Earthen seem like such a boring decision

Night elves/borne, female humans/Evoker, and now dwarves for the Horde. Blood elves for the Alliance. Then all the neutral places… It’s more than obvious that Blizzard wants to move away from the outdated racial segregation concept. I’m generally surprised they’re waiting this long, considering all the scandals. Sure, they’re just pixels, but this also affects other areas of the game that they have now very clearly changed. Everything that comes in terms of races after BFA will be neutral, whether you like it or not. They will gradually soften it more and more over time. :woman_shrugging:

Ah, I see. I thought the Void was going to be more of an end of xpac threat. Yes, Midnight was more where I thought Ethereals would fit better. The fact that the rogue tier set is strongly ethereal themed does make me rethink my original opinion, though.

And well, yea, there’s the fact that Ethereals don’t generally have faces or leave corpses… but they’re cool and I wanted to be supportive of OP while shamelessly plugging my preference…

because race is a race. i think what “we” want though for a character creation system is to instead have more SPECIES as options. multiple flavors of Human almost every time (im counting humans, elves, gnomes, dwarfs etc in this because visually speaking, there isnt too much difference)

but even if an Elf is different enough from a human to be a separate base option. having it repeated again as slightly different variation is less than ideal. like the option and different abelites is nice but the concern is, for everyone added like a new full base option, thats another opportunity missed to provide a broader selection.
like, playable spiders when?

We could have had playable sneks
we could have had fish people. basically a playable murloc


Mop Remix and we DIDINT get the monkeys and fish people Aagain???

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Lol, nice bait dude.

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So, i play as a Wildhammer. Check my profile if you want. Also im a shaman.

I see where youre coming from, but that wouldnt have been a good idea. 3 dwarf races that are the same? Even id be pissed. They should collapse DID into BB, redo the racials, and call the race Dwarf with 3-5 options of clans.

Earthen arent dwarves from the surface. Theyre taller. Theyre not fulley evolved via the curse of flesh, and theyre more of a different race (they dont eat for example).

A unified Dwarven race represents the Council of the Three Hammers better than 3 distinct races.

Earthen look like dwarves, and may well shed light on our dwarven past. But theyre not the same as the Bronzebeard from Vanilla.

Ill buy this. But how are Worgen conteived.

I agree with you on the Draenei, theyve been butchered for a long time. I think its the curse of not getting Pandaren in TBC like Blizzard wanted to.

I mean, they are races… and are segregated. Call it species devision or whatever, if that makes you feel better.^^

By the same logic DIs should have been a customization option, though. Just like all the other low budget recolors btw.

Yeah, thats my point. We should collapse them all into one race and redo the racials.

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I’ll be enjoying the Earthen when they are available. I strike thee down Sad Doom and Gloomer!!! Whineth elsewhere!!


Worgen, imo, are contrived, because Blizzard, in their search for a “monstrous race” they could give the Alliance, decided to go the route of “Worgen are near Gilneas, therefore what if Worgen infected Gilneans??” It basically took all of Gilneas’ Lore prior to that, and subordinated it to the Worgen Curse. Unfortunately, as we’ve seen recently with the effort to reclaim Gilneas, their entire identity being reduced to something that felt forced in the first place, has now been reduced to a single generation & will likely be gone in the future. Blizzard could never really figure out how Worgen fit in the Alliance on a deeper level, and our interactions with them (despite Greymane enjoying focus from time to time) has been minimal.

In short, Gilneas (from a Lore standpoint) could have added plenty of interesting interactions to the Alliance, however, their entire identity and motivations were reduced to “Worgen,” a vague link to the Night Elves,and the like, which really threw a wrench into how Gilneas could interact with the world politically. They did this because they were searching for a “monstrous” race, and pulled this one out of thin air when there was another, much better alternative that existed.

With regard to Draenei, ignoring the massive retcon it took to make them happen, there were plenty of stories they could have had, and plenty of contributions they could have made. It takes a little bit of care considering they’re alien to Azeroth, but they could’ve concievably been worked into Wrath, at least. I don’t know why Blizzard has left them on the backburner so much.


Of all the races to get in tbc… You think Pandaren? Lmfao.

The more I see people hating on Earthen Dwarves the more I am looking forward to having one especially since they look cool and have cool heritage armor, plus it’s a Dwarf I can play on Horde instead of Alliance which is even better.


I don’t think it. That was the plan. But they wanted to sell in China and a decision wouldnt be made until much later as to whether ot not they could use Pandas.

Its on the internet. Google it.

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Earthen seem like such a boring decision?

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Taking pride in being contrarian is weirdge.


More like liking something and looking forward to enjoying it despite people thinking just because they hate it you should as well, it’s like how I also really enjoy my Lightforged Draenei Warlock and Mag’har Orc Warlock despite the annoyances that say they shouldn’t exist.

You people will get over it.


Guess it depends on your definition of “get over it”. I don’t play Retail right now and I’m sure part of the decision was that I don’t like Dracthyr and feel that the game has gotten away from what feels like Warcraft and the direction I want Warcraft to go, I guess I “got over the game” in that sense.

I don’t think it’s good for Blizzard for people to “get over it” in that way though.


Not all content is for everyone, you don’t wanna play retail don’t, no one is gonna force you and there’s more than enough people that have or do that Blizzard won’t notice you are gone like gone from retail because even if you are playing something else like classic, SOD, Remix or even Plunderstorm when it was around you still are padding numbers so yeah.

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… I already said I don’t.


And I said I’m sure they don’t notice you don’t because you still are here playing a sub and padding numbers so not sure why you felt the need to readd that, I can read.

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