Earthen Unlock Today!? ^-^


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if something else breaks… I’d like to give them a try not because I am that interested in them as a race but they can be paladins and horde so that’s pretty cool.

You do know it’s the day after a holiday weekend and it’s not even server reset time out there right?

It’s 6:28 am there. Give it a bit. I want mine too but we gotta wait a couple more hours at least to get started on finishing them.

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One of my tin hat conspiracy theories is that something about earthen is game breaking - so they had to keep pushing it back

They’ve time gated this launch so that you’re actually excited about another dwarf race. Even sadder that no one actually knows if they come out or not since they lied about the launch schedule to begin with.

Now the only thing we got is the blue post quoted above which was either a typo, another lie or the in-game quests bugged out (my money is it was just another of the countless bugs; why would they have time gated campaign quest chapter by a single day)

I really think schools here need to start teaching time zones again.

Sure seems to me that too many can’t dechipher time zones anymore.

Funny when you had to plan any tv viewing based on time zones. Apparently it’s too hard for some.

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The Light is one of the cosmic forces that the Titans have an affinity for. IIRC, Tyr wielded the Light.

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Mine is that it’ll be =(/=(/%/&¤%&(%¤ rep locked.


can they be paladins?
also weird they dont just let u be the race when u buy the expac
guess xiv spoiled me there and the ptsd unlocked velves still persists lol



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I read only the left half of the earthen unlocks today. The Right half will be in another two weeks. If you do the quests.


Ooffa dooofa → That would totally be something Bliz Does

I hope they’re released today.

They better open after maintenance.

Well I guess at this point it doesn’t matter as much for me anymore. I got a new game coming out next week that I’ll be investing more time into than WoW for a while.

I still want my Earthen main though.

Pretty sure they said the 3rd last week.

Yup this was the blue post