Earthen Ring Alliance Reconnections

Giacomo (Giacomoii back then)
Majestics and Veritas (still)
Prot Warrior


Winter’s End

My main was Terrick on Horde-side.

Snub - Human Warlock / Draenei Warrior

Was in the following guilds:
Regnat Populus
Keepers of the Keg
The Riddle of Steel

I will be rolling on the Grobbulus RP-PvP server, forming a new guild and looking for some old friends to join. :slight_smile:

Feel free to add my on bnet Snub #1247

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ZOMG its a Saral! What server you gonna play on? :slight_smile:

all hail, seven returns!

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Ya we moved to the Rexxar server because we had free transfers at the time. We had numerous reasons for leaving but when we got there, the server was so terrible it was hard to recruit good players. Alot of us ended up going back (Rine, Arcana, Snorand, myself, etc) and joined the Riddle of Steel. Quite nostalgic thinking about how everything played out back in the day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Taog, Dwarf Hunter
Tamarack Order

Good to be back!

I recognize so many of these names. Specifically Seven, we used to match in PvP in Burning Crusade a lot. Corran, I either RPd with you or grouped with you a bunch. Enjoyed my time with all of you. I wonder if Aelennor is going to come back and troll us all.


Human Rogue/Human Paladin
Stormwind City Guards

In classic and TBC I was in a variety of guilds as I was so young. I all but retired my rogue once TBC ended and mained Alahondor. I became so much more involved with the RP community and became a big member of the Stormwind City Guards. I recognized a ton of your names and I’m hoping some of you remember me too!

Btag: Hondoom#1436 and Discord: Hondoom#5050
Lets reconnect!

Jackter, Human Warlock
Is Serious Business…

I recognize a lot of these names! So cool.

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@Mawge What’s funny is I have characters named Galaphile. I got the name from a MUD I used to play years ago.

Jubbyjubby is still ballin’. Haven’t talked to Reinholt in years.

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remember jackter loot night??? she got so mad.

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What is with this new forum format? I DO NOT APPROVE.

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Hi Snub! I kind of am genuinely surprised to see an old friend replying out of the aether. Good to see you.

Probably Fairbanks; I was trying to coordinate with a few others to do the same too.

Lemming Juice -> Pirates Never Die-> Unified


Human Paladin

Lorekeeprs and Fallout

So many familiar names here from so long ago.

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Heyy, Asheran! I was Ryakashi, a young human rogue. You used to give me gold and help me out, I remember you put Crusader on my Cruel Barb!

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Ah Enthoor, I remember you but do you remember me! It’s Ryakashi. I changed my name.

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Gambre - Dwarf Paladin
Avex - Human Rogue

Mostly played in Frost Watch when Hambone was GL, had a ton of fun with guildmates. Have fond memories of stealthing through MC after we had it on farm and seeing how far we could get with another guild Rogue.