Earthen Allied Race... Cool?

I know that most here have a certain apathy towards the Earthen (Or dwarves per si?) as an allied Race.

Sure, although I like the Earthen, I would still prefer that other races, like the Ogres, Vrykuls, and the Tuskarr, were the Allied Race for “The War Within”.
But who knows, maybe the Earthen were just one race revealed within several chapters in the World Soul Saga.

But, as a sympathizer of the dwarves and their lore, I kind of like the idea. The Earthen have been around in WoW since the very beginning, back in Vanilla.

As a Lore Weirdo, I’m even considering transferring this Shaman’s race to the Earthen, with a Mental Role-Play that my Dwarf managed, through shamanism and Geomancy (Earth elemental magic), to beat the “Curse of Flesh” and remain eternally in his Stone-Form.

I’m very curious and eager to know their Racials traits.

What do you think of the Earthen? Am I alone in liking the idea of them as an Allied Race?


I don’t hate them like others do

But it is a very boring choice

If they added other races in the xpac, it wouldn’t be bad though


They are forced on you whether you like them or not, unlocking is a natural part of story progression. I dont like dwarves in general, I did have them in the past but they never really grew on me. I dont think I will make any characters with them.


Personally, I’m looking forward to them and I’m really interested to see what their Racials are going to be.


They’re just so uninteresting seeming. lol


I noticed an unexplored Earthen presence before so i’m glad they’re playable. :world_map::robot:

…i’m also keeping my eyes on Undermine since we’re underground. Curious about who or what we could recruit. :telescope::robot:


Priorities man, we got Werewolves (Worgen) in Cata, the Vampires should not have been far behind yet here we are… There are countless other races first and foremost of which is Ogres then Tuskarr that deserved that spot, I get it , I get it, lets add something relevant to the current expansion, but the flood gates were opened when they added Vulpera and Void Elves. There is no longer any reason to be pulling punches on which races are added.

I actually really like the Earthen, I’ll make one and never log in on it. Just feels dirty putting them in when even Murlocs (Which I do not really want to be playable) would have been a better more agreeable choice. I’m sure giving Horde access to the Dwarf model was something they considered but seriously there’s gotta be maybe 5 subscribers that would actually think that’s a worthy option.


Cool idea. I like that.

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I mean, another race of Dwarves is fine. They’re an allied race, not a full blown race so I don’t know why anyone would expect something as ambitious as Ogres.

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This is my vibe as well, I am hoping the main racial is as good as stoneform and fireblood.


I wouldn’t have asked for Earthen, but even the most lackluster new races get me a little excited. I’m mostly looking forward to them because they’re the first race that I’m actually interested in making a Paladin of. And they’re coming just in time, since I’m trying to make at least one of every class now.

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would they be made of stone and would they be found at the bottom of that HUGE tunnel near the king in ironforge???

I’ve never disliked them as a concept. Mostly i find them a strange choice. Dwarves just dont tend to be a headline race. They’re usually the side characters of fantasy stories. Even in the hobbit movies they made the main dwarves look more human!

In their own right these earthen do look cool though. The beards we’ve seen so far are my favourites of any of the dwarves. So I’m more than happy to make one. I’m thinking shaman.

Earthen themselves are fine (I still remember some people from an old guild I used to run with calling them “Mud Dwarves” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) though I agree with Malgorok, there are far better race alternatives Blizzard could have gone with.

Still, I’m relieved that Blizzard didn’t add another Elf race. :grimacing:


They better sink if they get in the water, wouldn’t make any sense for them to be swimmers…


Metzen and some OG players of WoW wanting more Dwarves and Dwarf-kin may be thinking of 80’s rock and metal that is associated with the original idea of Mountain King-esque dwarves. While in game dwarfs sort of suffer from very tame and vanilla storytelling, where D&D Dwarves have the benefit of having a lot of source material to make them cool and hardcore.

I find Dark Irons to be what I wanted the regular Bronzebeards to be like initially, belligerent, militaristic, warmongering, and mighty. Something I think Dwarves lack, perhaps its because in game we see them mostly associated as rifleman and bombardiers, instead of straight up warriors. Even the guards in the Explorer’s league lack the warrior aesthetic and look more like adventurers with Paladin abilities.

Maybe Earthkin can be the ones that make Dwarf feel cool again, as us dwarves and gnomes are one of the lowest played races in game and our lore is completely sidelined. Anyways, another cool thing to consider is that if Horde are getting Dwarf like Earthen, what Horde like neutral allied race will the Alliance be getting in the future?

Hey, it’s me, Brew, here to complain about the Nightborne going horde because Tyrande said something rude once, that was totally valid from her perspective!

Alternatively, [steals a vulpera]

Oh, Fuzzy, where are you? Pay no attention to the large net I’m holding! Watch only the fox treats I have in my other hand!

I look forward to doing this with the Earthen.

I forgot about that scene. Orlando Bloom is a riot for all the wrong reasons in this series.

He really is. My personal favorite part of that scene is where he says “I feel something…”

Eomer looks a mix of both shocked and intrigued like “Oh wow. Am I going to see an Elf… drunk?” and then Legolas looks away with an expression of absolute horror. “…I think it’s affecting me!”