Earthen Dwarves Massively Underwhelming

Honestly, I thought Kul Tirans only existed because they wanted to use their model for Ogres later on. There are even some images that quite effectively show how well their oversized build suits Ogres… ironically better than humans, and I’m not talking about their weight, but the fact that they are so much larger compared to humans.

I have no idea why Ogres still aren’t available and the Horde is instead getting Night Elves/borne, female humans, and now Dwarves. By now, the Horde feels more like the Alliance than the Horde. There are already five Alliance places that are neutral, we can ride Gryphons, use a bunch of Alliance mounts in general, cosplay in a Night Elf Warden set no matter the race, and the story is the same too. :sweat_smile:

Being the only dwarf race (and the only one available to Horde) without a stone form racial was beyond disappointing. I was looking forward to Earthen and them fixing my class, complete let down on both accounts.

one day we will get murlocs

but not today…

Murlocs are rather ugly, and I’m not really sure how it would work with transmogs… probably like with Dracthyr and diaper gnomes; they can wear almost nothing, but they would definitely be more creative than Dwarves 3.0.

I mean, if they want to stick to low-budget races, it would be nice if they at least picked popular ones, but Dwarves for the third time? Oof^^

I think they are hoping they would be as well recieved as the dark iron dwarfs.

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