I’m hoping that its just a wowhead glitch or something that is on blizzards radar to resolve before adding earthen back as playable on alpha.
But eathen faces on the wowhead dressing room have changed and are now awful
left is new, right is old
the eyes now squint and the eyebrows have changed shape
These are resting faces
Earthen are something i’ve been excited for, even thinking of maining, but if they go live with the faces wowhead dressing room is currently showing, i wont touch them with a 10 foot pole.
So in case this is an intended change… please dont blizzard. They were perfect before.
And if its not a planned change…phew!
edit: i cant provide a before pic, but this face looked normal before the change
Edit again: it appears that body type 1 is now putting the skin on top of the dwarf faces.
Body type 2 is uneffected.
So hopefully just an error
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The picture does not speak for itself.
im not sure what you mean
Looks like they tried to add more detailing to make the faces seem more carved.
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They mean…Whats the difference between the two pictures? lol
the eyes and the eyebrows
I don’t see any significant changes. Maybe its because the one on the left is more zoomed in than the right image.
I can’t see much difference except maybe some of the blockiness seems to have been smoothed out, particularly on the forehead.
The end of the nose also looks more rounded.
Highlighting the specific issues you have may be helpful here. I do not see any differences between your two examples that couldn’t be explained by slightly different angles or different points in an animation cycle. As such, your specific criticism is not self-evident.
Looks the same but with a different expression. Left has a slight D:< face and right is more like |:l
I dont really see what you are nit-picking about.
What is so different between the 2?
All i see are a few changes to the creases on their faces, a rounder nose, and clothes.
They look pretty much the same to me.
he got a good skin care routine on the left one lol
Lets all pause for a moment and appreciate how comfortable our lives are when these are the things that we wring our hands over.
its the eyes and the eyebrows.
Theyve changed shape and look awful.
I see it now, the eyes are more slanted and the eyebrows sloped upwards.
The changes are so minor they’re barely noticeable even with them being pointed out.
Side note: It’s kinda weird that creatures made of out stone have hair. Has the curse of Flesh begun on the Earthen of Khaz Algar?
huh? there are no significant differences whatsoever
LOL exactly
Looks like they got a nose expansion.
In general, though, the one of the right does look better.
it might be from the quality of the old screenshot.
but it is something i noticed the second i opened up the dressingroom.
When I made my earthen on there the first time i thought he looked amazing.
Played around with it frequently.
Then it changed and I was like “why are they now ugly?”
The hair is metal wires
Definitely making an Earthen Shaman, and I have a feeling many Earthen players will be using that exact hair and beard, lol. Looks so good.
Left side is after seeing Dr. Zizmor.