Ok, thanks for posting.
Should have made the hair stones and crystals.
Im all for more Dwarfs… however / wherever we get em.
Hmm are they a Neutral Race?
Each to their own, I’ll take stuff like this over the niche vampire-robo-squid-tetrahedron sorts of races GD likes to ask for any day.
Yes. With these neutral dwarves, Horde players will technically receive an Alliance race while Alliance players get a third reskin of said race.
Again. Right after the mechagnome vs vulpera fiasco.
But hey they’re listening am I right?
Hoping other races also still get some more love and its just not all in on the earthen dwarves, Void elves are severely lacking atm
Im happy for the Horde but it seems weird that they wouldnt join up with Ironforge
so wait a minute… are they only for alliance, or the horde too?
considering its only 1 race was shown i was assuming it was another neutral race.
For Horde too
dwarves are great, this is actually a win for us horde. come on over
oh. well that’s lame.
booooo ooooooooooooooooooo
no its not lol. u have 3 dwarves we have 1 lol. we already gave u guys blood elves let us have something cool lol.
Stop with the lame allied races.
Just add more customizations to the existing ones. We can RP the rest. There is zero reason this can’t just be an earnable cosmetic for the existing dwarf races.
The whole faction concept is a bit of a wash at this point anyways, so even that is not really an excuse.
I mean, we gave you better looking nelves, don’t make it look like it was unbalanced.
you have something cool: vulpera. we did’nt get a whole new unique race in bfa, you guys did.
Can’t say I’m interested for more dwarves.
yea but we dont have dwarves so lol also the foxes are cute…not cool lol.