Earthen seem like such a boring decision

Jeez bro. Thats a take.

Can some of us just like thre Earthen as a concept wothout being a White Knight.


I don’t see what’s so controversial there. Blizzard has said they wanted “Monstrous” races on the Alliance, Some Furbolg are already part of the Alliance canonically.

Theyre the least monstrous of the monster races. They look like Chuck E Cheese Animatronics from my childhood.

Edit: i gogoled to make sure i was talking about the right thing. I guess thats true of the old model. The new Bear-looking ones would be OK i guess.


In fairness, Blizzard felt “Draenei” fit the bill for this, then got cold feet & opted for the very contrived Worgen. Canonically, thematically, and aesthetically Furbolg just fit the bill for this better.

Earthen haven’t been asked for for literal decades. You’re a slow troll. I see that now.


I know we got lots of em, thats why I didn’t suggest any. Though I do want high elves.


Is there an official poll, with certified participants or is it just a general statement that you want to prove a point?

And why so much hatred and seething? All I said: enjoy the earthen.

Because all I have seen so far is disappointment with the Earthen being added. But hey, you like to be wrong, so continue being wrong. Fits your forum roleplay of being a walking L.

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How is that?

I’m sorry, but I’ll never ever like the Earthen, I feel like they robbed the final and missing Dwarf Clan, who has been with the Alliance a lot longer the Dark Irons, The Wildhammer Clan.

Earthen stole this opportunity, to finally complete the Council of Three Hammers.


Canonically: Furbolg are one of the few races the Alliance maintained good relations with throughout their period of isolation. We saw Night Elf-Furbolg cooperation throughout Warcraft III. They do not require a retcon, like Draenei, or some contrived story, like Worgen, to justify their inclusion. There are currently Furbolgs within the Alliance.

Thematically: Furbolg shore up the identity of the Alliance on Kalimdor, fleshing out the Night Elves further (which is necessary considering how many Night Elven things have been reduced to neutrality [I know this is just the other side of the coin for the Horde’s constant villain batting. Sorry about Garrosh and Kargath]). They add new and interesting themes to the Alliance, while not compromising anything core to the faction’s identity.

Aesthetically: Furbolgs check the box for “Monstrous” that Blizzard was looking for without undermining their own aesthetics. Draenei have more or less been reduced to generic Priests and Paladins. The Gilean Worgen thing was always a contrivance.

No offense, but the night elves made their new home neutral after the Horde destroyed Ashenvale, attacked the night elves continuously in Stonetalon Mountains, broke the deal with the whole Azshara thing, corrupted and destroyed Darkshore, and annihilated Teldrassil forever. In the process, countless night elves were killed.

Despite all this, the Horde can now come and go as they please and even cosplay as wardens and wear other night elf stuff. Everything that follows will be neutral. There will be no more exclusive stuff for night elves. It is what it is^^


Er, we’re fighting the Void in TWW and Alleria is one of the main characters. Locus-Walker and the other void ethereals absolutely fit into its story, and the Void-related content is only going to grow in Midnight. Hell, the theme of the rogue tier set in 11.0 is “we have ethereals at home”

The reasons they’re not playable are that their models use a unique rig and would have to be rebuilt from the ground up, compared to earthen who were created by just applying new textures, hairstyles, and attachments to the existing dwarf models and scaling them up a bit, and, as pointed out above, they’d be redundant when void elves exist. But I think on the list of NPC races that Blizzard is willing to make playable by popular demand, a race that doesn’t have faces and disappears in a flash of light when killed is probably pretty low.

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…it ain’t much but the rogue set in War Within is heavy on the Ethereal. :robot::thought_balloon:

Nice bait post, doesn’t work though, my main’s an Orc!

I mean, good for you? Doesn’t change what I just said. :woman_shrugging:

Which boils down to “Faction exclusivity is dead because reasons.” And how was what you just said relevant to my original point anyway?

Am I responsible for what the devs decide? I was merely describing the situation to you. All the night elf stuff is becoming neutral, regardless of what happened.

By now, there are already five neutral Alliance places, along with several Alliance models, mounts, and transmogs that have also been transferred to the Horde. It’s likely that some things from the Horde will come over to the Alliance as well or we come to a point, where they just make everything neutral.

But you specifically want exclusive things for the Alliance. Considering the direction of this game, it’s unreasonable to expect something like that. Simple.

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it is and no one asked for them which is funny. its just theyre easy
to remake with existing models. instead of addin cc to the existin dwarves
we somehow needed a whole race… half these races dont even need to be a whole
race…how is a fat human a race? lmao. just blizz needs to come on pls murlocs n dyrads.

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What exclusive thing did I advocate for the Alliance having beyond Faction-specific Races? It might come as a surprise to you, or perhaps you have another unrelated tangent to go off on, but the racial faction barrier is still up.

I was really in to earthen when they were first added to the alpha.
I thought they looked fantastic and considered changing my main to one. Even bought a race change is the sale for it.

Then they changed the earthens faces to be reskins of the normal dwarf faces (they werent before) and now theyre just so ugly i cant.