Well, that’s the hope at least >.>
The last blue post said:
Though, the fourth storyline was already released, but I assume that might have been a typo. Regardless, today is Sept 3rd and to all my hope and knowledge, the last requirement to unlock Earthen should be available today! ^-^
Not going to lie, I’m a tiny bit worried because “available today” doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be unlocked today <.< Here’s to hoping there’s no other time gate (like having to wait for raid or what not).
Someone keep me posted while I’m at work <.<
room is silent except for a few very half hearted “yaaaay” in the back
Ah dirt dwarves. Eh… Wake me up when September ends
Well, it’s the 3rd and nothing thus far. This time gating thing doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense to me to begin with.
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Ah yes, the Rocks that can wield the Light as Paladins despite being completely isolated for thousands of years, but the other races cannot because reasons.
I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they mean today after reset. So, hopefully at 8am PST or whenever servers are live >.>
Yeah now that you mentioned that and I’m thinking it that just makes even less sense…
Unlocks after the reset, or the weekly maintenence.
Everybody wants the game to cater to them
Considering they lied once before, I wouldn’t be shocked at a “Earthen have been pushed back to Sep 17th to coincide with Season 1.”
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Things like this happen at server reset at 8 AM.
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It’s a joke that Earthen can be Paladins but not Nelves or Forsaken
It’s a joke they literally wrote in an entire sect of Earthen that use druid magic and protect nature, but didn’t give us Druids.
Honestly my biggest fear is that today we’ll get the quest - I.e., it’ll be available today - but we won’t actually be able to complete it until the raid which comes out next week.
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I would laugh, cause that’s 100% something Blizzard would do.
But Blizzard said it would be tomorrow so I’m hoping they aren’t lying again.
They said the final quest would be “available” to pick up on Sept 3rd - which is why I’m kinda concerned haha
I’ve waited so long I want my earthen >.<
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Yeah, no connection between titan constructs and paladins…
They would never recover from the backlash if they pulled that though.
They had an entire week to clarify only the quest is this week, but it won’t be completeable. 
Not to mention, do they think Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves didn’t come from Earthen? Why would the “descendants” be able to do it but not the OG? Lol.
pretty sure thats the only thing that unlocks.
nothing burger to me, another week of having nothing to do lol.
oh the cap on crests might move a lil, i’ll get a couple upgrades pog.
*i’m wondering… are they releasing earthen late like this in hopes that ppl would just buy class changes instead of starting way late when earthen is available? cauz it looks/feels like it.
on the bright side this xpack is so light that 1week is plenty of time to be ready.
It would likely become available with the daily reset at 8am PST
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