Earthen Ingest Minerals Racial

Hey guys, earthen can use feasts for raid buffs and pvp buffs and other misc buffs.

Earthen can eat mage conjured food.

Earthen cannot eat single player food.
Earthen can eat gems
Gem buff is weaker than feast buff so in raiding content and pvp content using the feasts is more beneficial than using a gem.
Gem buffs are good for soloing/ casual non feast content.

Only Khaz Algar Gems work.
Currently no know low lvl gems for just mana regen. Make mage friends I guess.


Queue for a follower dungeon. Mage NPC makes them at the start.


Admittedly I haven’t tried yet, but health pots are a no go as well, yes?

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Which I understand, but at the same time, an exception needs to be made for drinks.

Earthen healers literally cannot regen mana unless they get mage food.

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Potions aren’t food.

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I understand that. There have been many posts on them not being able to drink either and it being a problem for healers with Season 1 approaching.

I’m trying to clarify.

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Easy fix would be to add 2 items to game that restore % mp/hp and make them lvl 1 and add to all inn keepers

I think there was meant to be because there is a npc in donogal who sells “tasty ore” or so he says but he has no shop options


So if my Earthen goes to another zone he’ll starve to death?

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I mean at this point it must be an oversight, right?

It can’t literally be that Blizzard expects all Earthen to spend 1000g for restoring mana, when every other race pays 1g.

Can it?

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Yeah. Also the amount of threads made by people who didn’t even bother to try to use raid foods is hilarious to me.

FYI there is an earthen in Dornagol that sells “flavored gems” they are grey items though and do nothing even on earthen. I think this is an oversight lol


pretty much where are the Earthen traders and ore food stalls at all capitals and neutral towns maybe even update all the tavern owners with ore food. Also is it easy to accidentally eat a gem you want to socket im still low level starving.

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They are making some changes.

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So they gave them food now but now feasts no longer work so now they are worse off than they were because they cant use the 10% stam feast in pvp or the main stat feast in pve lmao.

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Would had been better if Earthen could get both gem food buff and normal food buff imo.

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Yeah why offer a negative? Panda get double stats from food but their duration isnt halved because of it. Seems stupid.
Ingest minerals: Your earthen status allows you to ALSO gain more substantial nutriants from gems. Giving a permanent well fed buff until overwritten.
Boom done. No negative needed. Its the ONLY racial with a drawback. It seems so pointless. Cant use the fun foods that add things like pepper food from Legion or the speed food. Only lame secondary foods.
Could even go farther.
“Due to having no digesiton all foods wellfed buffs last until overwritten” Why not??? What is the point of this racial.


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Those racial are a failure to be honest.

Equistidly eviscerate muscle: NEW FOOD IN TWW
Speed+ stat
Is there an earthen speed gem??? NO. Locking earthen out fo this for running old content. And thats just the tip of the iceberg.

I wonder what idiot was green flagged for a drawback racial when no other race has it.


The meeting when they picked Earthen racials:

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