Earn 5,000 gold from auctions in the auction house

The traveler’s log is not updating. I’ve made over 5,000 from the auction house in the last hour and it still shows 0.


Same made over 7,000 in a single auction and did not complete goal.


Bumping this. Collected 80k for auctions today and no credit

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Same for me. I’ve logged off several times and it’s still not working. About to see if the update they just pushed will fix the problem!

***Update didn’t fix the problem.

Same for me. Made well over 5k from new auctions since the restart. 0/5000 for this segment of the traveler’s log

Same. I made over 40k in the AH this afternoon, opened mail just now to get the gold, and still nothing was counted toward the task.

Same here, I made over 9,000 gold and no completion for this either.

Adding my voice to this - 8400g of sales and no credit.

Same, same. Earned over 12k today in one auction and no completion of the achievement.

Gold earned from auctions is also not updating in my statistics.

Same - earned 10k, no credit

Same, I sold a lot and still shows 0

Same. Just made 11k from various auctions and still 0/5000 prog.

I’m in the same boat but mine shows 747g towards achievement and hasn’t gone up since.

I have sold over 5K worth of items on the AH 3 separate times and there has been zero progress made on the activity for me.

Same issue - sold a bunch of stuff on the AH for around 6k gold and it shows 0 on progress.

Yep, same. Sold ~6k worth of stuff and it didn’t register at all towards the progress on that.

Same, made 8k, no progress.

Adding mine to the list of tracking not working. Not as much as everyone else, around 3500k*, but still showing as 0/5000

*now over 3k and some change on my banker alt, almost 500 on my druid, and some change on another alt

Sold about 10k across characters yesterday - with about 7k of that on my main, yet my progress has been stuck at 1094g 33c 45c and won’t move, despite having more auctions selling.