Earn 5,000 gold from auctions in the auction house

Same here. Glad it wasn’t just me with the issue.

Same here. Sold 7k-ish from auctions (created after the trading post went live) and still showing 0 in the log.

Same here, in EU though

Same for me as well. But what is odd is I had recraft with a 5k tip that was declined as I didn’t want it anymore and when I opened the box with the refund it counted for the auction house tag.

I went from 0g to 9g after opening 18k worth of auction payments.

Same here. I’ve earned more than enough to get past the 5000 mark but all it shows is that I earned 66 gold

Now up over 7k from AH, all with auctions either put up last night (a few on my alt before logging out) and the rest on my druid and bank alt this morning. Still showing 0/5000g

Has anybody seen it working properly? Have they acknowledged there is a problem?

Just saw this after I made my own bug report. I have made over 13k since last nite w/o the credit or achieve. Checked all my toons too.

So players are reporting this in Bug Report and General Forums…I wonder if blizz is even reading our issues. : (

Came here to see if anyone else had this issue. I made about 25,000 and got no credit. But at least I’m not alone.

Yep, same issue here. Annoying.

Same here, 10000+ Gold still at 0

Yes happened to me as well. In addition other things that have reset on me:

Fish 50 things

Honor in BGs

BG wins

Not great.

No credit from AH on 4 character I think it needs to be reset

I did get 50 fish things though

OK your Auctions are listed under auctions on the left that include buy outs and not
So saying these are not auctions the they should list them as such

There are so many easier ways to earn the gold coins than this so I just dropped the 5K
thing and boom had tons of gold coin credits and still made easy buyout gold that has nothing to do with this quest. Its not a bug like the rest of the problems it just acts like one!

I just tested it. It has to be single items only, like armor, weapons, trinkets etc. Nothing that stacks, like crafting mats. If you try listing stackables, it automatically turns it into a buy it now that don’t count as an actual “auction” it has to have a countdown duration, once it ends and you collect the funds, then it counts.


What odd choices they made.

200k gold and counting still no credit on this please fix.

Same. I made 6838 gold from one auction and it shows 0/5000 in the adventure guide :confused:

Also having issues. Game seems to be extremely selective in when it will and won’t track gold earned from the AH.
I know I’ve made close to 5K if I’m not already over it, yet progress is only up to 1300/5000.
Mix of items: currently leveling a lowbie alt at 42 (mainly Classic ores/gear), my main has been selling DF ores/food, one of my alts is selling DF herbs.

There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it. Hell, my first trip to a mailbox was about 3K in items sold. Only got credit for 47 gold.