.

If your an Alliance guilds that wants to grind out Scarab Lord week one and prevent all the other Alliance guilds from doing so before you turn in all the war effort materials…there’s nothing wrong with that.

An Alliance guild or guilds who go to the opposing faction and create an agreement wherein the opposing faction (Horde) will repeatedly ignore protected Alliance and will kill everybody else (at the behest of the Alliance guilds in the protected coalition) is fundamentally against the spirit of what Classic WoW was.

If nothing else, Classic WoW is basically a case study for ways in which you shouldn’t design a game (or elements of a game) because people act like high-functioning sociopaths and then brag about it.


^ Owned everything