the only difference is eyebrows are raised and nose slightly bigger. if this is a deal breaker for you, idk what to say lol
Yeah I can definitely see how they would stand out to someone who is invested in them as a potential main. They will forever be an alt I level up for the achievement for me.
That’s actually really cool and I appreciate the design.
yes the face being made ugly is a deal breaker.
so im hopeful that its an error as the faces are now the same as normal dwarves when they werent before.
the location of the eyebrows has been “ever so slightly” modified… you are putting too much thought into this
I’m literally shaki…
not really.
They now use the normal dwarf face model which i have always found extremely ugly.
So i was pretty excited when i saw earthen did not and looked good in my eyes.
anyway, im just giving my feedback to blizzard.
If you dont care, thats fine.
mog a helmet onto your character… i solved that problem.
im just gonna block you now, you’re here in bad faith and i dont have time for it
Funny you reminded me there are earthen(?) creatures with plants growing on them. Now curious if that would look good on the Earthen.
the reality is that this is a complete non-issue and doesn’t warrant blizzard spending time and resources to revert.
it seems like it may be a wowhead ‘thing’, where the left image is the character model during some idle stance or emote?
i notice when I log in, my toon will have a smile, and then a second later it goes back to ‘neutral.’ Maybe that’s what this difference is?
Idk, the nose is huge in the new one, and it looks really weird.
I think I’d really like that if their bears and hair were moss or something lol
i believe the earthen skin is being applied to the normal dwarf face models whereas before they used a different one
So im hoping its just an error or an alpha thing as they are reskinned dwarves and the race is no longer playable on alpha. So it might be a technical issue.
But i figured i would get my feedback in in case its not
does body type 2 look the same to you? It does to me, but hard to tell
Body type 1 definitely looks like the dwarf model with earthen skin
They are both just as ugly. I don’t see a difference.
Pam! Get in here!
you’ve restored my hope.
Body type 2 has not been changed on there as far as I can tell
Edit: sigh, its like it on alpha now that the models are back up. Sad times indeed