Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

Can confirm, it’s a real thing. It was reported on the Beta, had many different posts about it. On the beta forums I personally had an in-depth post regarding the issues surrounding their current racial and how far behind they are the current worst races. Unfortunately like most of the issues noted in the last 60% of the beta or so, it went unaddressed.


I’ve seen TONS of them, you must be blind.

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I have been on for hours unless a hidden hot fix i never got my buff back. I have been earthen for 4+ hours

Gems are only 100g though?

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boys we’re making jewelcrafters viable again!


Seems simple, but this is Blizzard :crazy_face: And dwarves that can’t drink beer? Earthen=fail lol. Hope they add beer jewels they can munch on.


I’m stucked on the quest A tide needing turned… and there is no one to help :S omg blizzard

It has been that way since day 1 in 2004. Dont need a post when I have played the game for 20 years.

Just because you say so? haha

I lost it, FOR SCIENCE and went to a rare in shadowlands. I dont know if it was hearthing or using a portal, but I got mine back.

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No because it is the realities of the mechanics of the game that have been in place for 20 years.

I’m sorry man but most people playing have all been playing for 20 years not a lot of new blood and my perspective has they are treated the same for a lot of things like in arena. But even then they have always written the blue posts as no food or drink in arena

So you need a blue post on what eating food is in wow. A game you are saying most people have played for 20 years and most people have understood how that mechanic has worked for 20 years…

Um ya I guess… haha. So a blue post means it is a post by the people who make the game. When they have defined the terms in things like arena they typically do so by separating the terms food and water. Do you know why that is? Because they are different things

Different foods serve different purposes. Drinks are the same way with a bunch of entirely different uses. They might all function similarly, but food and drink are still different things.

This is the GF you can’t rational reasonable conversations with these people…

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No one asked for these guys anyway. I mean I guess horde dwarfs are cool? They weren’t asking for them either.

Well I notice I brought up facts haha and you have nothing. You speak of the mechanics of them being the same. Other than you sit down to have them what “mechanics” are the same?

Unfortunately I suspect that will be the majority consensus. As much as I like Earthen personally, I recognize they were controversial at best. With a racial that directly nerfs you as their equivalent throughput passive, even disregarding the ability to restore mana in an m+ setting, I imagine they will unfortunately go the way of the Mechagnome. I was hoping Blizz would get out ahead of the issue before they went live, but alas.

There were plenty of feedback and rework suggestions that was unfortunately ignored. The simplest being changing Ingest Minerals to simply being a Choose Your Own 1% buff instead of a food replacement.

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You consume both of them. That’s where the similarities begin and end. lol