Early Covenant/Spec Statistics

I remember during beta about everyone laughing about how no DK would take abom limb because it’s damage was like 200% lower than the best.

Then Blizzard quite literally gutted the other 3 LOL.

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This is a lot like Warlock design from MoP -> WoD. They couldn’t design the other classes nearly as well as Xelnath, so they gutted the Warlock class and then changed the specs - radically in Demo’s case.

Ironically when I Google’d to find the designer’s name, the first reply in a Reddit thread was that Blizzard would nerf the Warlock specs by 15% after firing him… coughs in Demo.

So most specs pick their best covenant and their worst one have the least amount of people, is just a coincidence? I guess people are free to bury their head in the sand, instead of accepting they were wrong.


Blizzdrones will make any and all excuses to try and act like Blizzard didn’t make a mistake.

Do you really think mass generalizing 300+ k players picked for ability is fine as well ?

There is no way you are going to convince anyone with an objective point of view about anything you are implying.

This is actually astonishing trying to paint this as a CONVENIENT excuse that everyone just happened to pick asesthetic and they were all nightfae.

Seriously Night Fae was and still is the butt of most jokes about how over the top it is with the furry references.

Some people in here shouldn’t be operating heavy machinery.

You know Holy priests are 44% Necrolords, right? That’s a really huge margin.

Overall though, they are close-ish together. Night Fae is the most popular, it’s pretty, the teleport and collecting animal forms is a nice hook, most pleasant afterlife by what we would consider a good reward. It checks a lot of boxes.

Without powers, probably even less people would pick Necrolords… I mean I would definitely just have one character out of all of mine just to see the zone, but never another. It is 10% down from expected, but Kyrian and Venthyr are pretty close to 25%. People just like Night Fae because it’s charming and pretty. Not bad powerwise helps, but without powers you would just take more members away from Necrolords. I’m sure 44% of Holy priests didn’t pick it because they love corpses.

Depends on why they picked it .

You should never ever ever believe an assumption especially if it supports your point of view since you will never challenge it to think if it is correct and blindly believe it is .

Yikes we got some chemtrails people up in here too. Lovely.

For this specific data since that website uses warcraftlogs api you are probably right. We all know people that care about their numbers over all else are going to choose what parses best, not really a lot new here. (especially those that are using it pre raid/m+)

Not everyone that plays this game to min max every little detail though, despite what op listed more mages play night fae…they are fine if you are ok with eating dirt and fairies.
Personally i chose venthyr in beta months before any guides came out. cause I play what feels good not what parses the best. Turned out to be my favorite aesthetically out of the 4 choices as well.

I was more worried about whether i would hate vampire party weekly quest then numbers.

Actually, Id much prefer Venthyr as Ret, while I enjoy the Kyrian as Prot. But with recent nerfs to conduits, it forces Venthyr as the top damage option, so if I want to run meta as prot I now have to run venthyr.

Waiting for this to decide if I will swap Covenants.

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You are doing exactly the same thing painting a picture everyone picked for ability instead of anything . You sound like a hypocrite now . :rofl:

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I am loving the game but I am not playing a lot last week because I still need to choose a covenant. There’s the RP reason, and the points reason, and the I want these ITEMS reason. I can’t DECIDE.


I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous to defend actual proof, all through beta Night Fae and Kyrian pulled ahead by huge margins in dps for Warlocks, we brought this up several times…

And now people are going to say ohh they just went their cause of aesthetics… I call bull, people tend to gravitate towards what’s going to help them the most to clear content… it’s human nature.

Honestly I’d say 5% of people actually pick for aesthetics.

The Covenant system is hugely flawed, instead of every covenant having a similar ability that just changes aesthetically for which covenant you have, so really it’s purely aesthetics and choices for highest dps doesn’t matter, they’ve made huge differences in dps… it’s ridiculous.

Even in my guild I was spoken down too and tried to be persuaded to go Night Fae or Kyrian as a warlock as the dps is much higher, but I still went Venthyr as I liked them aesthetically… and proof is in the pudding…

I lucked out on my shaman, as Venthyr is best covenant, but my Warlock suffered from a useless covenant ability.


Can you really fathom a reason besides power? Every single specs has their best or second best(in cases where 2 covenants are actually balance /GASP) overwhelmingly represented over the other 2-3 covenants.

When almost all of them line up with the information that the community at least perceives as best, then there is really little room to think otherwise.


You can’t prove they didn’t take it for aesthetics bro

Everyone loves Night Fae apparently.

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I wasn’t trying to be meta, the dice just put me here!


89% Of Holy Paladins went Kyrian.

Damn they love Kyrian asethetics bro.


4 minute cooldown with aoe so big it will grab all the packs around?

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But what would a change accomplish? I mean, I don’t care if they take the powers away from the aesthetic/ bonus effect part.

It’s still going to make Necrolords trail behind because aesthetically it’s a tough choice. Blizzard would probably just make the main power be more readily switchable, I don’t see them letting you have the night fae form in Kyrian, or open up a venthyr dungeon skip as Necrolord.

All you will accomplish is a bunch of priests won’t be Necrolord, and there would probably be a bit of evening out between Night Fae/Kyrian and Venthyr, but Necrolord would be the hardest to sell on aesthetics alone.

My least favorite button to press was Night Fae… I really hate those rotating buffs! Spirit form was fun, though.

Honestly, I was going to go Kyrian even if it actively drained my heath, it’s predictable, but my paladin has had the angelic look in his RP clothes since BC.