Earthen Allied Race SUPPORT THREAD

stares at the Earthen production facility we turned back on in Northrend No clue…

Currently, it’s about the only thing I’m excited about…maybe I’ll be more interested as we get closer to release, but, right now, earthen are pretty well the only thing that’s peaked my interest. I’m especially glad they are coming to horde.

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Speaking for myself, no.

But, I’m happy for the people who will enjoy them. They look like some elbow grease is going into their customizations, and I’ll be curious to see if their animations are any different from our other dwarves or not.

While I’m not much a Dwarf fan, I’m happy for the players that are. I will certainly make one for the fun of it! I think the biggest thing I’m happy about is seeing that they’re not giving up on Allied Races. Here’s to hoping for more in the future, along with more unlockable cosmetics for current races.

Hopefully we’ll see some truly hard to unlock meta-achievement requirement ARs. I’d like to see some super rare ones. I don’t care if they’re Ogres, Murlocs or even Void Ethereals. Just something unique and a challenge to get.

Is this true? I know its the lore but idk if in game itll be that way. Would be cool to play a large dwarf on horde but im pretty sure theyll just be the same size.

Is there any confirmation on this?

Oh yes very excited. I will probably race change most of my chars into one. I was sad when they did not make Dark Iron Dorfs on the Hord, but now I have new awesome looking chizzly boys I can be =)