Earthen seem like such a boring decision

You don’t think they have analytics that look at logins?

Uh, okay bub.

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Do you honestly think they care if you play retail or not, I mean you don’t like the direction the game is going that’s too bad, lots of others like me do, as I said originally not everything is for everyone so I’m just going to circle back to people like you will get over it and end the conversation here.

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I do. Retail players buy expansion boxes.

And I’m going to circle back to “Blizzard doesn’t want people to quit their game”.

My expectation is that Earthen will flop and probably never be mentioned again after 11.0. Maybe we’ll even see newer allied races dropped into the expansion as well to overshadow the Earthen.

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Ugh what wasn’t clear about you aren’t actually quitting if you are buying the xpac and then going somewhere else and still paying a sub/playing, you are just padding numbes while complaining about something, if you actually wanna quit, quit. Period.

Who said I was buying the expansion at launch?


Congratulations Naughtymoon, I have never seen someone on the forums go out of their way to bait and sass someone for no reason at all.

“I don’t like this.”
“Oh well, I like this thing you don’t like, you not liking it makes me like it even more! You’ll get over it or quit, oh you don’t play retail, well they don’t care what you play”


Well you are level 70 on the character you are posting on while complaining about not liking Dragonflight because of Dracthyr so clearly you played enough to get to 70 so it’s a pretty safe assumption you aren’t actually going anywhere.

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It’s not a safe assumption at all. I didn’t play Catacylsm at all, I didn’t play BFA until it was bundled with the Shadowlands purchase, and I didn’t play MoP until SoO.

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Okay well you are one person among many others and like I said I don’t think masses are gonna quit over Earthen Dwarves being added because they don’t have to play them so not really sure why you think this is the hill you should die on but alright I will enjoy mine and you can not bother playing the new xpac then it’s a win, win.

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You can see in trends that people have unsubbed for expansions they didn’t like thematically and come back for expansions they did like thematically.

MoP had a record weak launch, and WoD had a record strong launch for instance. DF also had a notably very weak launch. My expectation is that TWW is going to have a weak launch.

I expect we are going to hear over and over and over again how amazing retention is for TWW as retention is used as a metric of comparison against peak content, usually when they harp on retention that means the expansion launched in a weak state and we’ve seen the same is true with DF.


Earthen are cool. A bigger stronger dwarves. More races would be nice tho.

because it is

Okay theyre growing on me a bit again now.
Really i just need to play one to know how i feel.
Why cant the expansion be out already :frowning:

I’d like both kinds of Arakkoa and Sethrak before ethereals, but I definitely wouldn’t be upset if we got them.

“Stop asking me for a bandage.”

“No, I’m not a transmogrifier.”

“No, we weren’t disenchanted. Well. Okay. Maybe a little.”

Stuff writes itself.


We just got Dracthyr so while I won’t play an Earthen they aren’t going to reach the level of meh that DF had on tap for new races. Honestly probably a step up.

I’m aware that was the initial plan. My point is it wouldn’t have fit. It was no better an idea than the retcon trainwreck draenei were. Just bad for different reasons.

My only problem with the Earthen is that they’re not the Earthen we already know about. It’s a weird offshoot created to justify adding gemstones.

Same problem with Mechagnomes. I want the real Mimiron-styke Mechagnomes - not a bunch of random flesh Gnomes that started chopping off body parts.


:smiley: at least the Earthen know how to rock. I’ll see myself out.


Yeah I don’t really get what’s going on with the telephone game with Blizzard. Every time they claim they’re servicing demand it’s not what people wanted. These aren’t Earthen, those weren’t Mechagnomes, and those were definitely not the High Elves people wanted.


“People want ogres for the horde and vrykul for the alliance. What should we do?”
“Eh, mix’em up and stick them in the alliance.”
“That doesn’t solve anything though.”
“What do you want from me, Jerry? I’m not a miracle worker. Tell you what, give those fancy trolls a quick pass and shove them out the door; that’ll keep folks distracted.”
“Okay, but we haven’t finished conceptualizing the female model and-”
“What part of ‘quick’ did you not understand?”