I’ll post a shortened version of our main recruitment post below. I see you are looking to mainly play on a PvP server, however, if you ever wanted to go on a normal server, we may be the guild for you. We have a few last minute, limited, spots left for locks.
Guild Name: Hourglass Link to recruitment post: [H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony General Information: Hourglass is a Horde (PvE) raiding focused guild founded by a few friends who have been playing and raiding together for quite some time; as well as to having multiple class and vanilla raiding experience. We are looking for other like-minded individuals looking to progress at a steady pace going forward for Classic raiding. However, we consider ourselves to be a hardcore raiding guild environment and raid team members will be treated as such. Raid Times and Days: Saturday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST) and Sunday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST) Server: Atiesh (pst normal server) Loot Distribution: Loot Council Voice Communication: Discord
Contact Information: please feel free to contact anyone listed below to discuss joining the guild. An interview will more than likely occur. We do not do applications Bnet: MakkachinSox#1572 or Discord: MakkachinSox#1438 : Guild Master, Ranged DPS leader, Raid Assist/Recruiter Bnet: Synergy#1765 or Discord: Synergy#2154 : Guild Master, Lead Main Tank, Lead Raid Lead/Lead Raid Recruiter
Hey there! < Occupation > will be a weekend raiding guild with a great many PvP events to immerse yourself in! We are Alliance and will be rolling on the Thalnos (PvP) realm. Below is the recruitment thread; check us out!